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About Andi

  • Birthday 01/21/1996

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    Pokemon, skis, anime, kayak, drinking and friends

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  1. Wait what item do you need? It maybe a hidden item somewhere in game?
  2. Can I say it possible sins I have Elctirvire and Magmortor. It easy all you need is find all the stikers in ep. 14 and go back to ep. 13. then go to the dep. store and buy one. Kings Rock too. It's a littel OP but I only use them to evolve my poke. Have some one else found an Mega evolusion stone, cuz I have. And i fits nicely on my Banette all I need is that dame key stone. The girl at Ametrine mountain that lost her "Bling bling!" in the snow. You have to give her a Flower of some kind. I don't know if a should just say it. Or you guys all ready knows. well why not have fun.
  3. But you can sort Item, all of them. It will just take a long time. Because you can select an item press shift so you get a red line around and then move the item to the place you wan't. I personaly have done this to my main item, so they are always close. Ohh, I just tougth of something. Wouldn't it be nice some sightseeing points. Like places one can get a option to press x and have a look at what the character is looking at. Just a nice picture. Just to lighten up the ever so dark Reborn. Standing on top on Ametrine Mountain, looking down at the city. Thinking that's were I began and now I am here. I think that would make me more a part of Reborn. Would make me feel it more. But my god don't put a murder up in my face. The nigthmares!
  4. Runing ep. 13.2 if not do it. I think it has to be dark. If you are running cheats remove them. If the game crashes still, then you sir are doing something wrong. If not Slakot takes time., alot.
  5. Andi

    My shiti luck

    Get a Duskball. Best ball in any game.
  6. Andi

    Shiny? -_-

    Got a shiny Sceptile, I did not athend to get one just did on my secound play. Pink Knigdra, it came before I an Horsea with Dragon scale. Also got Onix's true shiny form Krystal. But I starting to think that there is a to dame high rate of encountering shinys. But i still love them.
  7. Lapis Ward, near Shelly's gym. I belive.
  8. If i may add, in Serra's house there are a door that was closed door. I belive it was Luna's room, or maybe Serra's, or Gardevoir's so there is something there, just saying.
  9. Andi


    Well shoute, then this topic can be cloest.
  10. Andi


    But way is it not there,way?
  11. Andi


    So I have been thinking, Hawlucha it's a pokemon that are supose to held an item. It's a 5% chance of it holding the item. But now I have tried for two day. I have Compound Eyes in effect all the time, making it a 20% chance. Frisk is the first thing that happens every battel. The clock stays from 8 to 10 in the morning, all day. And yet the dame rock dose not aphere. I'm so frustrated the Dragon scale came to me in under 5 min. I now have over ten Black Belts stolen from Sawk and Throh. But not that dame rock. I now ask of you on the forum can you tell me if the item is there or not. And please don't tell me Ame removed it from Hawlucha, just because she thougth it was a to powerfull item. But if the rock is on an Hawlucha then don't let Ame know. We don't want her to remove it. We want our "Politoed!"
  12. Use Blizzard to take out the feield, it's not important it just makes thing easyer. And don't use water mon they don't work, some attack like surf dosen't work and other loses there power because of the heat. Use rock, ground and one flying type. And if you have Flygon and a flying type then they won't get hit by earthquake, and earthquake will be the best move. The flying type is ther because of Volcarona. If you need more help buy cottencandy in Ageta, the revive to full hp, works great. And last just try, find a strategy that works for you and have fun.
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