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Chevaleresse last won the day on November 28 2016

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40 Developing

About Chevaleresse

  • Birthday 03/18/1997

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    Lost in the void
  • Interests
    Lots of stuff. Metal, video games in general, computing, politics, psychology, you name it.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Tsubasa blinked. A stinging on her eye was all-too-familiar; a trail of red had forged its way down the left side of her face, coming from a cut she'd narrowly avoided higher up. Focus. The swordswoman took a deep breath, brushing away her perception of the burning lines on her body. Defensive stance. Her blade pulled back in a smooth motion, aimed to deflect another incoming strike. Pivot. Using the momentum from the previous attacks she'd endured and turning it about, she planted one foot forward. Flow. The blade flicked forward, as if it had been wreathed in lightning itself, and carried the Slayer with it. Second Form, use Reaction to use Fifth Form targeting Icarax Yin: 1>6 Yang: 4>1 -2 Breath
  3. A small part of Justine was grateful for Kane's interruption, even if it was dire news. The performer had been, uncharacteristically, looking quite embarrassed before their leader's abrupt appearance, though she had done a fair job of maintaining her expression. Kane had rescued her from her internal debate over whether to confess her part in the making of the stew. "It doesn't matter how it happened right now. The faster we act, the less harm is likely to come to them."
  4. "Sure! I have a few things in mind that I've been wanting to see used in some of our meals, and I'm eager to help prepare one with them." Justine beamed as she set off toward the pantry, already drawing up a list of ingredients and spices in her head.
  5. "If you're putting food together, I can help. It's been a while since I've gotten to try my hand at cooking something other than lyrics up." Justine moved toward the erstwhile trio, perking up a bit at the thought of something productive to do. "Everyone else usually insists on cooking for me."
  6. "It's good to hear that you're prepared. We could use a smiling face or three; the events lately have exhausted at all." She glanced briefly at Baldur; his lapse hadn't gone unnoticed.
  7. Justine looked after Kane as the man left. It was obvious the man was off balance, but she wasn't sure if she could do anything about it. She wasn't exactly balanced herself; worries about Ferdiad, her sister, her greater family had gnawed at the edge of her consciousness during the wait. "Do you two actually know what joining this group entails? Kane has a point; this is not a small endeavor, and associating yourselves with us is to enrage half the continent."
  8. Spray's words were far from comforting. This was, indeed, a shadow of what she'd warned him of, and that made it all the worse. "I will take my leave, then." She forced herself to look forward; it would not do well for a goddess to walk along with eyes downcast in shame. Mitsurugi wanted to say something about heeding advice given in good faith, but she couldn't promise to avoid driving herself this hard again. She hadn't lied earlier; Mitsurugi feared she would disappear entirely, or worse, if she could not complete this task. A fitting end, I suppose. From nothingness they came, and nothingness they shall wreak upon the final remnant of my world, as that remnant fails its duty once more. She stepped toward the mirror, heading back to the castle.
  9. The storm within the goddess calmed as Sakuya spoke to her. She blinked twice; on the second, her eyes were their normal golden hue and free of any divine glow. "I . . ." She looked at Spray, then looked down at herself before stepping back with a muffled look of horror. Her gaze flickered up to Maxwell's with regret before it returned to the ground. "You are correct. I have stepped too far in my haste." She slowly bent at the waist, giving the man a bow as deep as she could stomach with her tattered pride. "I have moved in excess. Though your actions were out of line, mine were further so." Mitsurugi turned to Sakuya, and gave her a similar gesture. "I apologize to both you and Amaterasu for my actions just now."
  10. The punch caught Mitsurugi off guard. It hurt, in her weakened state, and she'd been unprepared for an attack. The goddess made a choked noise as the wind escaped her lungs and she stumbled a step back from the impact. Unfortunately for Spray, he wasn't, in fact, dealing with a purely physical being. He received no chance to finish his departure. Thunder cracked overhead as she seized his arm, a grip like iron threatening to break it entirely. She ensured that he could see her expression alight with indignant anger, her eyes glowing a sinister amber. "Maxwell Schiff. Your insolence will be your undoing." Her voice echoed with howling winds. "You have transgressed upon not only my divine authority, but dared to physically assault me as well." Her head tilted back slightly, even as her eyes narrowed. "Prostrate yourself, beg, throw yourself on my forgiveness, and your ruination may be forestalled." She let go and shoved him backward with a strength wholly out of scale with her size, watching him stumble with imperious expectation.
  11. Mitsurugi slowly turned to face Spray; she could almost have been mistaken for calm if the seething anger in her eyes hadn't been boring into Spray's skull. "Do not deign to speak to me like that, ye of little faith." Her existence seemed to exert a force in and of itself, pressing down on the medic. . . until the thunderclouds in her eyes dispersed, anger falling back to melancholy. "My life is a promise, my existence trust. If I cannot hold myself to this, then that oath goes unfulfilled, and my existence is all but forfeit." The golden orbs turned downward. "A guardian spirit who can only destroy. That is what I am; if I must be destroy myself to keep this land safe, then so be it."
  12. "Rest?" Genuine surprise echoed in her voice. "I am a guardian spirit, here to bring ruin to this land's enemies before ruin is brought to it." Mitsurugi shook her head. "I will find rest when the foe is vanquished and not before. To do otherwise would be dereliction of the already-cracked promises that define my being." She knew, of course, that the others were likely correct. She was tired, unbalanced, pushing the edges of her control. Already, she'd slipped, leaving devastation behind her. "I cannot abandon another land before it is safe."
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