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About Chromium

  • Birthday 04/16/1999

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    North Carolina

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  1. Have an uneventful life. Would you rather die in a fire or drown?
  2. What is "true happiness"?

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Requieon


      I was gonna say a shit-ton of weed, but that works too.

    3. Neo


      What your dog feels when you get home after being gone all day.

    4. Neo


      What your dog feels when you get home after being gone all day.

  3. Well, the game isn't meant to be easy, I think. It's supposed to be a challenge. If you feel like the game is too "tedious" or "difficult", I suppose you can simply stop playin the game.
  4. Hey guys, Chromium here. However, you can call me Dave. I have come here seekin a fresh start, since I did not feel perfectly welcome at other certain places. Do not let this fool you, though. I do not consider myself a bad person, I simply gave others a bad impression, which I deeply regret. Hopefully here I can make some new friends and have a good time. Hope to see you guys around.
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