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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ty_taurus

  1. Fictitious Forms Mod 1.0 This mod contains a few new forms to add to your Pokemon gaming experience. This mod is a continuation of the Mega Girafarig mod, but I wanted to start a new thread as I want the focus of the mod to be on forms in general, not specifically Girafarig. I may add new forms in the future, at which point I will update this thread instead. Fictitious Forms is currently designed only for Pokemon Rejuvenation, but you can copy the script lines for the below forms to adapt these forms to Reborn and Desolation. I plan on adapting these forms to those games in the future, at which point I'll update the files to include scripts for them both as well. New Forms: Aevium Dewgong Aevium Furret Mega Girafarig If you have any feedback or suggestions for these forms, please discuss them below and tell me what you think. credits.txt Fictitious Forms Mod.zip
  2. UPDATE The montext script for Mega Girafarig had his stats allocated incorrectly where the special attack, special defense, and speed were jumbled. The 2.0 file has this issue corrected.
  3. Hello! A while ago, I had sprite work for a Mega Girafarig concept commissioned to use for my own use. Girafarig is my favorite pokemon and I've really wanted him to get a mega for a long time, so I figured it be fun to share the results here with all of you. Now that Farigiraf exists, it may seem like a strange mega to add, but this was made before gen 9 anyway, and to be honest, I still don't really like Farigiraf anyway, so I'm really happy to have a Mega Girafarig to use for my future reruns here. You can see the outcome of this new sprite below as well. The script files currently are from Rejuvenation 13.5, however if you'd like to use this mon for Reborn or Desolation, you can pretty easily copy the itemtext and montext code for Girafite and Mega Girafarig respectively to put into those script files. I did, though, make shiny versions of Mega Girafarig for each game though, so if you like to shiny hunt, the shift won't be jarring. Here are the stats for Mega Girafarig Type: Fairy/Psychic Ability: Pixilate Stats: HP: 70 Attack: 122 Defense: 81 Sp. Atk: 90 Sp. Def: 81 Speed: 111 Originally, based on the artwork, I had imagined this mega as a Ghost/Psychic rather than Fairy, but as I was looking through what abilities to try and give him, Pixilate stood out to me. Based on the design of this form, while the tail end does separate from the head to become a sort of specter, it made a lot of sense to me that Girafarig would lose his Normal typing, and for Normal attacks to change type like from abilities like Pixilate or Refrigerate. It would also make it very easy for Girafarig to have proper type coverage of his new type. We don't have a Ghost type version of those abilities, and the pink spectral body form definitely seemed to fit the theme of Pixilate rather well, so I ended up going with Fairy. I think the sort of aether-body aspect of the design could lean in either direction thematically. As for why I made this form lean Physical... As I thought about the usage of Pixilate, one thing we don't really have is a physical Pixilate user, so by making Mega Girafarig into more of a Physical sweeper, we'd have something more unique. If there are any issues with the files, please let me know. And feel free to share what you think! Mega Girafarig 2.0.zip
  4. Thank you. I also joined the discord so if I have further questions, I may ask on the mod channel there.
  5. It's been a hot minute since I've done anything with reborn/rejuvenation editing. I'm bouncing back into the games and while following Haru's modding guide for the changes for Ruby, I've immediately hit a roadblock that I don't really see any information about. Right at the start, when editing the "Game - Shortcut" target line, it will not let me add the -debug at the end. I'll include an image of the error I get below. Additionally, skipping ahead just to the setup, I notice that I can't actually download Ruby to Visual Studio Code, but Ruby LSP. It states that Ruby is depreciated. Is there any issue with using LSP?
  6. I've modded my own crests into my own file, though I don't typically use most of them and wanted to share the mod eventually, but I've been roadblocked on more crests I want to create but don't know how to. Regardess, this is what I have made currently: Dragonair Crest - Increase Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed x1.6 - Everstone Effect Furret Crest - Attack and Special Attack scale off Speed - Neuroforce Effect (increases damage dealt by super effective moves by x1.25) Girafarig Crest - Attack scales off Special Attack - Defense scales off Special Defense - Parental Bond effect Masquerain Crest - Water STAB & Resistances Flygon Crest - Bug STAB & Resistances Chimecho Crest - Increases Defense and Special Defense x1.2 - Activates Heal Bell when switched in Meowstic Crest M - Lowers the opposing team’s Special Attack on Switch in - Screens last 10 turns Meowstic Crest F - Lowers the opposing team’s Special Defense on Switch in - Psychic moves are super effective against Dark-Type Pokemon Aurorus Crest -Triggers Aurora Veil when switched in regardless of weather. Frosmoth Crest - Resists Fire and Rock There were more I wanted to make but can't quite figure out how to do, for example I really want to give Dewgong a crest that worked like Iron Barbs but for special attacks, but I can't figure it out.
  7. I will at some point, possibly tomorrow, check out a few things, but someone I know also might know of a way to adjust that PokemonSystem thing. I'll see if they're interested in taking a look at it soon.
  8. You know, oddly, there are empty item spaces. For example, Ultra Potion is item 680, but then the next line is item 690, Adrenaline Orb. So maybe moving those items down to fill those empty spaces will make them show up in debug? I will have to check it out when I'm off work later.
  9. I think I added that upon someone's request actually here on the forums. Also there are no NPCs that use those, so if there's a crest you don't like the idea of, you can also just ignore it. I'd like to make it an official download for people, but I'm not really sure what the easiest route to accomplish this is. But yeah, it's odd that it doesn't appear in debug. There has to be somewhere that controls how that item list is populated.
  10. So a while back I thought up working on some additional crests to mod into the game, and after a long break, I finished up a handful that I'd love to share with everyone here for those that are interested, but I have run into one main issue which is that, while the crests work, they don't seem to show up in the debug menu when trying to add items to my bag, and I have no idea why this is the case. I can add them as hidden items in the world, but I feel like it'd be easier for sharing purposes if they could just get added via debug. Can anyone help me troubleshoot that? I have the files adjusted for the additional crests in the zip that I attached for reference. Additional Crest Mod.zip
  11. Hmm... Okay, so any of the crests that have physical or special moves scale off of a different stat all have the same basic function, and it looks kind of like this in Claydols' Case: Battler's index Special Attack = Battler's index Defense. Whether or not Defense boosts Special Attack is part of a different function which, for example, Typhlosion's crest does specify. In other words, the game is basically overwriting Claydol's Special Attack stat with its Defense stat rather than changing how the damage calculation works. In that regard, the description is slightly misleading, but what I'm trying to get at is they all have a certain function to them, and I think it's very weird that the design team would actively choose to make that very inconsistent from one Pokemon to the next based on balance alone especially when the details of how that works are left obscured to the casual player, and I'm not a fan of that. In my opinion, if you're going to create a trend of Pokemon Crests that cause certain stats to mimic other stats like that, then either all of them are also boosted when using that mimicked stat's boosting moves, or none of them do. Otherwise, anyone not paying attention to the forums and just playing on their own will likely not be able to understand properly, because they're presented with multiple conflicting examples that don't actually specify whether boosting does or doesn't affect that stat. If Claydol's too broken by getting a special attack boost from Cosmic Power, then perhaps the answer was that having its special attack get replaced with defense was a mistake and something else should've been done instead. Or perhaps the game should take into account boosting shenanigans and give opponents more ways of countering boosting Pokemon. But that's just my 2 cents on that. Regarding Thievul though, I'd rather fix it to work as it's described. Sure, Thievul's attack stat isn't great, but its special move pool is pretty shallow, and Thievul almost exclusively learns physical moves from level up. Decreasing your opponent's attack by half and adding that value to your own can end up having a much more significant effect for Thievul than 1 special attack boost does. Not only that, but you'd get to neuter strong physical attackers a lot more than 1 special attack decrease for special attackers, and both of these essentially work to cover Thievul's weaker physical stats.
  12. I can confirm this. I've been working on modding in new crests and fixing bugs in existing ones and it's definitely a bizarre case with Thievul. As you mention, how the effect works is it lowers 1 opponent's special attack by 1 stage and increases Theivul's special attack by 1 stage. One thing though in the AI script is that the game actually thinks Thievul's crest works the way it's written in the description--that it lowers the opponent's attack by x0.5 and adds that to Thievul. There are a few other bugs too that I'd like to correct, like how Claydol's Crest doesn't actually account for Defense boosts to increase Special Attack even though it should considering how the Typhlosion Crest works.
  13. the difficulty is the charm, most definitely. That said, I strongly feel that grind is NOT difficulty--it's monotony, and in fact takes away from the difficulty because you need to take a break from the game to sink a chunk of your personal time in order to bring your party up to a similar playing field to the opponent. And what's important about that exchange is that time's an important resource that extends beyond the game. This is something that the game industry as a whole has become more cognizant of over the last 8ish years. The official games get away with these ancient forms of min-maxing a) because it's Pokemon and it will make money no matter what and b) because the playthrough of the game is so painfully easy that these min-max training methods don't actually matter. I just use debug to get around the time sinks because I just don't have time in my life to spend 45 minutes EV training a single Pokemon, but I don't think that should be the answer. Sure, it's not hard to grind out the AP early on for the cards, that takes away from your ability to use that AP for other items like the golden items that allow us to bypass the equally ancient HM situation--something the official games have already done away with--or nature mints which were a massive step forward for the also outdated nature system. The fact that EV training already requires a significant amount of time per Pokemon to invest is already an unnecessarily slow hoop to jump through. Needing to grind AP just to have that opportunity is just more excess on top of excess. What I just want, and this is from the Pokemon games in general, is to streamline the training process to feel more like a worthwhile effort on the player's part that feels like natural progression--something that takes away the grind but retains some representation of your time spent training that Pokemon rather than just the "I snap my fingers and it's done" nature of using Debug. Here's my suggestion: EV Training; Defeating a Pokemon Trainer now awards every Pokemon in your party with EVs in each stat (5 for ordinary trainers, 10 for rivals and bosses, 15 for gym leaders and breeders later in the game). When a Pokemon has capped its EVs, you can respec that Pokemon's EVs at the Pokemon Center for a reasonable fee (2000 Pokedollars to respec all EVs or so) IVs: All Pokemon always have 31 IVs in every stat. You can respec IVs for free at the same place as EVs if you want a 0 IV stat. Honestly, IVs don't need to exist anymore. They don't offer any real level of customization or focus. Hidden Power: Separate Hidden Power type from IVs and just make that a separate value. I'd also love to see a physical Hidden Power and make changing your Pokemon's hidden power type something that actually does warrant a more valuable resource like AP or Heart Scales Natures: Change mints from being purchased with AP at the Casino to something you can buy at any mart for a reasonable fee. Again it's another example of something where it's a test of your knowledge of the Pokemon, not your ability to grind out the resources. Move Relearing: Honestly, I would kill to have Pokemon remember all moves they learn either via levelup or through TM/Tutor and you just go to the menu to set which 4 moves they'll currently use. It's so archaic to have to go to an NPC just to use a different moveset. Not to mention it would be fantastic to save different set, like a doubles set. It's so hard to justify holding onto a move like Follow Me in a game where you're constantly going to go through singles battles as well. Granted, this could be incredibly complext to toss into Pokemon Essentials. I'd say just make the move relearner free, make them present in all cities, and make the special move relearner who uses Heart Scales teach you egg moves. It's still painfully clunky, but it's probably unreasonable to expect an all-new UI system for storing and setting up movesets on the fly.
  14. I feel like there are too many hoops to jump through for what is an essential aspect to combat engagement in this game. First and foremost, you shouldn't need to have to AP grind right from the start just to even have access to an actual EV training facility, and one of the core issues with EV training just on a conceptual level is it's just about grinding it out. There's no real challenge or test of your skill as a trainer. The real test comes from your knowledge and adaptability. Creating grindfest hoops for players to jump through is basically archaic in today's era of game design, and I think it would behoove both Rejuvenation and Reborn to adopt more modernized and manageable methods of EV training. For IVs, I don't even know why this is a value that still exists quite honestly. There are two incredibly niche situations in which having max IVs is not ideal: Special Attackers (who minimize confusion damage and Foul Play by having 0 attack IVs), and Trick Room teams (where having 0 speed IVs for some pokemon give them the ability to outspeed a handful of specific Pokemon under trick room). Beyond that, IVs are just an ancient form of stat customization that has aged very poorly. Natures are also pretty terrible design-wise. Only a handful of them even matter, and the rest actively handicapping the Pokemon that have them. Neurtal natures serve literally no purpose in any context, and while there is at least a decent amount that are useful to some Pokemon, any given Pokemon only really wants 1 or 2. At lot of these are just consequences of the official games' inability to grow and change with the development of the game industry. On a conceptual level, the idea of these factors can be at least an interesting thing, if not a good thing, but they're hilariously outdated in today's RPG design. It's significantly easier said than done, but I think since both Reborn and Rejuvenation are designed specifically to test your knowledge of Pokemon combat more than your ability to grind through the content like the main games, retaining these various hurtles just bogs the games down rather than props them up. Updating these with efficient ways of customizing your Pokemon with reasonable limitations so that you can't just get an all-new team every 5 minutes would do both games a lot of good.
  15. That's an interesting option. I've yet to settle on anything that I really clicks for me. Some examples of ideas I though of: - Early Bird effect + something else... Dewgong resting is probably his most famous tactic and makes it a much stronger form of recovery, but then idk what you'd add to that. - Something to do with Encore, like countering attacks with Encore, but then it gets really cheesy really fast. Or Dewgong only counters moves resisted by water (Fire, Water, Ice, Steel) with Encore, but idk. - Something to do with Perish Song, perhaps while making Dewgong immune to it. Idk what direction I'd take this, and it could also get cheesy pretty quickly. - Giving Dewgong some kind of cleric functionality, like a reverse Regenerator (i.e. heals the Pokemon you switch in by 30% or something). Not sure if I could possibly make that work, but it's an idea.
  16. I suppose the Cramorant part is fair, even with the encounter mod since that'll only guarantee you 1 Cormorant without much searching. Regarding Naved though, you can lean on Aelita for a lot of progress with the right couple mons. I remember that fight going pretty smoothly with a dedenne disabling his Pokemon, and a Rock Slide mon can get pretty far with flinch luck.
  17. If you're trying to do this on Intense, here's an example of someone doing it with 4 Cramorants which can be caught at Blacksteeple:
  18. I love Dewgong design wise, but he struggles to compete in any semblance to other defensive water type Pokemon and pales in comparison to every other fully evolved Water/Ice type Pokemon as well. I've been wracking my brain around what a Dewgong Crest could look like--something that's interesting and provides Dewgong with a solid niche, but it's kinda tough. Dewgong's moveset has a lot of limitations, so it becomes difficult to think about what kind of mechanics might genuinely benefit him. So I'm curious what others think about the topic.
  19. Well that's just a different pokemon. Giving old pokemon an evolution is a cop out imo just because that's not acually fixing the pokemon we have, just creating a new one to do what the old one could've done.
  20. Updated my first post with some questions about 2 crest options. Let me know your thoughts below
  21. So I made that Crest Mod WIP topic, but that kinda turned into an idea space for crest concepts, which is fine but now it's kinda hard to search out tips from anyone who might have more scripting experience, so I wanna just put this out there and see if anyone might know what to do. For now I have 2 things: 1. I have successfully made a new crest that can appear in the inventory and does work, but it does not appear in the debug menu. I can obtain the item by making it a hidden item on the map, and I presume I'll be able to add it to shops for when I want to make it actually obtainable, so I know that the item actually works and doesn't crash or anything. 2. I'm not sure how to make the new crests use the crest icon in the bag. They just appear as an empty item icon right now. On a similar note, new crests don't show the "Crested" icon on that Pokemon in battle. Both of these are things that I'm not sure where that information is stored. I've searched every script for every instance of the word "CREST" and I don't know how to adjust those. If anyone's got any ideas, please let me know :)
  22. The script that's used is basically stating that Claydol's Special Attack is mimicking what Claydol's Defense stat is and that should include EVs and IVs. I may have found the issue though but I'll have to test it later. Investing in defense EVs on Crest Claydol does increase damage with special attacks.
  23. A lot of these are far outside of what I think I can accomplish anyway, and I'm still trying to figure out how to make the one's I have tested actually work I figured out a few errors that I made, but it's a slow and challenging process. I have the benefit that I can reverse engineer that work that's already been done to a degree, but some of the stuff just isn't working even when I imitate how it's laid out for other Pokemon. For example, even though I set up Noctowl's Crest to have Special Attack match Noctowl's Special Defense in the same way that Claydol's set up to do the same concept with Defense, it doesn't actually seem to be changing Noctowl's damage output when I test it. I have my Noctowl with EVs in Special Defense and not Special Attack, but nothing seems to change.
  24. One thing I'd stress is that I would go through a testing phase once I finish the mons I have in mind or get to around 15 or so is what I was planning on. Something that I was taught regarding game design was start by overtuning because you'll get a better idea of what is and isn't too much that way and you can dial it down afterward. From my experience playing on Intense Mode, no items, is that slow mons are KOed fast and Luxray just doesn't really seem to last, especially since his only good electric attack is Wild Charge that has recoil, and he only learns it at a very high level. Galvanize would give Luxray better options between Spark and Wild Charge as well as non-recoil options on a mon that is going to be chipped down pretty heavily regardless thanks to low speed. The Vileplume option I can understand, but I want to see what happens when I test it out. Again, Vileplume is very slow and is going to take a beating most turns even in sunlight. Perhaps just Tinted Lens is enough but I'll give it a go. I don't think I have the capability to do something like the "behaves in sun" suggestion due to the limitations I have to work with. I basically just don't have the knowledge of writing new functions like that, but if a function already exists or is described in somewhere like the moveeffects script, then I can add the crest effect to that. I haven't found where Prankster is located yet, but I should be able to locate that function somewhere. It has to be somewhere I can reach. The Mightyena one I could do, but I don't know how to add a flat value to base. I can just mimic the multipliers that exist already from other crests, or do something like how Claydol uses Defense to measure special attacks. I can cause one attack to read the value of another. I also want to do a Furret Crest, for example, but I'm just not sure what I could do. One idea was have both Attack and Defense pull from Furret's Speed stat and possibly boost that a smidge. The other issue for Furret is his learnset isn't great. I could try seeing if I could have him use Trick on switch-in which could be interesting, mimicking how the Phione Crest functions, though I'm not sure if that will work the same way.
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