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About Reeveelution

  • Birthday 08/22/1996

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  • Alias
    Reevee, Reeves
  • Gender
  • Location
    Anywhere (including your refrigeratorr~)
  • Interests
    Pokemon, MMORPGs, Minecraft, and chocolate. Lots of them. :3

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  1. On the bright side, I just notified Dan and messaged the host in-charge for some fixing. Hopefully things will go well. P.S. The server just restarted EDIT: The server is super-smooth with the restart now, it was literately unplayable for me before and after the restart everything works like a charm
  2. Happy Birthday Zumi-chaaaaaan <3 Doing this here despite not being active in forums cause wynaut :,3
  3. Raa! Notes in advance, I will not be using any shinies in this team. And now, without further ado~ EDIT: Yes! registry is still available, Avictus.
  4. So.. where does the corn sit during detention? ...In the CORNer.
  5. Haaaa- *wistfully preparing a happy birthday song sung purely in Hyper Voice style*
  6. [17:01:45] finkeltinklewinkle: hi reevee [17:01:56] finkeltinklewinkle: i have butter crunch chipsmore [17:01:58] • +ZephyrEnyalios pets Reevee [17:02:04] Reeveelution: ew chipsmore [17:02:10] Reeveelution: 3sweet5me [17:02:10] finkeltinklewinkle: its good [17:02:19] Reeveelution: ...great with milo admittedly [17:02:25] • Reeveelution nudes zeph [17:02:28] +Lost Lore - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: ... [17:02:29] Reeveelution: . [17:02:31] +ZephyrEnyalios: ... [17:02:36] finkeltinklewinkle: ooo [17:02:38] +Lost Lore - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: Welp. [17:02:40] Reeveelution: ...yeap. ...sorry Zeph :< P.S. It was supposed to be /me nudges* Zeph >>
  7. Due to a much-heated request to upload this onto the forumz... Enjoy. P.S. would love to see someone paint it digitally...
  8. And on this very timely manner (5 days late derr), all bugs stated earlier in this topic has been successfully fixed in the latest update.
  9. Roll backs and 4# are completely different, as 4# can either occur before a battle while the player is online, or after they've logged on to see the extra duplicates. However, roll backs may only temporarily remove items in your inventory, or worse off 'forget' about the item's existence in the player's inventory instead. Unfortunately roll backs cant be prevented, and its bound to be frequent since this server was only set up a couple of weeks ago. (still possibly unstable, desu) >>
  10. Should I actually forumz moar cause I'm chan OP and all? i dont like using the forums very much, desu... :< **Ahem** ...Anyways,... There's a buncha known bugs after the latest update, all of which I am aware of at this moment will be posted here to provide players the basic "dos-and-don'ts" on the server until the bug are fixed. The list of recognized bugs are stated here: 1) Switching Pokemon in the middle of a battle will crash the game and force you out of the server. You can reconnect immediately after the crash, but the Pokemon you've been fighting may have despawned during this process. 2) Catching Pokemon while in a battle always fails, and if you've made a move previously in the said battle, your Pokemon will repeat that move again for this turn. Attempting to catch it on the first turn before any move was performed will force the battle to end (acts like a 100% escape from battle atm) 3) Attempts to catch Pokemon without engaging in battle is also bugged, whereby if the Pokemon fails to get caught on the first ball you've thrown, it will despawn immediately. This instance is what RubyHeart #36 is stating. 4) Some held items are known to form working duplicates. These items found and confirm able to duplicate atm are Lucky Egg and Exp. Share. Tips and Notes regarding the stated bugs abovee: **Bug 1) is terrible cause you cant freely switch in and out when a battle begins, preventing competitive-heavy battle styles which requires type advantage over all means, and forces players to stay in despite a type disadvantage. **Bug 1), 2), and 3) are the worst together, as the only means to catch Pokemon is to get lucky. Seek the Pokemon species you desire to catch, spam throw the Pokeballs outside of battle, and PRAY that you catch one of them on 100% health. It's luck-based heavy, but fortunately you can get free, unlimited pokeballs at the Pokemon Center. So rest assured; you can always find another and try again. **Bug 4) is probably one that will be abused as many battle/healing/held items are only obtainable from boss Pokemon, and those are fairly hard to find in the first place. My only advice as an OP is to make the game fair and dispose the extras whenever a duplication occurs. or give all your party pokemon lucky eggs aaaaaaaaand... go wild! This is the all the known bugs to me atm, feel free to inform an OP or Edge if another bug occurs. P.S. I'm merely the mediator and have no power to fix such bugs, only locate them. Edge is the only one atm that is capable of fixing bugs as all of the above stated are likely to be serverside, or due to the mods being incompatible with one another. Also! I'm still working on the aesthetic available facilities of spawn right now, any suggestions would be appreciated :3
  11. ...Please say that my Heal Bell can put a stop to the plague. At any rate, welcome to Reborn! Mind you that there is nothing wrong with a typing Eevee. Or don't!
  12. Excellent. Now lets talk about the RoseTao ship and the Tame ship. EDIT: Hihi Zeph!
  13. Nothing wrong with Reborn's pet Eevee appearing out of the blue or is it~?
  14. Am late to the party, but you know I still support this ship Hilda-samaa~ <3
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