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  1. Hey guys I'm needing a Frilish for my mono ghost run. I didn't get it from any of the eggs and I'm where I get surf and need Frilish. Good IVs in defense sp def and how preferably. Any nature that lowers attack.
  2. Because that would deter people from using a ray of different pokemon. The point of this kind of system forces us to utilize all sorts of pokemon we wouldn't think of, and if we just stuck with the same 5-6 pokemon, we would be punished.
  3. I was wondering, well I am doing a "Pure" Run(using only mono typed pokemon.) And the pokemon are randomized and selected permanently before game, well my starter was treecko, and I was going to keep it like a treecko till he learned giga drain and energy ball....well I totally forgot when I was facing Julia....can someone put in energy ball and Giga Drain in his move pool??(His 4 moves will be those two and Hidden power and substitute. And make my Sudowoodo's ability sturdy?
  4. Is Eclipse ever going to get back to her body, maybe through a Dusknoir helping her soul back to her body?
  5. Has Everyone forgot the powerful Venomoth? She Can sweep gyma by herself once she sets up! Venomoth Ability: Any of them Nature: Modest(For power) or Calm (for defense) EV: 252SpAtk/252 Speed/ 4 SpDef Item: Black Sludge -Sleep Powder -Psychic or Sludge Bomb -Quiver Dance - Bug Buzz
  6. Well I decided to do a Pure type based run through all the types, I randomized the pokemon and here is my team... RULES: -Cannot heal at each pokemon center more than 3 times. Grand hall has the limit of how many badges you have, 6 badges=6 uses. -NO BREEDING -2 Potions Max, per trainer battle boss -1 revive per trainer battle boss -No Repels -One pokemon, after each GYM is boxed till the next Gym leader is defeated. Randomly of course. My Starter is going to be Treecko, since I got so lucky to get him as my random grass mono >_> I am going to do some Episode Manipulation, Mainly for Gothita and Vulpix, then switch back to the regular episode. So early game, I will have Trubish, Treecko, Gothita, Pachirisu, and Sudowoodo, and possible Zorrak
  8. So With all these mono runs I see, they allow dual types. But to me, it should only be One type only, here are the list for each type...I did the final evolution on most... What do you think the rules would be for these types of runs, since some types do not have 6 mono pokemon. Here is what I have come up with(you can add on the other type of runs for this) -Choose 6 types at random, you are only able to use those types .Out of those 6, Randomly Choose 2 of each type, those will be what is on your team -Choose Randomly, one type of each pokemon, that Will be your set team for the game(excluding legendaries. -ELECTRIC, WATER, FIRE, FAIRY, FIGHTING, GRASS, ICE, POISON, PSYCHIC, NORMAL. These are the types that have more than 6. -Cannot heal at each pokemon center more than 3 times. Grand hall has the limit of how many badges you have, 6 badges=6 uses. -NO BREEDING -2 Potions Max, per trainer battle -1 revive per trainer battle -Randomly Box one pokemon at the end of each gym, till you beat another gym leader. Ex. Pinsir gets chosen after i beat Julia, must beat Florina before I can use him again. BUG DARK DRAGON ELECTRIC FAIRY FIGHTING FIRE FLYING GHOST GRASS
  9. Clefable Unaware/Magic Bounce Defense or Special Defense raising Nature? Iv=? EV=252/0/127/0/127/0 Wish -- Stored Power Cosmic Power -- Minimize Gardvouir Any Ability Calm or Modest Nature Iv=? EV- 0/0/0/252/252/0 Wish -- MoonBlast Stored Power -- Calm Mind Emolga Motor Drive Nature=?? IV=? EV-0/127/0/127/0/252 Nuzzle -- Electroball Acrobatics -- Volt Switch Lucario Ability-?? Nature-??? Iv-? EV-? Nasty Plot -- Sword Dance Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse -- Close Combat/ Metal Claw/Extreme Speed How about these mons? These Fair enough till more pokemon are obtainable?
  10. Gourgeist-75 Frisk Quirky --Change to Careful/Impish 29/17/13/24/25/29 127/127/127/0/127/0 Pain Split- Leech Seed Phantom Force- Substitute Blaziken-73 Speed Boost Serious --Change to Adamant 15/23/23/0/19/23 0/252/0/0/0/252 Flare Blitz -- HJK Brave Bird -- Bulk Up Venomoth-76 Tinted Lens Bashful --Change to Calm or Modest 12/11/27/27/16/23 0/0/0/252/4/252 Quiver Dance -- Psychic Sleep Poweder -- Bug Buzz Krookodile-76 Moxie Adamant --Change to Jolly 20/25/1/18/14/18 0/252/4/0/0/252 Earthquake -- Foul Play Swagger -- Outrage And this is what I have in my box that are note worthy. What I want apart of my team in the future So what should I omit and add from the note worthy to make a decent 6 main team....then out of the note worthy pokemon and what might be out in the future...what will make a decent 6 secondary team and then 3 for rotation between the two... Are the ones I have now good? Natures? Moves? Items? Any help would be great....(I want to keep those four on the teams for sure....)
  11. I want y'all to reevaluate Venomoth. Venomoth is a sweeping beast, like no other... Venomoth: Rank: B to A- Availability: Before Florina, after beating fern Movepool: Quiver Dance, Sleep powder, Psychic, Bugbuzz is all you need. Comments: Once you evolve Venonat into Venomoth, (and episode manipulation...and two heart scales) You get access to two strong moves, QD and BB. I have used her to sweep kiki, aya, and other major battles by sleep powder+3 or more QD, then finish them off. And the AI is predictable, when a boss battle pokemon is low health, they will heal them or switch out, which enables a free QD then SP then QD till death. Do not forget about Baton pass as well.
  12. Cake>Cookies Cookies<Cake Cookies=/Cake Cake=God God=our lord Arceus Our Lord Arceus= The one true god of helix!
  13. Wow, like It feels like its been ages since i've bee on....i quite playing reborn on ep 14.....was going to play 15 but lost the motivation too...and with ep 16 about to be out soon...i was like, i need to catch up before it comes out...and now here i am.... How has the forums been
  14. Does anyone know when the servers wil be fixed?
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