Team Crimson
Leader Tani
To use the obtain the legendary pokemon Kyurem to control the power of the legendary pokemon Reshiram and Zekrom to show the power of ideals to split the people of Kanto and Johto apart. Truth or Ideals? To fight against each other in a full scale war. To raise the weak and make the strong who abuse their power submit. To destroy the wicked society that is Kanto and Johto.
Back story: Tani was once the champion of Kanto and Johto. Kanto his birth place and Johto where he grew up. He saw that the challengers were using pokemon like tools and calling them worthless because their pokemon couldnt't beat him or his elite four. So he saw in the city of Goldenrod that people treated the weak and poor like crap. Bullying them. He later on went to visit family in Kanto. He visited Saffron city. It was just as bad, every where he went he saw pokemon being mistreated. Use like tools, then.....he snapped his kind and understanding heart overcomed by his hatred for society and his desire for justice.
Pokemon, but what could he do? One afternoon the news was on at his house. A school shooting had happened at his brother's school...... his brother was one of his victims...... Devastated and heart broken, his brother just turned 10 three weeks ago and had received his first pokemon, Chimchar. He never had the chance to name his pokemon. All that he had that was left from his brother was his Chimchar. Tani named the Chimchar August because that was when he and his brother were going to go on a journey to Sinnoh. He started to turn his thoughts into a goal. To destroy society. Starting with Kanto and Johto.
Eclipse the Charizard
Trait: Blaze
lv 50(Wanna wifi battle? lol)
Item: I'm pretty sure you can guess.
Clementine the Dragonite
Trait: Multiscale
lv 50
Item: Leftovers
August the Infernape
Trait: Iron Fist
lv 50
Item: Metronome
Poliswag the Politoad
Female(I think.....)
Trait: Drizzle
lv 50
Item: Damp Rock
Kermit the Greninja
Trait Protean
lv 50
Item: nothing
Bean the Blastoise
Trait Rain Dish
lv 50
Item Shell Bell
I wanna test this team on somebody anyone?