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About falconman624

  • Birthday 11/09/1995

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    Pokemon and... well thats pretty much it

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  1. There is a book shelf in the gym. Just look around for it. The table I think is in a home, don't quote me on that cause I'm not for sure
  2. hmm. could of sworn ive seen it work on protect before. ah well thanks.
  3. Just saying. I've been having trouble with my Noivern's Infiltrator as in when an enemy protects itself as in it wont go through the protect. Also I want to say that this game is awesome
  4. HELP ME! I went through any opening i seen i can go through but then near the very begining, all the exits were closed except the way i just came from. Please help.
  5. Im newish kind of ( only got my third badge) what ward is 7th street in
  6. can somebody tell me the soonest you can get ralts please
  7. So i just started playing again. Where is ralts
  8. Gardevoir, O Gardevoir. Where the heck art thou Gardevoir
  9. im pretty sure i did. i did it the same way i got it the first time
  10. umm. ive been having trouble actually starting the game. ive been clicking on the Game exe. but it wont go into the game. it will just say that it is loading but only for like a split second. i have recently had the game before the update (episode 9) but i deleted it all recently before i got the update and just get the whole game again to start over (i wasnt rel far so...). i was wondering if i was doing everything i need to do or is something wrong. I remember not having to do much when i got the game the first but i dont know if im doing something wrong or not. Please help, falconman624
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