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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by saquibalmamun

  1. I prefer my one with night Slash
  2. As this is a game and not a competitive scene I am not sure which Blaziken moveset to run Set 1# Sword dance Flare Blitz Hi jump Kick OR Set 2# Sword dance Sky upper cut Blaze kick
  3. Finally Trained my spiritomb and i am confused on which move set to use SET 1-Spiritomb -Nasty plot,Dark Pulse,Shadow Ball,Hypnosis SET 2-Spiritomb-Nasty plot,Dark Pulse,Hypnosis,Dream Eater
  4. Getting a Torchic with sword dance is relatively simple First get a male raticate,use heart scale to teach it sword dance next acquire a female Torchic and breed it with raticate and Voila and Torchic with Sword dance
  5. Crustle seems like a good suggestion It can really help with the Psychic type problem with shell smash and X-Scissor I will probably train one Thank you very much on the feed back
  6. Can any one please tell me if my team is alright or is it missing some thing Btw is shall not include my HM slave as they are just utili Kamikaze(Blaziken) @speed boost -Bulk up(to be replaced by Sword dance if i can breed it that is) -Flare Blitz -Sky upper cut -Slash Brobat(Crobat) @Inner focus -Acrobatics -Cross poison -Bite -Confuse Ray Swagzone(Magnezone) @sturdy -Charge beam -Discharge -Flash cannon -Metal sound Kraken(Gyrados) @intimidate -dragon dance -aqua tail -bite -ice fang Weed(tangrowth) @leaf guard -Giga drain -Sleep powder -growth -ancient power Loki(Alakazam) @synchronize -calm mind -Psychic -Shadow Ball -Hidden power(fire) {some how got it }
  7. Many say serra is so hard to beat but its relatively easy if u can take out the hail Magmar which is an awesome pokemon gets sunny day relatively late but it can single handedly sweep most of her team better option is to get a drought vulpix level it up get ninetales sweep also
  8. i been doing this for the past 1 hour all i get is venipede and beedrill and some times pansage is there any weather conditions
  9. I looked for a pretty long time at Jasper Ward but could not find one Tangela any suggestion
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