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About Red'sCharizard

  • Birthday 08/26/1999

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  • Location
    Final Approach - Throne Room
  • Interests
    Gaming, movies, reading, gaining dominance over souls

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  1. I tried every frozen building, and I'm pretty sure the correct one is the farthest one to the west. Either way, nothing is happening.
  2. Ah! Thank you. EDIT: Well, I can't seem to defrost the building. I do have the Magma Stone in my inventory, but nothing is happening
  3. Eldest took Aelita back to the village and I confronted the grunt, saw the cutscene where he says he got fired, can't figure out where to go now.
  4. Favorite anime characters... Migi - Parasyte / Kiseijuu Amon - Tokyo Ghoul Hachiman - Oregairu L - Death Note LeLouch - Code Geass
  5. It has been a while since I've explored the forums thanks to vacation, so this is a nice thing to see upon getting back. Thanks for the update!
  6. Well, it looks like i'll be playing Minecraft a lot more now.
  7. At long last! Time to dash through this episode so I can start waiting for EP 16.
  8. Aside from the regional adventure with Ash & Pikachu, there's also Pokemon Origins, which is a really short anime-like representation of Red's adventure through Kanto. That's something I can recommend watching. As for the main anime with Ash, it's doubtful that you'd enjoy it - after all, watching him make awful decisions is painful to watch.
  9. Slowbro actually is in there, listed in A- rank. I'll get to work on the rest, though. EDIT: Updated with the following: Sudowoodo = B Rapidash = A- Brelooom = B Venomoth = B Mawile = C I can't rank Arbok yet, since it gets all the viable moves above the current level cap. Anyway, it seems that posts do have a content limit - I got a CONTENT_TOO_LONG error. This does force me to erase the D rank, in order to create space for viable Pokemon.
  10. All done. Also, I am introducing: the placeholder format. Pokemon that are "placeholders" are either ranked with inconsistent information, or are received too late in the current version to be properly ranked. These Pokemon will be underlined.
  11. I apologize for not updating in a while - i'll get to doing that now.
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