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Status Updates posted by Abyssreaper99

  1. Hahaha, the tables have turned. Now it is us that are wishing you a happy birthday. Hope you have a fab day :D

    1. LykosHand


      Lmao true, only for this day 😉


      Thanks a lot!! 🤗

  2. Honestly it was an experience watching DR2 from an lp pov, forgot how emotional some of the class trials were.

  3. For anyone who wants to add me in Masters: 3875-9139-9948-8029

  4. Enjoying Pokemon Masters so far 🙂

  5. Thank goodness for the great suspender extension for Chrome otherwise my computer would probably crash from all these tabs 😅

  6. Has anyone ever been angry on behalf of a friend? Like I recently have when they had to deal with a shitty friend of theirs.

  7. I think Cipher must drink a lot of dumb bitch juice. They lost 2 keys in the matter of minutes.


    Venus dropped hers after taunting Wes on how he's never getting the key.


    Then the peon blew up the lab room to stop the player from accessing the lab just for the key card to access the lab be on Wes' side of the newly created chasm. 

  8. By Azura, By Azura, By Azura, it's the Grand Champion! I can't believe it's you! Standing here, next to me!

  9. Last night was the first time I've ever been woken up by weather. We had thunderstorms. And I surprisingly fell straight back asleep

  10. TERF: spews out transphobic stuff
    Realist: Calls TERF a TERF
    TERF: I can't believe you called me a TERF. I'm reporting you to the Police for Hate Speech


    This legit happened on Twitter btw

    1. Wolfox


      ... dare I ask what Terf means?

    2. Abyssreaper99


      "trans-exclusionary radical feminist"


    3. Wolfox
  11. Here's a picture of the cake for my Dad's bday because it delish and I wanna show it to peeps: Image may contain: dessert and food

    1. Q-Jei


      Happy birthday to him! 😄 It looks generously garnished and very well decorated 🙂 He will love it, definitely 😉

    2. J-Awesome_One


      Happy birthday to him! And wow! I'm gonna have to steal a piece of it! Lol.

    3. Abyssreaper99


      It didn't last too long so no cake for you. It was delicious but very filling and he loved it. 

  12. During Cards Against Humanity, we had this black card: [A friend of mines name] shall now be called ___. 


    One of the white cards was tables and then another one of my friends just lost it. They were in tears for 10 minutes because how funny they found the random card

  13. Me: *looks down at phone*

    Others: "ArE yOu DePrEsSeD?"

  14. I somehow stumbled across the Sheila's Wheels adverts. I got a nostalgia trip from it

  15. I've just spent the last 5 minutes laughing at a video that's mocking the ex-VC at my uni. It's not even that funny but it's relevant af to recent news that's come out

  16. Youtube comments make me laugh sometimes.


    Person 1: *Says something*

    Person 2: *Agrees with statement*

    Person 1: *Doesn't agree with person 2's agreement*

    1. Wolfox


      Good grief... 

    2. Abyssreaper99


      Yep, it gave me a good chuckle and Person 2 was confused

    3. Seal
  17. Lmao this guy who said he was a huge crash fanboy called Crash Nitro Kart this: Crash Team Racing 2.


    He didn't name wumpa fruit correctly and got so many facts about the original CTR wrong in his review.


    He also was complaining about difficulty when he was crashing into walls very often in his footage.


    I'm not usually one of those that's like 'git gud' but he really needs to improve his ability to play the game before discussing difficulty

    1. LeoYT


      That guy has a future at IGN

  18. I saw this really ignorant post regarding what pride was. The other person thinking that it was just about gay people. Like Pride is about Stonewall and the LGBT community as a whole.


    They also were essentially pitting war vets against the LGBT community saying there's not a month for war vets (there is in America).


    But then again, I can't expect someone with the username educating liberals to have any shred of intelligence.

  19. Norm is an egg. Must be related to Solas

  20. So here's my honest review of Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled:


    It's really fun for a kart racer with a nice variety of characters with more on the way. It also has a development team that respond well to the feedback given by fans online and improve the game. The bosses are somewhat challenging but fun to race against. The level designs are also really cool and the controls are nice to handle for the most part.


    Problems? There's too much of a difficulty spike between medium and hard modes. Also N-Tropy's time trials are way harder than in the original games (before you were able to have some room for error whereas now there is none).

  21. Enjoyed play Crash Nitro Fueled for the past 3 hours. It was great to start experiencing the Crash Team Racing adventure mode and just in general relaxing.


    Already unlocked Nash, Crunch, Ripper Roo and Papu Papu

  22. So our next Prime Minister will either be tweedledum or dweedledee. Yeah, they're probably gonna be as bad as Maybot...

    1. Bearadactyl


      As a citizen of the United States of Embarrassment, I am so sorry. 😥

    2. Wolfox
  23. Torn between watching more Glee or carrying on with my new mage character in Oblivion

  24. It's weird how whenever I have colds, it isn't the tiredness, runny nose or headaches that bother me but it's always the sore throats.


    Like let me speak without pain

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      For me it's always the runny nose that leaves me unable to sleep.

  25. So watched Glee for 5 hours today, time to chill before playing some Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team

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