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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ApatheticPanda

  1. How do I register to the Reborn Minecraft server?

    1. Hexagoen


      buy minecraft and type in the ip silly

  2. I just updated Reborn to Ep15. I haven't played it in while so could tell me where I'm suppose to start the beginning of the episode? Thanks in advance!
  3. (: Yes, Oshawott is awesome. My first starter was Charmander (I was mainstream). I chose him and boy was it hard to get through the beginning of the game. I remember when I got to the pokemon center and Nurse Joy healed my pokemon, I thought she was giving me more pokemon. So I repeatedly healed my pokemon for a good while. I laugh at my stupidity now. XD
  4. Well, at least you live to tell the tale.
  5. Reborn is my escape from homework.

    1. NickCrash


      There's no escape from Reborn tho

  6. It's been awhile since I've been on Reborn and it appears nothing much has happened since I was gone (roleplay wise). Could anyone care to fill me in?
  7. It's pretty ironic that you are arguing the logic of Kenny being split into two or his wormhole thing, when we all have powers, which aren't possible to have in reality. Just my two cents.
  8. I replaced Arcanine with Alakazam. Arcanine was just filler. Spoonist (Alakazam) @ Life Orb Ability: Magic Guard EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Psyshock/Psychic - Dazzling Gleam - Energy Ball/Focus Blast - Hidden Power [Fire] Alakazam, like Roserade, can take status ailments, except for T-Wave. HP Fire to take out threats such as Scizor and Ferrothorn. Psyshock to surprise enemies trying to wall my Alakazam on the Sp. Def side or Psychic for just plain old stab. Energy Ball for coverage or Focus Blast for predicted switch ins from Heatran. Magic Guard, so I can use the life orb damage without having to pay up with HP.
  9. In Gestas's Office As Gestas eyes pierced right through him, he felt very intimidated. Caleb thought to himself, "Why am I scared? He seems bossy and impatient, that's all. Just my nerves. Hopefully he knows a way out of this place. Me coming here. A total mistake. I should've thought twice." Caleb turned to look at all of the other people who were stuck in the same position as him.
  10. It's composed of UU pokemon lower tiers, but I tend to use it for OU battles. Sorry for the confusion!
  11. Rose and Caleb Caleb watched as she kept running. He quickly thought about trusting her or not, but ended up following her, keeping his distance behind her. He jogged on wondering how long it would actually take to get to the boss's office, who ever the boss was. He thought to himself as he ran behind Rose, "Gestas, I think his name was. I wonder if I could trust him or not. Heck! I never even met the man or whatever Gestas was."
  12. Who is still in the roleplay? I am still in. If you didn't ask that, then ignore this, but I guess I waste a second of your time when you read this, so I guess I'll stop here.
  13. Edited! Hopefully, you can see why I placed certain pokemon my team.
  14. Alright, here is my signature pokemon team with my signature pokemon, Gassy Dreams(Musharna). I want it to be checked out by fellow competitive battlers. Ones with more experience than I. Constructive criticism only please. Also, this was my early competitive teams, when I started competitive battling XY era. I use this team in OU a lot (use to). Gassy Dreams (Musharna) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Synchronize Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature - Calm Mind - Baton Pass - Stored Power - Moonlight Musharna is just straight up my favorite pokemon. Its function is to start setting up Calm Minds and to then use stored power. I have taken Knock Offs from a Conkeldurr, while Musharna was holding leftovers and she survived it. Also that could be easily predicted as you could moonlight the damage off and continue to set up. Now, since Musharna is completely walled by dark types, you could baton pass the stat boosts to another pokemon. #2FAB4U (Ampharos) (M) @ Ampharosite Ability: Static EVs: 16 HP / 240 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Dragon Pulse - Thunderbolt - Agility - Cotton Guard/Toxic Ampharos's purpose is to be the receiver of the baton passes of Musharna, if she could not sweep any more due being walled by dark types or some other situation. Now, let me tell you something amazing. This specific Mega Ampharos set can outspeed a Timid Greninja with just one agility, even after the base speed drop, goodbye Greninja! If Ampharos receives the baton pass of Musharna, I can throw in a cotton guard if I predict a switch to a pokemon who could take him out on the defensive side. Or you could throw in toxic to toxic a predicted switch. I prefer cotton guard. Aslan (Arcanine) (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Intimidate Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Wild Charge - Flare Blitz - ExtremeSpeed - Will-O-Wisp Arcanine is just the last filler for this team, You could replace it with some other pokemon if you wish to do so. Arcanine is just a physical sweep/potential wall breaker. He deals quite a lot of damage with this set. Hungry Hippo (Hippowdon) (F) @ Smooth Rock Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def Careful Nature - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Slack Off - Ice Fang Hippowdon's purpose is to set up sandstorms, set up stealth rocks, and be a wall. Ice Fang to take out annoying Gliscor in OU, earthquake for stab, slack off to recover lost health. Bertha (Stoutland) (F) @ Choice Band Ability: Sand Rush EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Play Rough - Fire Fang - Return - Ice Fang Stoutland here is the secret weapon of this team. This set packs quite a punch. With sand up, Bertha can outspeed most threats and hit them hard before they could hit her. Fire Fang for Ferrothorn, Ice Fang for Landorus, Gliscor, Latios, and any other threat weak to ice; Play Rough for coverage and Return for stab. *FABULOUS* (Roserade) (F) @ Black Sludge Ability: Natural Cure EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Spikes/Aromathearpy - Giga Drain - Dazzling Gleam - Hidden Power [Ground] [Fire] Roserade is a physcial wall that could counter Rotom-W and to set up hazards or to heal status conditions. Roserade can take physical hits very well, except from a flare blitz from a Mega Charizard X. HP Ground to predict a switch in on Heatran or HP Fire to predict a switch in on Ferrothorn. Spikes to cause extra damage on the opponent's team or Aromathearpy to cure status ailments. Giga Drain for stab and recover lost health, Dazzling Gleam for common dragons and fighting types. P.S. Yes, I have won many battles with this team against OU teams.
  15. Rose and Caleb Daring to ask her, "How do I know I can trust you? Yeah, you may have helped me back there, but how can I be sure you're not leading me into a trap or using me?" He gave a questioning look after he pulled his wrist from her grip.
  16. Rose and Caleb As the speakers broadcasted an announcement that dismissed people to the slums. "What are the slums and who is this Gestas?" Caleb asked curiously. He had so many questions, but he doubt that she would have the answers to all of them. She was stuck in the same position he is in.
  17. Rose and Caleb Telling from her reaction to the joke, he could assume she wasn't the kind of person you could warm up so easily to, "Sorry, my bad" Caleb tried to keep up with his feet as he was being pulled by her. "So any progress on escaping this place?" He asked in a formal tone.
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