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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Gigamantis

  1. 1. Do i talk to the couple? 2. I've seen around the forums that i need to go at west tanzan mountain, but do i need to ride a tauros as well? EDIT: nevermind about 2 found everything
  2. Sorry to bother you, but i've just started playing after some months and i had two questions. 1. Can i get Cacnea even though i am already at episode 12 and have already saved the couple? 2. At what point can i find the yureu key and solosis? Right after i beat Radomus?
  3. Bibarel

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slicster


      Bum bum bum, ba ba bum bum ba bum~

    3. Shamitako


      Oh, I thought that was someone actually trying to talk to Bibsy XD

    4. Ojama Yellow
  4. I think there are total of 5 stickers. Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm confused myself with all the respawning stuff...
  5. You trade Dunsparce (found beaneath the Grand Stairway) for a Tyroque with a guy in episode 10. I dont remember where he was though
  6. Gigamantis


    You give your Poke candy and they just start hating you... so ungratefull
  7. For me they only appeared after beating Noel...
  8. It needs to have lightning, not only rain... just a heads up
  9. Gigamantis


    Be patient young padawan :feelsgd:
  10. Shhhhh it's a secret. Wait what am I talking about? Everything in this thread is a SPOILER!
  11. Haven't finished ep.10 so i'll check when i beat radomus. Thanks for the tip
  12. We'll do our best... and then we'll have: PATCH 10.5
  13. Lol, that seems legit. What's wrong with sprites? They're awsome... and maybe evil
  14. I can start working on that from next week and maybe put some effort during holidays... When are you expecting to have 10.5 ready?
  15. yes, but not that rare.you can find it in several places at night. Tanzan of cove as well and later on route 1
  16. For me it appeared after i finished the episode
  17. No it's an event it will just be in the room eating something
  18. Both cottonee and its evolution are only grass type until now
  19. It's in the area that Abra teleported you in the Tanzan Depths, but it only appears after you beat Noel, the &th gym leader
  20. Yea don't worry it can take HOURS. It's very rare. perhaps one of the most rare in the game i think
  21. Ummm, i think it's simply very rare... i don't think it's based on any weather. I spent some time before one appeared
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