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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by tytelr

  1. That's... incredibly vague. I have combed over the docks several times... I must be missing something. EDIT: Of course there's an event I missed in Sheridan. Sigh.
  2. Thanks... but that really doesn't help. That's exactly what the NPC says, and I still have no idea. I went to the docks and now I'm running around the first city. Completely aimless wandering ftw. :/
  3. Hello~ New to this game. I'm having trouble finding... whoever I'm supposed to be finding for the Chasehim! request. Any guidance would be appreciated. :[ The completionist in me is itching.
  4. The point still stands... <__< And I'm not personally attacking Amethyst either. I'm just getting frustrated trying to proceed through the game. It seems like a great game, but the tedium is bleh.
  5. -having to backtrack to a Pokemon Center after every match if you hope to train anything to a usable level. I mean, you could buy potions to allevia-oh wait. You get no money in the beginning of the game. Well, I guess I can just grind a bit to make travel a bit easi-oh... You mean my Pokemon stop listening to me if I level them up too much. I suppose that's fair. At least the battles aren't super obnoxiou-oh wait... Nearly every enemy trainer in the game spams Sand Attack/Double Team/Leech Seed + Paralyze/5-hit chain attacks. Oh... :[ And I SWEAR that anything with a flinching move in this game is holding a King's Rock and has Serene Grace. Hahaha I'm not saying that the game is too hard, I'm merely suggesting that tedium is not difficulty. It REALLY isn't. Please. I love the dark, gritty story and such, but this is just getting to the point where it's more annoying than anything. :/
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