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Reborn Development Blog
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Everything posted by Elite
Oh my god I want the one for 3ds I'm all for the chibis.....*nosebleed* Oh no don't bring Adachi back no don't.....Too late....I don't want to deal with him again hahaha but playing as him would be fun.Can't wait for Junpei and Yukari for the P4AU that would be so awesome and we're so close to who might be the true culprit from P4A.Can't wait for the 2 new characters for the 3ds persona Q I seriously want that game...damn man just take my money so I don't have to bother buying it haha
I hope you notice you are interfering our battle Cobra kun.I may now have to summon my Blastoise in Mega Form and you will see how bad it will reflect your talonflame so now I must use a water that is very strong like Surf due to it being a Fire well it almost as it seems it is a Super Effective. (I see thanks for keeping the game continuing PWB and is there anything else I missed besides this?)
Ah PWB-senpai I am back to take my rightful place.I see that my long-necked dinosaur is gone and back to fossil but I have to say that my Lucario is here but in Mega Form lets see if you can surpass him with a destructive Close Combat due to Cradily going back to fossil it was a Super Effective. (Thanks for the welcome back PWB anything I missed while I was out?)
I'm back Sir PWB now I want to settle our battle once more.But your Hawlucha will be gone from where it was time for Auraus to help me out this time for a battle lets have him use a very cold thick ice like Ice Beam.Now now I see that it is Super Effective. (I miss you guys and miss doing this.haha)
Mawile used Crunch! It's super Effective!
Banned because this isn't going anywhere.
You dare interrupt our battle EggtasticTaco and break our combo well I will teach this a sableye a lesson I'll have Haunter take him away and then use a move that will make sure it will not interfere with us again.Shadow Ball shall do the trick even though its not Super Effective I minus will see it run off damaged now I must continue and take this battle back with pwb and now come forth my rival.
Banned because Pokemon don't need 3D glasses cause they're not watching anything.
Welcome to Reborn.... Hmm....a question huh....hmm...Do you like to play a children's card game?(hahahah a joke of course)
(I'm back pwb hahaha kinda took a 2 month hiatus so ya I kinda wanted to wait until X/Y but I don't have it so ya anyways shall we continue our battle?) You know what screw the battle behind me cause none of it is real its a an illusion.So,now I see that my Kingdra ran away lets use someone like Pikachu to handle this matter now come forth and show this Gyrados a lesson and use Thunderbolt I could see that he is swimming away due to it knowing it is a really bad storm and knows its Super Effective.
bad news: that there are dead manetees laying around and needs to be cleaned up.
Pers- Aw crap I forgot I'm already in another battle hold on Shadows. Hmhmhmhm I wonder who to call next ah yes Kindra please help me and defeat this baby horsea and let me find your moves....ah there we go Kingdra proceed with caution and use a power that has been hidden for a long time like Thunderbolt now now Pwb I know that Horsea will completely runaway cause it know its super effective. Now time for me to continue my battle behind me
How dare you there is no way I'm giving up this battle nor have it interrupted I summon thee Venasaur guard me from this pink fish looking thing and make it suffer by using something great and powerful and use that wood over there and make it look like a Wood Hammer now attack Gorebyss while I continue to summon my Persona on these bosses behind me oh and one more thing before I do so Gorebyss and Sir Pwb we all know It's super effective.
Hahahaha you may have finished off my Gardevoir my good friend but Kabuto is nothing but a mere fossil as I now can have the advantage to destroy it with Hitmonchan now lets get this show on the road now Hitmonchan lets see what four moves you got oooh now theres the one I want alright use a really good punch to the fossil like Dynamic Punch hahaha now your kabuto is confused and ran away knowing its a Super Effective. (Oh that's cool I might watch one of the two when I have the time on my hands)
Sir Pwb, thank you for condemning me but sadly I will win this match and will keep countering you with whatever I got! Come forth Gardevoir use your Calm Mind then counter with Psychic take that pufferfish down and make sure it never comes back up again...hehehehe. I hope your Quilfish is enjoying the pain. Let's say I knew it was Super Effective. (lol but Haruhi does look cute eating that Popsicle but not human hahaha btw where was Spirit and Necromancer from anyways?)
How many more Persona Cards do I need to summon...( hahahaha this is way to fun urgh...damn combo breaker) I see that lovely Remoraid of yours and I thought my Jolteon took care of all the fish in the water no matter lets have Sceptile clean up the mess now please help me and use your grassy blade arms and make it look like a Leaf Blade on that Remoraid and leave no marks behind.Now I truly and must say Sir pwb that it was Super Effective.
(lmfao that is freaking hilarious) You're messing with the wrong person my friend but my Arcana Card has dropped... So you think you can just take down my Manetric ohohoho I got a trick up my sleeve pal its something you should have never done well my dear Frosslass would you be kind and take down that weird looking derp fish and use a really really solid blue ice magic like Ice Beam and strike that fish down....Now I know its Super Effective! Its now time for me to summon something....erm Persona!
Oh heck no my Torterra I got to get my winter coat, this time is serious ohohoho you think you could just waltz in here with the mama Lumineon and protect that baby finneon well I see how it is lets bring in Jolteon now I laugh at thee and its time for Mama Lumineon to be taken down now my good friend use a really good electricity and now time for fishy's to get electrified by Thunder it was a good thing I had time to say it was a really Super Effective!
Bad news: It might be too much and there will be no sea mammals in the Atlantic Ocean.
As the tree near baby finneon's water moved it came out with a loud roar and used something really powerful that no other pokemon would know now my tree beast attack baby finneon with Leaf Tornado I must say Torterra it was a Super Effective now lets leave this place and you go back hiding as a tree.
Lets get really really serious here Dispatched, in mankind's darkest hour.We, are the knights of the blue flame! Come forth Empoleon and use your holy power and destroy Garchomp and with that use Ice Beam on that dragon! I will say it is Super Effective!