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Everything posted by ty_taurus
So I looked through wine files like you said, and wow... Just look at what I found.
So, I really like the idea of using Togetic with eviolite. Now I get that even with that, it isn't that great, but does anyone have suggestions for teams / movesets that work best for it?
This is all thats in there. When I play the Game.exe file, it always loads the same game that I started on this computer.
I'm using 1.6.1
So I've been playing Pokemon Reborn on macs since episode 10 and I've always found smooth and simple solutions, but there's something that changed recently and I'm not sure what happened. So I changed computers a few months ago, and sent my files over to this computer from my old one through dropbox. When I started playing, I couldn't load my Game.rxdata file. I could only start a new game, so I did. Something interesting to note is that, all versions of Pokemon Reborn that I have will open the same game and I don't have to move any files. Each version has its own folder but they all can save and load the same game. Game.rxdata files I have are completely ignored when I open Pokemon Reborn through Wine, no matter what version of Pokemon Reborn, or where the Game.rxdata files are. I have no idea where the game I'm playing now is held, and there is no Game.rxdata file in my Episode 15 folder, where I am currently playing. I'd like to know where to find the save file so I can protect it, as well as make a backup. Does this make any sense to anyone?
Nvm, not enough badges
I totally get your point about how there aren't butterfly/moth Pokemon every generation, but they are very frequently repeated. Vivillon was a much better attempt and arguably the best of the butterflies having compound eyes sleep powder/quiver dance/Hurricane. Of the three its the only that gets a strong stab Flying move. All their stats are noticeably similar. And while their move sets are different to an extent, they really don't have that many differences. For example, you could mention that instead of Grass moves and Air Cutter, Butterfree has psychic moves as coverage, but then you realize its a moot point because they can all use the Psychic TM. Beautifly has Giga Drain, but Butterfree can have it from a move tutor. Realistically the only differences in moveset is that Butterfree has Poison Powder and Sleep Powder while Beautifly has Air Cutter and Morning Sun. Not really enough variety. I don't think we can only have 1 butterfly pokemon, but if you're going to give us several, then make them different. Hoenn is a really tropical region, why not give Beautifly more of a sun motif (especially considering it got Morning Sun) and give it tools like Flamethrower and Flash Fire. I mean Swarm and Rivalry aren't going to cut it. My point isn't that nothing will be as good as Butterfree, my point is that we shouldn't focus on making Butterfree 2.0 but instead a different pokemon with something different and new to take advantage of. Flamethrower and Flash Fire certainly wouldn't save Beautifly from being horribly weak but it would at least give it something it can do that the others can't, switch into Fire Types and cause damage to Steel Types
What would you want to see added to the game in the future?
ty_taurus replied to GhostKiller's topic in Reborn City
I would love to see some legendary pokemon get involved in the plot. Catching them I don't think is necessary and I'm positive Ame doesn't plan on any being obtainable until either post game or just very late into the game, but the pseudo appearance of Arceus was a great example. I think it could be interesting to see a Suicune make an appearance to try and purify the lake or a Celebi taking us on a time trip to the old reborn to learn something about Team Meteor. I feel like it wouldn't be a bad thing to get a Phione egg though, seeing as its more of a pseudo legendary and not really that strong either. -
Normal: Patrat/Watchog - I really dislike these, their designs don't make me think about Pokemon, they make me think about Looney Tunes. Way too cartoonish for my taste. Grass/Fire/Water: Simisage/Simisear/Simipour - Three lazy and boring designs in my eyes. Their purpose in Black and White was to further cement the Type wheel early in the game because that's clearly not beaten over our heads enough in the series. Flying: Tonadus/Thundurus/Landorus - I'm really not a fan of these legendaries. I don't know if its the weird tails, the sickly-looking spotted colorations or the weird angry mustache faces, but I just don't think they look good at all. Bug: Wurmple's Evolutionary Family - Interestingly enough I do like the designs of Beautifly and Dustox, but I really hate everything they stand for. To me, these bugs represent the idea that certain kinds of Pokemon should be repeated every generation and I cannot disagree more, all you get are more mediocre Pokemon that tend to compete for last place with their originals (in this case Butterfree and Venomoth who greatly surpass these two) Electric: Voltorb/Electrode - I was never a fan and I never will be. Ice: Vanillite/Vanillish/Vanilluxe - There aren't many Ice types to choose from, but these are my least for ice because their just way too silly for me to take seriously. Ground: Diglett/Dugtrio - I feel like a mole Pokemon could've looked so much more interesting than this. The charm is lost on me to say the least. Rock: Probopass - You know interestingly enough I was fine with Nosepass, I feel like Easter Island statues is a bit odd for inspiration but it was different. Honestly I was not a fan of gen 4's Pokedex being half made up of evolutions to make weaker Pokemon stronger. I firmly stand by that if you need to fix a Pokemon's stats, then they should just do it and not feel like they can't rebalance their own game. The mustache here is what takes it to a whole other level of ridiculous to me. Fighting: Timburr/Gurdurr/Conkeldurr - There are several for fighting type but I went with these three mostly because the whole pop-out-vein thing around their bodies really grosses me out. I have a weird thing about veins that just really creeps me out, like the ones on your hands that you can poke down and that feeling when you touch them... yeash... Poison: Trubbish/Garbador - Grimer and Muk would've won if it weren't for these two taking "waste Pokemon" to a whole new level of intensity. Psychic: Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle - I'm not loving the six bows or the weirdly shaped body, that and I just find the idea of a Pokemon based on a real-world style of dress to be too silly for me. Ghost: Cofagrigus - There aren't many Ghost types, but I chose this one because while the other ghost types do look ominous or creepy in some way, Cofagrigus just looks like a joke to me. That and I can't spell its name to save my life, Yamask was so much cooler. Dark: Malamar - Reminds me of a goofy cartoon alien villain, not the worst of my least favorites since Dark Types are mostly really cool looking to me. Steel: Kling/Klang/Klingklang - These guys just feel really lazy to me, everything from the design to the name just feels so half-assed. Fairy: Klefki - This guy can be a pain to deal with playing against it, and the whole keyring thing... yeah I'm not feeling it. Dragon: Reshiram/Zekrom - Of all the legendaries, these guys just feel so bland to me. There's a lot going on with their designs, a lot of lines and details, but was it necessary for them to have absolutely no color at all? Just one that is entirely white and another that is entirely black. If that's not smashing the Black version/White version concept in your face with a bag of bricks then I don't know what is.
The reason I went for Bug/Fairy instead of a more obvious Bug/Fighting is that once you add a second Bug/Fighting type, you're immediately in competition with Heracross who also has a Mega Evolution. Taking that into account, Ledian's biggest differences are its new and faster speed and its option to stay focused on being a support with baton pass and duel screens (not like you can use a light clay though). Otherwise Ledian's drastically outdone in HP, Defense, and Attack. It's not like Heracross is thirsty for coverage when it has Megahorn, Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Close Combat. Keep in mind Heracross is still a powerhouse without its mega evolution, and you can give it more options with other items as well. With Fairy, Ledian would have different defenses, counter, and an opportunity to gain a Fairy move or two in a future game. It wouldn't be looked at as an inferior Heracross.
I get your point, but I am thinking about the next generation. I'm 95% sure there will be more fairy attacks implemented since there are very few as it stands. Its not necessary, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch already have bolt beam coverage, I just thought it would be nice to have a stab move. Focus Punch is another good point, I guess a better way to program it would be for it to affect only attacks with 75 base power. This would also exclude dizzy punch, dynamic punch, and mach punch in that event. Would 4 attacks really be that strong on a Pokemon with a base attack of 35? I mean Jigglypuff, Pichu, and even Flabebe hit harder than it.
Hmm, Power-Up punch would be a problem. I'd say just exclude it along with Comet Punch. I like the option of having secondary effects still present, and I also think trying to exclude boosts specifically would be a little too complicated.
I don't mind mechanics like EV's and IV's and everything to that nature, but the one thing I wish was that I didn't need to breed Pokemon to get things like perfect IV's or Eggs moves. Instead of having Egg moves, there could've been another mechanic, or simply more tutors/more TMs. As for IV's it would be nice if there was some way to increase them, like a more more in depth training system, maybe with much more strict limitations so that you had to really work for perfect IV's but while keeping in the themes of teamwork and friendship with your Pokemon. Like others have said, I don't want to force my team that have gotten me through most of the game to endlessly breed with a ditto to give me the perfect child and send the parents off without so much as a "thank you". I'd rather train tirelessly WITH my team so that we can be the best through blood, sweat, and tears, not semen and eggs. Maybe each Pokemon could only earn 3 points in IV's per day, and you had to go through some mini-game or something of intensive training to get a single point added to your Pokemon.
Hmm, I guess because Ledian's a pretty big underdog and I generally like Pokemon and Characters from other games that aren't naturally the best of the best. Maybe its the hipster in my but I tend to really like the lower tier characters of games... Other favorites of mine include Furret, Girafarig, Leafeon, Togetic (But not really Togekiss) and I've loved Mawile from before her mega evolution. The only really strong ones I like a lot are Latias and Whimsicott
This is a theory threat, just wanting to see if anyone likes my idea. So as it stands Ledian is one of the most pitiful Pokemon with terrible typing, below average stats in all the wrong places, a confused moveset given its types and stats, and abilities that don't compliment Ledian's existing options. Ledian is my unfortunate favorite Pokemon. I say "unfortunate" because it's just sad how much the developers trolled the poor ladybug. As it stands, a mega evolution is the most likely savior Ledian can hope for. Here is what I've worked up: Mega Ledian Bug/Fairy Ability: Huge Power Current stat / New stat HP: 55 / 55 Attack: 35 / 75 Defense: 50 / 70 Sp Attack: 55 / 45 Sp Defense : 110 / 130 Speed : 85 / 115 Total: 395 / 495 Why Fairy? The pokedex entires throughout the series describe Ledian as being "powered by starlight" and how the circles on its back grow when the stars are out. It also scatters glowing powder in the night sky. Goodness knows Ledian needs to rid itself of the horrible typing, and bug certainly isn't going anywhere so flying needs to be replaced, and Fairy makes the most sense with the star-based info, similar to Clefairy's and Clefable's affiliation with the moon. It's appearance wouldn't change much, the circles on its back and head should change to stars and glow as glittering powder falls from under its wings. I'd like to add that the opportunity for more mega evolutions would come with a new generation of Pokemon and likely some new moves added to the move pool. I'd like to think that we might see some new fairy moves added to the game and in a universe where this mega evolution happens, there is also a chance for a fairy move that would look something like this: Starlight Punch (Fairy-Type, Pow:75, Acc:100 -This move has a 20% chance to flinch the target) It would be a nifty STAB move that makes sense on Ledian to learn by level, or possibly some other new fairy physical move. Just shooting off an assumption. *EDIT* Points have been made that I've been underestimating what happens when you start multiplying 35 as a base power so I figured I'd come back and renovate the idea to something less outlandish. The ability is changed to Huge Power and stats have been rearranged to compliment this.
So I'm curious... how far could I take a Furret in tiers? I'm thinking something like... Frisk, Jolly, Choice Scarf 4 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed Trick Power-Up Punch U-Turn Sucker Punch
Ah, oh well. Not really a priority over a lot of the other things going on with updates I'm sure.
So Reborn has an amazing soundtrack which I think is something that speaks for itself. With battles and random encounters though we don't often hear the entire tracks for some of the really cool background tracks... How realistic is the idea of the music starting back up where it left off after combat? How much work would that take? Does the programs used for Reborn make that a challenging task?
I also used the Cottonee/Whimsicott strategy, though instead of a sturdy Pokemon I just survived with harassment and stat modifiers. Could also take advantage of Prankser Meowstic with light clay and Light Screen if you want to buff your way through it.
Oh yeah, Taka exists... I'm very interested in him. I'm assuming he's similar to N in some ways.
I was thinking about future chapters and what some events might look like. I'm going to assume that near the end we will succeed at defeating Team Meteor and disbanding it like what happens with all Team Evils in Pokemon Games, and I'm crossing my fingers for some epic moments in the game. Personally I'm thinking of this big infiltration mission involving you, Cain, Charlotte, Saphira, Hardy, Aya, Shelly, Laura, Noel, Anna, Cal... Possibly Titania and Amaria as well as maybe a surprise visit from Victoria. I'm thinking BIG scale all-out assault on the organization (not that all of it would have to be on screen though). But I'm thinking of the group splitting up into smaller groups and taking down different parts, maybe You go from group to group and take part in each assault. Not sure what Ferns up to, either becoming a general of some kind or showing to be a double agent and helping take down the organization at the last minute. I know most people are expecting (and hoping) him to get taken down by the player during this part, but I could see him turning on Team Meteor even if only to prove his strength by attempting to take down the organization on his own, then trying to take all the credit when you succeed.
I'm guessing sometime around Halloween give or take.
can always add in an asian set of protagonists and hispanic ones
I saw the sprite video and how you aren't going to be limited to 8 protagonist characters. Do you think you will try adding others over time?
The question wasn't really about "will she include gen 7?" assuming she finishes everything related to the game before then, but does she plan to keep the game alive after its completion date by keeping up with any new generations to come. Again, it's a pretty far off question that likely isn't being worried about at the moment, I was just curious if that was something she was thinking of.