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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. 3-0. Our sword is named faith. Our armour is named honour. Glory to Avalon!
  2. One last victory for avalon, and our perfect streak can continue!

  3. A bit busy right now, so just names. I'll add detail later. Scarlet Blind Guardian Jericho Rupe Washman Azery Wendel Tizara Swimms
  4. Ame, thank you very much for proving my point.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. pbood2


      will shove you off like I thought Dan or Ikaru would for me complaining about their fellow mod Jericho.

    3. Sapphire


      Yeah, Dan (Blind) is pretty reasonable, but Ikaru has a history of taking things from private Skype chats (not even Reborn ones) and then applying warning points on the forums for them.

    4. pbood2


      the point of my post above is not to blame or target Ikaru or Dan for things so please don't make it into that. I'm trying to say it's not hopeless and as long as you have a valid case, the auth are willing to hear you out and address your concerns properly like Dan and Ikaru did for me. That's the point. :)

  5. Once again Reborn proves that it doesn't matter if you follow the rules, the only thing that matters is what the auth personally dislike.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sapphire


      pbood - the auth don't like to think the facts. They just do a knee-jerk reaction to everything. Morshu - if the auth actually cared about going off-topic half the posts in the whole forum would be gone.

    3. pbood2


      What Secc says about the off-topic thing is true. I see so many off topic posts but they stay just fine. If there is a double-standard or hypocritical thing happening, that's really not good to see. :( I also do believe the auths try their best but they are just humans and we do make mistakes.

    4. Amethyst


      If you have a problem with how auth are using their authority, you can take it to myself or another admin to have it reviewed. This, however, lumping everyone into the same category and bashing on it, helps no one, and is in itself against the rules. Please be more courteous in the future.

  6. Considering the only drama we've had internally was with Skeleton just now? No.
  7. It wasn't me that said that - I can give you a screenshot if you want to contest it (but true, that comment was out of order).
  8. No, you dropped out because you got mad when you lost because we refused to ghost for you. And we were all polite to you.
  9. I read that as Piri vs. Xiri. Sounds like two types of sauce.
  10. The ability to manipulate hax is in itself, a skill.
  11. Me fellow citizens of Avalon! We have triumphed over the Vulcan Horde! We have proved to all that we are the ascendant nation...Yet we must remain vigilant, for our enemies are many - even now, the Ravenholts muster at our gates. TO ARMS!
  12. As if Vulcan EVER had a chance. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Guzam


      Pretty sure he wasn't talking to you ody.

      @Azery: Don't say those kinds of things please because you're on the line between talking and attacking with that statement.

    3. Azeria


      Yeah, i guess I am. Sorry for that. Wrong thing to say even if I am getting rather annoyed.

    4. Joker


      Are you Donald Trumps long lost daughter?

  13. Got elected Student Union President. £19k a year, here I come. =)

    1. Sheep



    2. Neo


      ??? Lexi you're from Texas what ???

    3. Sapphire


      I'm not Lexi lolwut

  14. I agree completely with this. Out of all the people in Avalon, the only ones I knew before were Void, Wendel, and Swimms. I do think that while no reborn event is perfect, nations is easily the best one, as it's very much a team event.
  15. Sorry to hear that you're leaving. And even sorrier to hear that people are accusing you of rigging challenges...=(
  16. 1 down, 6 to go.

  17. Secundum vs Sonata http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-57535
  18. I can confirm (from Jericho) that you can use everything in your tiers and downwards.
  19. Or it's proof I'm on mobile and can't read the post very well.
  20. Great work Knights. Not that there was ever any doubt in our victory, but everyone who fought still did amazingly.
  21. Congratulations to the Knights of Avalon who defeated the Amazonian Savages this week.

  22. Congratulations to the Knights of Avalon who defeated the Amazonian Saveges this week.

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