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Everything posted by Gigamantis

  1. Gigamantis

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    That's kinda troll, cause you can't get it. imagine seeing the guy in the first episode he appeared and waiting to find a delibird for all those episodes, but nope! Anyway i looked at the shelmet and karrablast that i got from the guy at spinnel town and they had different id#, can anyone verify?
  2. Did you find lunatone where Crimson showed above?
  3. Sorry to bring up the post again, but i haven't made any progress in the game because i'm searching for the fricking lunatone. So i'm asking, have you found BOTH of them? and if you found solrock under the grand stairway, where did you find lunatone?
  4. Tanzan cove, it's very rare and you can find it in the grass, not in the water
  5. spnarak is night exclusive in some places for sure... and poliwag is in the morning around 7
  6. Gigamantis

    Exp. Share

    So basically you try to trade as many possible pokemon with strangers?.. what about the guy with the karrablasts/shelmets? i think he has infinite amount of them, but i haven't checked their id numbers
  7. slakoth in the first tangrowth park is at night. also volbeat and illumise are night only at the dissapearing forest. I'm not sure if wild encounters are affected by weather though, only time but not 100% sure
  8. Gigamantis


    Don't worry eventually all pokemon will be available one way or another... dont know how many episodes though
  9. I've been up till the 7th floor and haven't found anything, so we can only wait..
  10. Gigamantis


    It might be possible to get it only in the very early game, before beating the first gym leader maybe
  11. Gigamantis


    Personally I found both in front of the Gym, but it's pretty rare find so be prepared ​
  12. Gigamantis


    I'm not sure, but it might be random. I caught 4 in total, and i think it has something to do with what its personality is. In stats i think in the second page it says sometihng about the pokemon, like it likes to roam around and stuff like that
  13. If you still have episode 9 in your pc you can still play from the saved game of ep. 10, only if you save in a spot that hasn't undergone any changes. So you can still go on pick up runs
  14. Yep just saw it. Thanks Phantom
  15. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html It appears as catchable here and in nickaboo's guide he wrote "fishing somewhere". Just wondering if anyone found something
  16. All I find there is a rock... every hour. I'm looking for Lunatone, don't know if it makes any difference
  17. Can you send me a picture with printscreen?, to make sure... because i've searched everywhere every hour
  18. Ummm, I finished searching with every possible weather daytime and night and there might be a bug cause I can't find anything...
  19. Awwww Yeaaaaaaaa found it last night, didn't wanna spoil it though Now i've got a badass Steelix (only if it was lvl 75 )
  20. I know you can get Chinchou via the Team aqua/magma storylines, but lanturn appears as available in the wild in the obtainable poke page... I've tried fishing in most areas up till episode 9 but haven't found anything. Has anyone found it?
  21. Thanks Ame, you motivate me to keep searching after that i can move on to episode 10 with all possible available pokemon...
  22. They're simply very rare and annoying...
  23. I'm 100% certain that they both appear at night. Other than that I don't think they require a certain weather. Random encounters don't need weather, only event pokemons
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