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Angel of Death

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Angel of Death

  1. Oh wow thank you so much! Part of the problem is is that I have only unlocked a couple floors XD
  2. Ya I checked there and no luck Thanks so much though!
  3. This may be a really dumb question, but where can you get vitamins in this game? Are they even available for purchase? Sorry if this has already been asked or covered, I've just been looking with no luck!
  4. Update: I beat Aya and Bulbasaur showed up! Thank you all SO much!
  5. Thank you all so much I will beat Aya and then try!
  6. Okay so I finished the island and afterwords a creepy guy is supposed to show up wanting to see a chimecho and then give you bulbasaur. I spent forever raising a chingling into a chimecho and i go to the house and the guy is not there???? Do I have to beat Aya for the event to be activated or is my game just buggy? I really love bulbasaur so i am really bummed out.
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