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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ApatheticPanda

  1. Thank you, but I'm going to be honest. I don't think I'm going to read every page of the past three Circles. I tried reading the first Circle 'Judgement', but at half way reading each post, I just decided to skim through it and when I reached the bottom of the page I saw it was 26 pages long. I hope I don't sound lazy, but if each Circle is that long, I don't want to read every single post on all twenty-six pages. Let alone all three previous Circles. I would greatly appreciate if some one could summarize what happened in the previous Circles or summarize each Circle.
  2. Character name: Caleb Shomo Appearance: 5'11, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin. Beanie, band shirt, and skinny jean wearing punk. Age: 18 Personality Overview: Usually kind, unless under stress or frustrated; sensitive to insults; He is thoughtful of others and puts other's needs before him. That is his flaw. Backstory: His father died at a work related accident, leaving him and his mother alone with the leftover money his father saved up for his family in an event that something happened to. The money is running out soon, so Caleb looks for a way to support his mother and him. Caleb joins the research team to explore Under the Hill. Ability/Cost: The power to mend injuries including himself and other's injuries. Ranging from cuts to slit throats or broken bones. When Caleb uses his ability, he gains the injury that he healed. The injury he takes on goes away within an half an hour, but the pain is increased than what the original person would have felt. The injuries he takes on from healing people cannot kill him. Example: If Caleb heals someone with a cut in their throat, which would usually kill someone, and he were to heal it. Caleb would gain a silt throat. Now, since the pain is increased plus the feeling/pain of blood gushing out of your throat. Caleb would feel an unbearable pain which would cause he unable to move and it would last thirty minutes. Caleb is able to heal himself, but only minimize the injury. Not heal it completely.
  3. Could I join this clan of yours?
  4. Is this sign-up still open? I'm having trouble finding a roleplay that is open and I could join right away. I guess being able to join right away is too much to ask for.
  5. Okay, thanks you guys! I tried regular Showdown (Not the Reborn Server) and I couldn't connect either.
  6. I could not connect to the Reborn Server. I was wondering if it was down. Also, I am sorry if I posted in the wrong place!
  7. I am back and thirsty-er than ever! Disclaimer: I'm not really thirst!
  8. I think I peed my pants, or maybe I knew all along!

  9. Fourm Name here on Reborn: ApatheticPanda Showdown Name: PredictableTani
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