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CURIE last won the day on July 4 2024

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  • Birthday 07/12/1995

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  1. Took longer than expected but the next part of "Setting off a Chain Reaction" is finally done

  2. If you haven't played Uranium or Shadows of Almia and plan to, and care about spoilers, then well you probably shouldn't have read this far anyway, but consider this your last warning before I spoil the shit out of them. To be fair, with Almia it's not that big a deal since the story isn't what makes that game so great. But Uranium though, that game's story is really what makes the experience. It's way better than Reborn in that regard. Bonus Chapter 10.5 Man, this series suddenly became weirdly relevant given the recent disaster in Ohio that's being called the "American Chernobyl". It's not nuclear in nature, but we're looking at the same kind of ecological devastation there. I wonder how many of you guys read that sentence, didn't know what I was talking about, looked it up, and are now like "WTF WHY DID I NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS UNTIL JUST NOW?!?!?!" Because it makes certain politicians in power look bad. That's why.
  3. Okay I wasn't able to finish it by the weekend but it'll be done sometime soon

  4. What the others said is kinda true but also kinda not. The characters did have cannon ages listed on the wiki but they all got wiped with the game's final update, I can only assume because people were giving the devs shit for Cain in particular (he's fifteen yet all his dialogue is about having sex). I remember Taka's like, twenty something, and I believe Radomus is... forty something?
  5. Hoping to have the next part of "Setting off a Chain Reaction" out by this weekend.  I've just been sooooo busy irl

  6. Putting gen 9 in between gen 8 and Uranium would mean my Pokemon getting deleted again, so definitely put it after Uranium in the dex.
  7. I consider myself lucky that I was just able to see the Artemis launch in person.  I'm not actually AT the launch, but from where I am right now I could see it in the form of a brilliant orange star rising into the sky before fading away, it was awesome.


    Sucks for everyone else though because NASA's official livestream is LAME!  Instead of cameras on the rocket showing us the pieces detaching we get... a shitty CGI render???  And the dumbass commentator wouldn't just let us listen to the countdown either

  8. Yeah the final episode of Ash vs Leon was well animated, but it was the ONLY well animated part of that tournament.  We're talking about the biggest media franchise in the entire world here, and yet the anime gets a shoestring budget where only the very end of the final battle can afford to get good animation.  It's kind of insulting honestly.

    1. NeoBolt


      Agreed, was kinda dissappointed in that regard

    2. PoketrainerZane


      the issue was they removed ash training with his Pokémon  i missed those episodes i loved it when he got gym badges i also did not mind if he lost then train again for a later episode retry it made the show show how he improved instead journeys kind of rushed everything i didn't mind the show but it seemed kind of a let down when they didn't show ash training before the tournament

  9. The readout for the Fallout field effect has a mistake: It says it activates the elemental seed to boost both defenses and suppress your ability, but it actually activates the SYNTHETIC seed, boosts both OFFENSES and suppresses your ability. I'm not sure if you did that on purpose as a joke though, because if you didn't then it's quite a coincidence. In the original Uranium, the Fallout weather was bugged in a similar manner (it was supposed to reduce damage to nuclear types by 25%, but didn't).
  10. Well I did mention in the gameplay section that I already had something kind of like that planned, but had to scrap it because I couldn't get the sprite to not look like crap
  11. Finally got around to uploading Chapter 10 of the Nuclear monotype

  12. It's been a while, huh. Sorry for going so long without an update, I've been busy with real life. It also doesn't help that this website sucks at its job and deleted my post when I was halfway through writing it... TWICE. You're probably about to say "shouldn't you start saving backups somewhere else?", and I've tried that, but doing so fucks up the format and basically forces me to re-write it all again anyway. If you're reading this then it means I finally got around to writing it all a third time and actually finishing it before the website wiped it away a third time. Chapter 10 Story Section: Gameplay Section: The team so far: @Q-Jei and @Candy I assume you don't have a problem with the cameos you made here? I doubt you would but if you do I can just replace them with generic randos. @Aphelli You too I guess but like, your character is literally just Vero with a different name.
  13. Hey, I'm not gonna waste both our times with a generic "don't give up you can do it" comment, in fact there's something I feel like needs to be said in regards to the problem you're facing. I know I'm almost a month late here but I've been busy IRL and wanted to get to finishing the next chapter of my own story.
  14. I'm gonna have to start making my chapters shorter or something because it happened again.  This website's SUPPOSED to save your in-progress post, but this is the second time it didn't work and just deleted everything

  15. You'd think Ash's upcoming fight against Cynthia would be a bigger deal in the fandom, but the problem is that the fights this season have been so mediocre and boring that no one really cares anymore.  It doesn't help that the outcome has basically been told to us already.

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