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  1. if youre still having trouble catch a graveler from under the grand stairs and like siv said a meowstic to stop her setting up rain. after that growlithe can destroy her field with flame burst and you shouldnt have too much trouble
  2. bronzong, palossand, camerupt and swampert. keep throh in for wide guard and save toxapex for last, playing type advantages on her other mons/double teaming them and you shouldnt have any trouble after a bit of grinding. for your sixth id use jynx or maybe guts raticate if jynx dies too easily
  3. iron fist infernape could also be a good option for you. if you wanted an alternative tailwind user besides gliscor you could swap your goodra for a noivern and get ground coverage from mamoswine or excadrill (excadrill in particular is op is reborn). a good option for a bulkier attacker with a great movepool is scrafty (gets access to dragon dance to setup and drain punch for recovery). To gain field control you could use a combo of mega charizard(when you can access it), chlorophyll venusaur and grassy terrain roserade. roserade can setup grassy terrain while charizard sets up sun and lets venusaur run rampant with the speed boost and grassy terrain. roserade and mega charizard hit hard on their own, but double speed, boosted, single turn solarbeams from venusaur are hard to stop. just a few other options you could catch/train up because, after all it is reborn and its difficult to get by with just a team of 6 pokemon, especially because youve got a lot of tough battles left. id recommend keeping 8 or 9 mons up to level to give you the best chance in all the upcoming battles
  4. level up that raichu and get a mon with freeze-dry, id recommend breeding it onto and alolan ninetails cus weather effects, blizzard for her field, and freeze dry hits almost all of her mons super effective
  5. youre really gonna want to have a team of more than 6 mons and rotate them accordingly for the best matchups
  6. if you still want scyther i can go hunt one to trade ya, but as far as adrienn goes, metagross/escavalier/excadrill all work wonders for that battle. metagross and escavalier pretty much swept for me
  7. if kixur doesnt have turtwig i can breed ya one, just let me know
  8. all good man, if you want that scrafty as well ill trade it for any mon with the helix fossil
  9. yeah no worries i just resent, sorry i had the wrong mons in my party
  10. if you give me like 10 minutes ill have your gardevoir, scrafty and excadrill ready edit: got em all ready now if you want to hop online
  11. i've got the gardevoir ready now, im breeding my excadrill to get ya a good one right now, and for a dark type i can give you a good scrafty with dragon dance. it'll take me a minute to get them but what ghost types did you have in mind? i'm personally a fan of cofagrigus, he helps a lot against noel i've also got shiny aerodactyl and charmander, azumarill with aqua jet and belly drum if you're interested in those
  12. I'm not sure exactly how to do the trade myself but I can breed you those mons pretty easily, i dont need anything in return really, just whatever you have and possibly a heart scale or two
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