Name: Adolf Weiss
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Quick Physical Description: Fairly short, even for his age. Brown hair and dark eyes normally. A lot heavier than one might expect, though, due to certain constraints with his power. Tends to dress pretty casually. He tends to get a bit sunburned as his skin is rather pale.
Basic Personality: Not shy, but awkward in social situations and honest to a fault. Very bright. Extremely blunt and avoids social interaction with those that don't know him, simply to avoid stepping on feelings. Somewhat individualistic.
Basic History: Originally from Germany, he was brought to the island in the third and most recent wave of children. He had been living in foster care for a while, as his parents died in a car accident when he was six. His abilities developed fairly slowly, but they were definitely noticed after his appearance started to shift from day to day. He was cared for well, but it was decided he would be a good addition to HQ. He currently lives on one of the smaller islands with a few neighbors, mostly spending his time on helping design equipment and buildings.
Power: Can change his appearance (including height to an extent) at will, though he is not particularly practiced yet. Doesn't need a template, but they help a lot. Often happens involuntarily.
Reasoning: His power only changes his appearance, which is a social tool and can be used for deception. This runs against his awkwardness and bluntness.
Strengths: Difficult to move, being rather stubborn and heavy. Intelligent, with a good memory.
Weaknesses: The above stubbornness can work against him. Not very physically strong; his transformation abilities can really only change his appearance and his overall density (His mass is constant, but his height is not.)