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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ty_taurus

  1. So this is something that won't be a concern for quite some time, and you may not have an answer for this because of that. But lets say you finish the game completely, story wise and post game content. Then several months later, generation 7 (or whatever would be the most recent at the time of this game's end) comes around with new Pokemon, Moves, and the whole deal... Would you update the game even if its already finished? As in, throw in all the newer Pokemon and update trainers/rivals/meteor grunts/and gym leaders?
  2. So if the main gates of Reborn City are locked until you meet Adrienn and take care of El's Arceus, and the path through the rail net is blocked off until you get the Strength TM, with a locked door where the key is in a building held up by team meteor, and a gate that is still closed when you do the train track puzzle... How did Amaria get home after the events in the North Peridot Factory?
  3. Gyarados isn't the only one that can sweep a gym leader, anything that can set up boosts has a series advantage over the gym leaders. The question is, how fair do you want to play? Gyarados just made it a little easier since it could survive longer Compound Eyes + Sleep Powder + 2-3 Quiver Dances my Vivillon ate Luna for dinner and used Samson as the napkin. It also worked on Noel and to a lesser extent, Radomus.
  4. It would be cool to buy shiny dye, but the whole concept of shiny Pokemon was for them to be rare. Yeah it's nothing more than a nice cosmetic difference, but I think and endless supply would really bring down the value or satisfaction of getting a shiny. That's why I didn't think it should be a repeatable quest. One time per save file I think is reasonable, it makes you really think about what Pokemon you want to use it on, cause if you want to breed a stronger one later, you may want to save the shiny dust
  5. the point was more to give the player 1 free effortless (Kinda) shiny. Chances are still less than 1%, and some might want to have a shiny signature Pokemon or something, and this would also let you make sure their IV's were good It could probably change to the 4 reborn crystals, but should all be during different weather effects maybe, so its a little harder to get them all quickly
  6. So I thought of a cool idea for a lengthy side quest for a 1-time-only useful item.. Basically there would be this guy that shows up in 7th street with a crazy idea and needs your help! He asks for crystals that can only be found several locations such as: Rodochrine Jungle - Green Crystal Beneath the grand stairway - Orange Crystal Pyrous Mountain - Red Crystal Byxbysion Wasteland - Violet Crystal Iolia Valley - Yellow Crystal Ametrine Mountain - Blue Crystal You can collect those items only after speaking to the guy, and when you come back and hand them over he grinds them up and makes the item "Shiny Dust" Using Shiny Dust on a Pokemon makes them shiny. Like I said, it would be the only time you can get that item so if you waste it, there's no getting another. I think it would be a nice thing to add for anyone that wants their signature Pokemon to be a shiny Anyone like this idea?
  7. I love some of the new characters like Robin and Shulk (Fan of both games) though I'm a little irked at some of the clone choices, especially since the Koopa Kids showcased how far away you can take an alternate character. Why Dark Pitt, Dr Mario, and Lucina weren't just alts and their specials choosable in the character customization menu while Alph and the other Koopa Kids are alts of Olimar and Bowser Jr. respectively makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm curious if we're going to see alt DLC, like Daisy as an alt for Peach and Wolf for Fox which you would think was a given, or at least I did :/
  8. I'll have to check those out, I found a few items on random tiles around the city just clicking aimlessly, I'll have to be thorough.
  9. I'm still very early in this playthrough, that will be a while i think
  10. I miraculously ran into a shiny scatterbug... Looking at the shiny Vivillon it looks so awesome, but it had to have friend guard... not even shield dust, friend guard... If I had gotten compound eyes I might've done backflips *sigh* the emotions this game gives me
  11. ty_taurus


    So I did a test to see if Mawile still could be found in the underground railnet. Of the 100 Pokemon I encountered, this is what I got: Geodude - 16% Graveler - 6% Mawile - 0% Skorupi - 8% Kling - 26% Klang - 3% Noibat - 41% I conclude that Mawile no longer exists in the underground railnet... so where has it been moved?
  12. ty_taurus


    So How rare is Mawile in the underground railnet? Also is it findable in any spot down there or only specific spaces?
  13. So I've been doing the Vulpix event over and over and over again to try and get Drought on my Vulpix. I've seen 8 Flash Fire Vulpix's so far... going for number 9 now... am I just wasting my time? I really don't want to spend another hour or two trying for Drought if it was removed or something. Vulpix No. 10 had it
  14. ty_taurus


    So does anyone know where espurrs are found yet?
  15. So I've been thinking about a few things... 1: Who's watching Shelly's Gym? Since she got all mixed up in the issue with Sigmund and Team Meteor... isn't anyone curious as to where the Gym leader is, especially when Florinia pointed out earlier that she couldn't go fetch the Cut HM herself because she had a responsibility to her ward and couldn't leave for very long? 2: Why does Shelly go from competent Gym Leader to Damsel in Distress? She still has her Pokemon right? Now about Fern... In Episode 10 when Saphira breaks through the west side of the mountain and you get access to Route 1, how did Fern beat you there when Saphira had JUST made a path through the mountain? I mean... the Reborn Gate was sealed at that point and that was the only other way to get to Route 1.
  16. Alright, I just have a few questions then... Where does the train come from? I mean if I follow the tracks, the only place I can end up is out in the middle of the Chrysolia Forest, and the tracks end. So I'm sure the train on the way to Reborn must've come from some other direction, and then what regions are Reborn close to, if any? I know my character is from Johto but I want to trace his steps of how he got to meet Ame and where he's taking the train from to get to Reborn.
  17. So I've been thinking about this unique character with a unique team and back story and what if his journey was through Reborn. I'm slightly tempted to turn this into a fanfiction, but wanted to see if it would be okay to write a story using the Reborn league, characters, and main plot... I, of course, would not claim anything as my own other than my character's back story. I'd also love to share it on here somewhere if I decided to go through with it
  18. I'd say make it specific to a single alley in Peridot or something. It's a great way to add in more Pokemon as a whole, give every alley a specific "special" Pokemon that appears less than the others, like 10-15% not 1-2% Or maybe not every alley, but a few here and there.
  19. So I've pretty much fallen in love with Espurr and Meowstic, I've read on the forums that with the upcoming patches, the list of Pokemon found will be updated and swapped around to be more balanced and to include gen 6 Pokemon, so I was just curious if there might be an early access Espurr seeing as its not a top tier Pokemon, I suppose its not something you might disclose at this point, and if so just throwing it out there that my fingers are crossed to catch one.
  20. So I know the plan is to eventually sew the 6th gen moves, Pokemon, and the Fairy-Type... Since Clefable is becoming a pure Fairy, will Noel be keeping her as his signature Normal-Type?
  21. Well Ice Punch and Drain Punch were TMs in the Gold and Silver gen
  22. ty_taurus

    TM Talk

    So I have a question about TMs... Do they have to be pre-existing TMs in the Pokemon Games, or could you add in a TM for something like Wood Hammer or Metronome if you wanted to? I'm curious for a couple reasons, A ) because I'm a little curious about how they work programming wise, and B ) because it would be amazing to have an Ice Punch TM eventually
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