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Everything posted by Chevaleresse

  1. camouflage is a personal skill, I'll talk more about this later when i get home
  2. i have a splitting headache and everyone is annoying

  3. Debating on whether i want to go with an ooooooold character idea of mine, which is basically a teleport-spamming blade dancer type character, or a guy who's perfectly nice except for the fact that he's a vampire and goes feral if he gets hungry
    1. Sutoratosu


      so... what, is it a legit roleplay, or just a recruiting thread for a session of old school DF?

    2. Chevaleresse


      it's a succession game

  4. Looks fine to me. FYI, I'm planning on putting my own Saber into the pool, as well as playing a Master if we don't get 7.
  5. *face cuts in* YOU WON'T STOP ME *drinks an entire can of soda in one gulp*

    1. Chase


      ELDTRITCH SMACKDOWN *takes a massive bite out of a pork rib.*

    2. Hexagoen


      [American wallmart intensifies]

  6. i have a tendency to get bizarre levelup spreads whenever i play FE, like having Sophie get every stat but MAG one level and then SKL only the next, midori just seems to have caught the short end of the stick
  7. best outfit is the default, followed by the chaldea battle suit, followed by the saber outfit as far as CEs, just slap formalcraft on Euryale and any 50% starting NP CE on Kintoki. D'Eon can probably use the Kirei CE or 2030.
  8. my Midori has somehow managed to have absolutely awful growths so far, but I'm still probably gonna utilize her anyway; planning on pairing her with Kana and reclassing her to Sniper once she hits level 5 Merchant; Kana has Sniper due to my Corrin having Archer. I'm also wondering how Mozu is undesirable; Aptitude makes her suited for pretty much anything that doesn't involve slinging spells. I made her a Great Lord, and while the lack of range and real tankiness hurts, she makes up for it by doubling basically everything except enemy Master Ninjas while wielding steel weapons.
  9. corrin why are you so goddamn fucking stupid

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      upvote for hector comment

    3. Sheep


      Upvote for Ike comment. Not only is he broken, he also has a really relatable mindset.

    4. Hect


      @Sheep: He's probably my favorite protagonist from all the Fire Emblem games. He's not screwing around and is ready to take on whoever is in his way. Most of the other protagonists had doubts and everything.. or were terribly vague with everything that they did. + He invented Aether. 100 bonus points in my book.

  10. "HAAAAIIII-YAAH!" The petite archer shouted as if she was swinging a greatsword at her foe as she sent another arrow flying, this one in the direction of the enemy soldier still standing before them, as she continued to shuffle around into a better position. Finally, it's not so crowded over here. . . Move to I-18, shoot Soldier 1.
  11. i just want to sleep

    1. Cobalt996


      I'm out of Sing PP.

      rip 55% accuracy, I guess >.>

  12. depends on who you're facing. Kintoki/D'eon/whoever should serve for most battles, and then take Euryale for most of the Knights. Throw Cu in the back and don't neglect Mashu.
  13. In FEF you don't die immediately upon going down; Adriaen could res you if you go down.
  14. i could probably help you out Euryale is your best friend for Camelot, tbh, and there are enough really good 3*s that you can build a workable team out of them. Problem being that Bedivere, the best 3* saber at the moment, is story-locked.
  15. I never said Americanism (whatever the term actually means) was bad. I meant to imply that something being "un-American" doesn't necessarily make it bad, and conversely that if something is American, it isn't necessarily good. All I'm saying is that emulating a good thing is, at minimum, a step in the direction of making our situation better - because what we have is imperfect. I'm not in the group that thinks the system is completely busted and needs to be set on fire or what have you - but I do think we could improve it. There are plenty of issues with the system that I feel could be fixed with liberal policies. There are also some problems I think we should take a more conservative approach to. Still, regardless of your intentions, going off on a rant like this is symptomatic of one of the biggest issues I see with the system: people get more concerned with party lines, the red vs. blue, conservative vs. liberal, us vs. them mentality, than actually doing their best to think of what's best for the country. It classes all liberals as essentially the same person - a person who cannot be reasoned with and only holds their own bizarre agenda as a priority. I see liberals doing the same thing, and it's something that I would actually describe as cancerous, because it keeps growing uncontrollably and is incredibly bad for the country. Pardon my rambling.
  16. Please for the love of all that you consider of value in this world or the next do not presume to stereotype me in with the likes of PETA or other extremist liberal groups - especially since that group in particular is known to be hypocritical in their ways. Standing on a podium and shouting about how terrible liberals are because we supposedly want to be lower on the food chain and shame athletes and the like for their accomplishments. I consider myself very liberal, speak to a lot of other liberals because of the area I live in and the places I go to school, and not once have I heard anything close to the statements you are trying to apply to all liberals as a blanket. Would I say that we should think more about animals and rights that an animal should or should not possess? Yes. Do I think the accomplishments of athletes and actors are overvalued in our society? Of course; there are billions of dollars going to them that could be funding the sciences or fine arts. But that doesn't mean I somehow hold it against these people that they succeeded in life, and you shouldn't assume any other liberal does unless you hear it out of their mouths. As a liberal, I feel that we should emulate other places in the world when we govern because it fucking works. Most European countries have measurably better standards of living and measurably more freedoms than American citizens have. Does wanting everyone to live better and wanting to see systems that seem, from my perspective, to achieve that goal make me anti-American? If so, then, well, I don't want to be pro-American. Quite frankly these statements come off as absurd and needlessly inflammatory. Even with the disclaimer, you basically wrote a thinly-disguised rant that relentlessly pigeonholes everyone identifying themselves with an ideology that you don't agree with. As a side note, Neo, I'm not overly appreciative of being dismissed as a joke because of my skin tone.
  17. Honestly? I might be game, but you have a certain track record of just dropping games out of nowhere.
  18. "Justice? I'll show you justice! Feel the sting of the fury of the goddess's chosen hero!" She repositioned herself once again, distancing herself slightly from her teammates once again and allowing her to focus somewhat better. She stuck her tongue out slightly as she nocked another arrow, then loosed it straight toward another one of her foes. Move to K-18, attack Soldier 3!
  19. hoo boy unless the enemies are just attacking the first thing they see, I'm not sure Hoshiko can safely attack this turn
  20. "Our foes shall fall before the glorious might of my powerful arrows of justice! Be felled before the indomitable hero, Hoshiko the Righteous! HYAAAAH!" The archer shouts at the top of her lungs as she runs forward to take a shot at the enemy, somewhat annoyed (Personal Flaw: -2 DEF with 3 allies nearby) at being so crowded. Move to M18, attack Soldier 4!
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