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About ArthurZH

  • Birthday 04/03/1997

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    Sora Zachary
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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Hihi, jumping onto the immense bandwagon here: Simisage/pour/sear: It would be cool if they could get the Work Up effect on switch in? The first gym in Unova gives you the TM for Work Up after all... Shedinja: I thought that a good buff to it would be to give it a max of 2HP instead; this makes it necessary to have 2 turns of something to kill it (e.g. 2 turns of leech seed, status, weather, and at least buys 1 turn with damage hazards or requires 2x hazards) Ludicolo: Boost to it's Speed and SpAtk would be really helpful Shiftry: Boost to it's Speed and Atk would also be really helpful (Might have more later if inspiration strikes, but honestly a lot are already here!)
  4. - What led you to Pokemon Reborn? This is actually a weird story. I was on Pokemon Showdown, and joined a Pokemon league called 'The Sora League', which was basically a few friends around the Australia/Asia timezones that came together and hung out on a server/room. The champion/host, Noah (goes by Revan online now I think) introduced this to all of us, and I decided to tag along! To be honest, I was looking for a more difficult, fan-made Pokemon game that didn't really involve fakemons and had the updated Pokemon roster, so it was perfect. - What do you think about the battle system in the game? Actually amazing. Having played showdown for a bit, I found the normal games a bit monotonous after a while. When I started Reborn, I realised how difficult it was going to be having joined prior to field effects introduction, as most people had some form of really annoying strategy (e.g. Hail Bright Powder Snow Cloak Glaceon and Frosslass in a double battle for Serra.....yikes). I really enjoyed the initial difficulty, and found the field effects really really fun to play around. I personally prefer to stick to mainstream Pokemon stuff, and don't super enjoy fakemons/alternate forms, but the field effects I was fine with (as it was very interactive and realistic). (having said that I also really enjoyed the delta pokemon in Insurgence). Personally I think that the battle system's only drawback is the incomplete animations for moves and the lag around it, which to be honest is getting worked on (Bless Ame and her team) and I'm really looking forward to seeing cool funky animations whilst wrecking things around with underrated Pokemon. EDIT: Other thought that occurred to me: would also appreciate having more ways to make the fields, e.g. in rejuvenation if you use Z-moves you can create fields. Don't think this was done enough in Reborn personally, but maybe because it made it easier...? - What do you think about the stories/narrative in the game? I think this has been the best bit about Reborn, is the interconnected relationships between characters, the plot build up, the backstory we're given, the way Ep18 has been shaping us up to be the "biggest baddie" of the good guys and how we're not super strong (we beat 4 leaders and 1 backup in a row in 3 consecutive battles....). There's a lot of interesting plot points as well, ranging from real-life pollution, corruption in the upper echelons of society (gym leaders), the complexity of mental health issues (c.f. Florinia, Amaria, Charlotte, Corey), the complex issues around orphanages (how they were treated and the regulations involved) and so, so much more that I really loved learning about, and playing through, as it gives us a sense of attachment, the ability to resonate with the characters and importantly it's just good storywriting. - In particular, what do you think about the queer characters in the game, like Cain and Adrienn? So I'm gay and I don't see much representation, nor do I get to learn much about the LGBT+ world because of my country of origin, but I really enjoyed seeing Adrienn, Cain, Amaria and Titania in the game. I think there's a good level of representation, mainly because with some of these characters I can tell that they're "queer" behaviour isn't their "only" characteristics, i.e. they're not portrayed as only being queer for the sake of it. There's a lot of backstory on Cain and how he got rejected, and why he decides to flaunt his sexuality as a way of being truthful; there's more to Adrienn than being non-binary, as he is shown to be someone who really cares about the city and its restoration; there's more to Amaria and Titania's lesbian relationship, as it touches upon mental health, depression, dependency of someone in depression and its mental toll. It's a really really well written queer representation, and I like it. Overall I think Pokemon Reborn has managed to satisfy a significantly large proportion of the Pokemon fans by providing an interesting, harder, actually competent Pokemon game (as opposed to *cough cough*). I have about 10 save files (at some stage they're all getting deleted so I can restart Ep19) and have thoroughly enjoyed the game ever since I was introduced to it about 5-6 years ago (gosh darn I'm old). I'm really excited to see new games like Rejuvenation starting to pop up, especially in context of difficulties. I'm not going to lie, I highly doubt that in the near future we're going to be able to see another equally, well-written game, in context of its storyline, difficulty, and its ability to resonate with the player throughout the game. P.S. Ame if you're reading this bless you for making this game. Devs if you're reading this bless y'all for helping develop the game.
  5. I have mild flashbacks to the really really old Serra gym This was about gen 5 I think with perma hail and that kinda nonsense Snow cloak blizzard spam was a thing. This was before field effects/seeds were implemented. She had I think Abomasnow, Glaceon (Snow Cloak), Frosslass (Snow Cloak), Mamoswine, and other scary things So tbh I'll take this version of the gym at any stage. Please do not bring the old Serra back. Please.
  6. Hi! Not sure if this is a silly question, but I assume this only works on mac? (and I was wondering if 18.3 will have a windows version....or if that's in the works / waiting for this beta to finish! or if 18.3 was always going to be exclusively mac....)
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  8. Hihi just finished v12 Rejuvenation (jesus that was so much content aaaaaa-) Anyway was wondering if there's a thread somewhere with everything we know so far on what's happened? Like a time-tree-map thing? Start out before the calamity etc...? Also whatever happened to the prophecies and why was Anju kept in a prison again? (I played up to Amber before taking a long hiatus due to uni so im getting fuzzy memories :/)
  9. Typhlosion and Blaziken together seems overkill, especially since Gardevoir already provides Psychic coverage. A water type would be nice for the fire weakness from Weavile/Breloom?
  10. A big big way to counter Shelly (and I think Narcissa in Rejuv) imo is to use your Rare Candies past the level cap for evolution. Most starters evolve at lvl36, but the CAP is 35; level up, then Common-Candy down, and you have a strong evolved starter instead of a measly 2nd-stage-evo. This applies to quite a few pokemon as well, so do some research!
  11. If I recall, the other keys mentioned were not exactly Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald or Amethyst right? Perhaps there's more to read into the keys than we thought?
  12. Thanks for the tips @Autumn Zephyr and @Des Teto! I will take Silvally into training ASAP. That's a good shout. I considered briefly Drought/Drizzle mons. My main issue with them is that Politoed, Pelipper, Ninetales (Kanto) and Torkoal are all mons which didn't seem to benefit more from the field, and in fact look (BST wise) not ideal either. I'd end up instead running some form of hybrid Rain/Sun team, which tbh sounds intriguing.... The second issue I had with weather was I didn't like that I could not fire off strong fire/water moves whenever the wrong weather was up. This normally means Delphox couldn't KO some steel/grass Pokemon while they're both out. It's why I didn't think of it first....but I might still give the weathers a shot? I'm quite indecisive atm. I'm thinking that IF I do a weather based one, I'll probably end up going - Heliolisk (Thunder, Hyper Voice, Solar Power/Dry Skin idek yet) - Swift Swim abuser? - Sun abuser? Preferably Grass type? Chlorophyll + weather ball = Victreebel.....??? Grass Pledge Venusaur?? - Weather Setter 1 - Weather Setter 2 (Suggestions welcome! I can't think of anything good with the field's moves :/) Re Aurora Veil: I agree tbh, and I might consider Froslass, but not having Shadow Ball on it seems stupid, and that move is useless in the field...but I was also today years old when I realised it can learn Weather Ball. I'll think about it! Re Altaria: I'll keep it with me, and I think I'll give it the Mega Stone in the event the fields don't go off. Feel like I don't have more items to give it anyway, and it'll probably have the moveset Hyper Voice/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Roost? Any details welcome! Re movesets: Thanks for all the suggestions! ATM since all the moves recommended bar SIlver Wind/Giga Drain on Yanmega are TM moves, I'll keep rotating them around based on who's on the team vs which person in what field. I think I'll end up going Grass Knot on Delphox, and I'll bear the Psychic option for Primarina. (I'm mainly using Misty Terrain as an ASAP change of terrains when I can't use pledges because swapping in etc). Thanks everyone for your suggestions, but if you have more to critique please lmk! Always glad to hear opinions!
  13. Hey all, I've managed to beat EP18 (woooo) and now I'm currently revamping my team. tldr: This team started as an attempt to exploit the Rainbow Field, but I was looking for more advice + wanted to know if xyz works. Team Details: (They are all rotating around atm) Delphox (Magician) - Fire Pledge, Mystical Fire, Psyshock, FILLER > I'm looking for filler moves, which probably will end up being Sunny Day? > Not sure if it's worth keeping both Fire Pledge and Mystical Fire? Primarina (Torrent) - Water Pledge, Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Misty Terrain > Same as Delphox: Water Pledge AND Sparkling Aria? > Misty Terrain is easier to setup: should I replace it though? Roserade (Technician) - Giga Drain, Weather Ball, Extrasensory, Leaf Storm > Same as Delphox: Giga Drain AND Leaf Storm? > Technician atm is only for Giga Drain in Factory Fields; I can try to get different Hidden Powers? Yanmega (Speed Boost) - Bug Buzz, Air Slash, U-Turn, FILLER > Probably Giga Drain? > Was considering Sonic Boom as FILLER but I wasn't sure it was worth with the current HP values of 200-300++ atm for Pokemon ~level 90+ Weavile (Pickpocket) - Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Night Slash, FILLER > Mainly because I need some form of answer to Psychic and Ghost > I use Weavile for it's Dark typing and Physical Dark attacks (Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse is weaker in Rainbow fields) Galvantula (Compoundeyes) - Sticky Web, Thunder Wave, Bug Buzz, Discharge > Mainly Sticky Web setup > IDK if it's worth atm (NB Following 3 are just strong physical attackers) Metagross (Clear Body) - Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt > Strong Steel type coz why not lmao. Lucario (Justified) - Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Meteor Mash > When I need to use CC Garchomp (Sand Veil) - Stomping Tantrum, Dragon Claw, Iron Head, Rock Slide > Strong Ground Type I'm also considering the following Pokemon/ideas: - Castform is being trained but I'm not sure how good it is - Noivern is decently fast, but Boomburst hits adjacent mons, and I don't have any ghost types (Does Boomburst hit adjacent ghost types in Rainbow Field?) - Altaria has Cloud Nine, Hyper Voice, Dragon Pulse: should I use it or it's Mega Form? How does Pixilate work with Hyper Voice in Rainbow Field? - Drampa is Altaria but slower and stronger? - Is Aurora Veil worth it? - Can I abuse Cosmic Power or Wish? The way I see it atm that aren't leaving my team are Delphox and Primarina core; the rest are (relatively) expandable. Would appreciate any help, sorry for the long post! EDIT: This might help: https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Field
  14. You have 3 starter Pokemons, allowing access to 3 different fields: Rainbow, Burning and Swamp Grassy Terrain on Venusaur gives you 4 if you would want it, and a Sludge Wave mon would give you access to Corrosive. Not sure if you want to abuse them or not though! Just thought I'd throw it out there ^__^
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