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About ApatheticPanda

  • Birthday 07/03/1997

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  • Location
    Western Hemisphere
  • Interests
    Pokemon and music.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. How do I register to the Reborn Minecraft server?

    1. Hexagoen


      buy minecraft and type in the ip silly

  3. I just updated Reborn to Ep15. I haven't played it in while so could tell me where I'm suppose to start the beginning of the episode? Thanks in advance!
  4. (: Yes, Oshawott is awesome. My first starter was Charmander (I was mainstream). I chose him and boy was it hard to get through the beginning of the game. I remember when I got to the pokemon center and Nurse Joy healed my pokemon, I thought she was giving me more pokemon. So I repeatedly healed my pokemon for a good while. I laugh at my stupidity now. XD
  5. Well, at least you live to tell the tale.
  6. Reborn is my escape from homework.

    1. NickCrash


      There's no escape from Reborn tho

  7. It's been awhile since I've been on Reborn and it appears nothing much has happened since I was gone (roleplay wise). Could anyone care to fill me in?
  8. It's pretty ironic that you are arguing the logic of Kenny being split into two or his wormhole thing, when we all have powers, which aren't possible to have in reality. Just my two cents.
  9. I replaced Arcanine with Alakazam. Arcanine was just filler. Spoonist (Alakazam) @ Life Orb Ability: Magic Guard EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Psyshock/Psychic - Dazzling Gleam - Energy Ball/Focus Blast - Hidden Power [Fire] Alakazam, like Roserade, can take status ailments, except for T-Wave. HP Fire to take out threats such as Scizor and Ferrothorn. Psyshock to surprise enemies trying to wall my Alakazam on the Sp. Def side or Psychic for just plain old stab. Energy Ball for coverage or Focus Blast for predicted switch ins from Heatran. Magic Guard, so I can use the life orb damage without having to pay up with HP.
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