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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Gigamantis

  1. Just found some new stairs and doorways under the grand stairway, where the first bombing happened. Has anyone figured out what it is?
  2. Is there anything i can do with the RPG maker perhaps?
  3. Ummm, where to begin... 1. The 4th Link Stone(for me at least) is the same one which was at the rock outside the destroyed Yurreu HQ. Basically the event respawned, so if you took the stone back in episode 9, you can get it again. 2. There is a lady sitting on a bench wearing green that teleports (if she hasn't teleported just do circles near her until she teleports) and appears at the forest. If you give her medicine she will go back to spinnel town and she will give you a sticker. Again this event reset, resulting in her giving you a second sticker if you already had taken one in ep.9. Whew
  4. Are they both based on the same one?
  5. Yea it's right, but he only sells one
  6. Don't know if i can send it to you somehow?...
  7. And this is where Lunatone is supposed to be, but instead there's just a rock
  8. Here is the place where i found Solrock
  9. No, you can only get one from opeing the episode 9
  10. The pic Crimson sent is the place where i got Solrock, and in Tanzan mountains i believe its the first turn on the left?
  11. What kind of inception is that??? The thing is that i already got solrock under the grand stairway, but lunatone won't appear in tanzan mountain I've also tried checking under the stairway to see if lunatone might appear where solrock was, but until now nothing's happened. I'm really confused
  12. You have to get more stickers from people. They're special events. for more info check the other topics for their location, i believe there are a couple of them...
  13. Hahahaha lol. It's from Zelda: Majora's Mask... imagine watching this when you were a kid. It scared the crap out of me when i first saw it. What do you mean by change locations? The location in the mountains?
  14. You just ''talk'' to the fountain in the forest. You can't fish in it and i tihnk it only appears once...
  15. That's where i found solrock... I'm so jealous !
  16. I've tried almost every hour... I ask only one thing: WHERE'S LUNATONE???
  17. I don't know what's wrong with my gameee
  18. Gigamantis

    Miner's Guide

  19. Probably Narnia or Azeroth...
  20. Gigamantis

    Miner's Guide

    Nice job How long did it take?
  21. *Sigh* didn't find anything... I'm guessing that either some people get one or both either mine is glitced?
  22. Do you remember what time? oh and was it before you finished ep. 9?
  23. Gigamantis

    Exp. Share

    ok so i got another shelmet and it had a different id number as well, so if you really want the item you can just get a bunch of these via trading to have lots of id numbers. (Btw that guy is kinda creepy...)
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