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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by danthafatman

  1. I believe it is a random egg move the charmander i received has dragon dance, and i have yet to finish the sidequest i just gave Archer the application and he took off most likely a bug though
  2. I have gotten Life Orb from Absol in episode 15, In my new save for Episode 16 I have yet to get it maybe because I'm not using a compound eyes lead this time edit: confirmed it yea just found one myself in my episode 16 file after like 40 resets
  3. I'd like to start a Fossil team run if you could allow it. Lord Helix Amaura Lileep [sandstorm on this one] Shieldon Archen Tyrunt [All Female please and make the mystery egg Axew for breeding purposes] I'd like these items in the inventory as well for when i get to Spinel town for adjusting the team as needed old amber claw fossil skull fossil cover fossil Dome fossil Helix fossil (for good luck may he bless my journey) 30x Common candies Please and Thank you Game.rxdata
  4. With gym leaders I usually find running screens with a light clay makes life so much better Muk was able to hit Mega alteria where it hurt with gunk shot
  5. I think i threw screens up with prankster (light clay) Meowstic and used a another poke to screech once or twice to whittle defenses to hit Dittoceus.
  6. Congrats on beating those odd. I love the Shinies in Reborn due to them either being references or pollution or refering to reborn lore or just easy on the eyes in general, the recolors are just wonderful
  7. So Hello fellow players Just thought i should say Hi. Been playing the game since EP 13. But was never one to be on Forums because most questions i'd have would be listed and answered if any are needed. But I guess my excitement at least wanted me to say that I am so Psyched for the new update to come and whatever way Ame decides to challenge us next with the next gym leader and field effect. I love how the game itself has made use pokemon that i wouldn't normally use period (Looking at you Trubbish) and made me open minded about pokemon to use in battles. Nice to meet y'all as well
  8. Posion type would be my go to for a mono gotta have me them toxic spikes
  9. I found bulldoze to one of my go to moves for bulky pokes that need a speed advantage especially on the PULSE ones
  10. am i doing this right?

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