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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. Has anyone else noticed that all the Alolan forms seem to be Kanto-based? Good to see the best region getting more love.
  2. Agreed. I think that 10 Weeks was simply too long. Too many people left over the break in the middle too.
  3. Thanks to the rest of Avalon for a great experience. I was honoured and proud to serve as your leader. We just ran out of steam halfway through when we had a bunch of people go inactive, and we had a few key battles screw us over horribly with hax. Nevertheless, we did great. With luck, we can keep the group going even now that nations is ending. Meeting a bunch of new people was a great experience. Thanks to the committee for running this - I know from experience it isn't easy. Everyone else - you all did good too.
  4. That sounds like something from Avatar Abridged. Something Katara would say. (She was flanderdised into making speeches like that-about hope and wotnot)
  5. It's a good thing we let the nation with the worst record win last week - gotta give them some hope after all. ^^
  6. We be glory once more.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      theres but one thing I want to ask you

      'are you being serious rn'

    2. Maelstrom


      No fading out this time, ok?

  7. Meh. It's to be expected when this week was stacked so heavily against us.
  8. Didn't we already beat you guys once already? ^^
  9. Last but not least, Atlantis!

    1. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      May the best nation win!

  10. 4-0. Congrats to everyone who battled against Gaia.
  11. Congrats to the rest of Avalon on our victory over Gnome Nation.

  12. I won. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ru-60536
  13. Yes, as long as the mon could learn it in the gen it was a tutor-Jericho already answered that.
  14. Ugh...Reborn is full of enough clichés and tumblrisms as it is. I REALLY don't want to see how a romance gets butchered.
  15. You'd probably have more luck with...Literally any other souls game. 2 is considered the worst in the series. 3 is active right now, and over the weekend they had 'DS1 re-roll day'.
  16. Gaia eh? Onward, to victory!

  17. Yeah, but we could see how posting a lot of strong members, so we use all OUR strong members, or vica-versa.
  18. Is it really a good idea to publicly...publicise your roster like that? I mean, we already submitted ours, but we could have not.
  19. What about mons from gen 1 that can be transferred to gen 7?
  20. Gaia, we're coming for you!

    1. pbood2


      GREAT! Now we`re enemies! We will crush you under the ground! ;D

    2. TimTim


      All hail the Queen!

  21. What about level up moves from previous gens, and TMs from the same?
  22. What about event only moves? HMs? Move tutors?
  23. Perfect Avalon wins. We be Glory.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FraRPetO


      Not bad. Keep it up.

    3. Sutoratosu


      It is the name. The very word carries with it the blessed Fortune of ages gone by.

    4. Jacobliterator


      I'll get you next time Avalon. Next time...

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