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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TBKholyavenger

  1. I just misread absolutely everything here...
  2. Others have said mega kick was a reference to something. I'm gonna add on to this with the movie name "Bruce Lee: Birth of the Dragon" catch the keyword? Dragon. Hitmonlee being Bruce Lee based... Magma armor, dragons typically live in volcanos. Magma spews out of volcanos. Dragonite, literally has dragon in the name. And a pokemon doesn't need to have a weakness to be defeated easily. BythewayIlovethisgame.
  3. ...Smooth me, already failing at the website... XD

    1. Garnet.


      literally everyone does that at one point or another dw we're judging you

    2. SnowGlaceon


      It's a rite of passage

  4. *hand raise* er... I can confirm that the Ill Fated Doll is also used to get Elygium. *or however you spell it.* can also say, I AM FULL OF ABSOLUTE RAGE AT IT! -.- turns out /that/ consumes the doll... perhaps the Doll isn't required for Absol, but instead for that? would explain it being used completely. would also give me hope for getting Absol...
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