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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kyle8910

  1. 1. I agree with the others above, Fern was a totally different person at first. He may not have liked you, but he respected you enough to fight together with you. My team's synergy with him was great at the time. He was even patient when you wanted to leave and healed your team after battles! 2. Picking Charmander for nostalgia reasons? I'm still happy with my choice, but I read that 1 or 2 of the others are more OP. I like OP. 3. Not finding out about speedhacks til recently... (70 or so hours in) 4. Retrying 100 or more times picking up the Abra for the Wonder Guard ability. Not knowing it was broken...
  2. Sorry for not being clear, but yes, Tanzan. The screenshot someone posted circling where it should be. Ah, I think I made a mistake... I confused Radomus with the son of the Ice leader. unless it is the same person? Either way, I meant I beat him then the ice leader.
  3. I beat Radomus and there has been no change in the site. Just did the Steelix thing, so maybe it's there now?
  4. If someone does find the prerequisites needed, please post em. I believe I found Lunastone the first time and I am sure that spot in the pic was just a rock for me. I'm sure it works as it should, I just don't know what is needed.
  5. Well, we know for sure that abilities do not make any difference in breeding. It does not matter what the parents have. Ame also wrote that DW abilities may not be possible through breeding. I would like it if someone can confirm this. I was asking about IVs because Ame may have meant that was removed too. "Inheritance" and all. Ame did say ability, but still. I worry it meant IVs too.
  6. Just checking that I am not wasting my time, but do IVs still get inherited from the parents? I was breeding Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt on my Gastlys (successfully) and was trying for perfect IVs. The nature was properly inherited from an everstone holding parent. My results seems to indicate that IVs do get inherited as many of my results had high IVs where both parents did. How it is supposed to work: 3 IVs total get passed down from the parents. Thus, the other three left over are random.
  7. Thanks for the bump. I know cheat engine better than many but I had never messed with the speed settings. As it is in ep10, I am happy with the speed for the most part. I did make a macro to simply press the C button for me while I did resets for my Gastly and Abra cause text was long, so this would have helped there! If anyone wants the simple button macro, just let me know. Not sure it is in demand at all.
  8. Your going to need Strength to move boulders first. Just so ya know. Beware, that Medicham is lvl 65! Moves in v10: Ice Punch Thunder Punch Drain Punch Meditate My poor Flygon and Charizard did not stand a chance.
  9. Your computer's clock is likely resetting itself. Also, change the date until it is not a rainy/stormy day. You can set it forward or back as you wish. Just try different dates until you find a good one. I had this issue when I first played, but v10 of the game made it much better.
  10. Amazingly quick fix on the common candy thing. Thanks! I may grind a bit more with my pickup army before updating though. I still need one item that can be dropped... Even though the poke that uses it is not around yet, I want it. Aside from being able to walk on a few tables, no glitches found thus far (about to get 5th badge). My game does crash/freeze rarely, but I save often enough. One specific crash happened when I tried to use rock smash from the pokemon menu instead of clicking on the rock itself. Odd.
  11. Probopass and Magneton can no longer be evolved in the Abandoned Power Plant... at least not the front of it. Just to confirm, this means once we are inside they will evolve as expected? I mean, I'm already past that part and I have the un-evolved forms with me. Should I grind them in in E9 before updating? I also wish my Abra had come with Magic Guard instead of syncronize. I assume there is no way to fix that yet if ever.
  12. First post here, but I wanted to post a warning/glitch with this particular item... Simply put, you cannot down-level a level 100 pokemon with it. It simply says it would have no effect. Seems the game treats it the same as a Rare Candy. My issue? I wanted to beat a certain Garchomp that was way above my level right? Well, my Meowth pickup army had gotten me a lot of Rare Candies... I leveled my Gyarados to 100 knowing that it might use ice fang and win me the fight. It did, but to my horror after saving, I could not use the common candy on it... I'm sadly stuck without my beloved flying water pokemon as it will never listen to me. I know it's my own fault, but I trusted the candies, I trusted them!
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