Hey everyone,allow me to introduce myself. I'm Riku and I'm new to the Reborn community. I'm at the age of 19 and I love helping the PO community as I'm usually free. Since everything went down our server Mostly Harmless may be down....it may not come back..
So,I've decided to join the Reborn Community and hopefully will get along well with each other. As for my proper introduction is concerned, I will brief you on it.
My name is Zachary, preferrably call me Zach/Zachy as that's what people call me by. I'm a guitarist and I would aim at becoming the youngest shredder(I'm trying my best at it). I'm a college student at Law and I determine to become a cyber lawyer in the near future. My hobbies are hanging out with friends all the time, Kickboxing, partying, writing compositions on guitar and writing songs in basic.
As for my past in PO, I've been an Admin and E4 at HH which is Mostly Harmless. I decided to start fresh again at Reborn. Hopefully, I will be able to make a good asset around by helping people around as I don't really want to leave PO. I found this server really good and I want to get to know the auth and the people better. I believe, I did have a talk with Amethyst, the owner of the server who was really nice and she understood what I went through.
Thus, I will be around here almost all the time. See you guys!