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Everything posted by Xasi

  1. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    i got mine with levelballs i have a level 90 crobat so it was easy to catch
  2. look inside here there all informations you need to find him http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5933
  3. you can get heracross but not as a catch if you free the forest from all stuff like webs and logs you come to a free field where pinsir and heracross fighting if you kill pinsir you will get heracross if you kill hercross you will get pinsir
  4. no your save games are saved in c:\User\name\savegames\Pokemon reborn or you go in your starmenu and type game.rxdata in your searchbar then you can find it to
  5. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    yes you can breed him with ditto
  6. Xasi

    My hunt has ended:D

    ame add the new elekvire and i love him http://prntscr.com/245grv
  7. Need more Shinys o.O

  8. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    ame uploaded a new version on November 12 with bugfixes and only in this version beldum is in so better redownload the game if you dont know if its the right version
  9. ther 3 link stones in the game 1:you buy from the guy for 10000$ 2: is the one in the stone @ the Yureyu building 3: is in obsidian slums on the roof there is a guy who trade you one for a rare candy
  10. donwload the game new then delete the old folder and use the new one then it should work
  11. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    you need to clear all the logs and the webs in the south so you come to a little hain where heracross and pinsir figting and you need to chose wich you kill the other you get for joltik the same clear all webs and logs ind the north then you come to 3 webs where you can get joltik when its night and clear and you find a cave where is nothing @ the moment i think there is water but the pokemon are the same like the other pools
  12. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    ahh fml sorry yes i see i noob go from the other side in i forgot thats a healing station is in the gym >.< thxy Edit : finnaly i got my buldum its shiny but have light metal so i have to breed more of them
  13. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    cant find what you mean iam to stupid
  14. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    need help m tauros disapear if i try touge the building where the door is if i move one more step forward its run away http://prntscr.com/23u5an
  15. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    yes i ask her for a hint or something she say normal no of this pokes will get ingame at this point and its really hard to find because its that strong but is is in we need to find it^^ ps i run for every cave and run the whole map and dont find anything i think its weatherbased to so its really hard to find
  16. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    jep he is gone for 1-2 years i think it was
  17. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    they are both in the optainable list:P
  18. Xasi

    Joltik and beldum

    hey i looking fo joltik and beldum anyone find them already and can give me a hint are the events weather based or daytime Edit: i found joltik it must night and clear i think then its spawn here http://prntscr.com/23oq7b
  19. Xasi

    New game+

    thx but i use it ^^ without speed boost and soft reset this will take for ever i used it on my elekid i restartet more then 7000 times to get one with the evo item and shiny^^
  20. Xasi

    New game+

    hey i startet another save and i will only get all pokis as shiny it will need a lots of time but i will try it out i will post screen from my new best friends in this post Starter: http://prntscr.com/23npp6 Magikarp: http://prntscr.com/23npvj Ralts: http://prntscr.com/23xb54 Pachirisu: http://prntscr.com/23xizd Spinda: http://prntscr.com/23xrl8 Igglybuff: http://prntscr.com/23xz77 Whismur: http://prntscr.com/23y513 Meowth: http://prntscr.com/23y6rn Rattata: http://prntscr.com/23yepm Magby: http://prntscr.com/241zzr Electrike: http://prntscr.com/2420mw Stunky: http://prntscr.com/2424ql Zubat: http://prntscr.com/2424u6
  21. and tomorrow when the reupload comes we can get beldum in the list its there and ame say we get a bonus poke event:D
  22. look what my eyes found i know the new bonus poke will be http://prntscr.com/23nlqj
  23. i got a few new member for my team as backup and finished epi 10 so far
  24. you can maybe steal the leftover with thief :>
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