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Everything posted by Chevaleresse

  1. Unrelated: I just noticed that the medal for killing someone in the Crucible with a Sparrow is called "Never speak of this again."
    1. Arkhi


      Her mouth must be a vacuum because there is no way the chip could force its way in.

    2. Sevonic
  2. That was sort of the plan. Part of this is inspired by the way Destiny's story was originally slated to play out, and part of it by a large amount of fan speculation. (Like, Fallen not really doing anything really bad. We're just as bad to them as they are to us, and it's hard to know who started the conflict originally.)
  3. Idk, I got the impression that the Hive, or at least the upper level ones, were individuals.
  4. Actually, for now only the Vex are off the table. I'm on the fence about the Cabal and Hive.
  5. All you gotta do is jump over the Phalanxes and pop them in the arms or the heads. They have boatloads of HP but are slow with big heads. Unless Angry is on, in which case FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU-
  6. I'll be adding info to the OP over the next few days. Basic info on the main races is up. (Cabal tomorrow; they're not really all that important.)
  7. 5/10 Meh, just not a fan of the style. Your hat is awkward too.
  8. yeah ik i said i was lacking motivation but it's partially because this idea has been rolling around for a couple days now For those that don't know, Destiny is Bungie's latest shooter game. It's an MMO set in a pretty well-fleshed (if you poke around) out sci-fi universe that I would be glad to explain to those that don't have knowledge of the game. The game, in my opinion, was pretty good, but one thing that really lacked in-game was the story. I had an idea to write a fic that would follow the "player" through the storyline as it was originally intended, with more than a bit of my own touch. Then I figured, why not turn it into a RP? If you're interested at all, lemme know. People are usually pretty quiet when these get posted. Information The Races of Destiny
  9. Kage made a face. "Am I being dragged to this?" The question was directed at Ryan. "I'm not a huge fan of these things, you can figure out why. No problem with the Coordinators themselves, they usually treat their Pokemon nice enough -though there are nutjobs in Contests just like anything else- but ugh." Before Ryan had a chance to reply, Kage's parents swept up from behind him. "Yes, yes you are being dragged to this. You know that this is more than just a show." His mother's tone was seemingly light, but one could tell that it was not one that permitted argument. Kage heaved a melodramatic sigh and replied with a drawn-out "Fiiiiiiine."
  10. apologies to the other RPers, been feeling a lack of motivation lately

    1. Sutoratosu


      eh, no problem, we all get like that at times

    2. Shamitako


      I know this feel, is not fun ono

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      It happens; it's all right.

  11. i'm so tired asd

    1. Sevonic


      Maybe you could get some sleep every now and then.

  12. Evolution makes sense for certain species that undergo drastic changes in their morphology, like most Bug-types and pseudo-legendaries, but simply growing like a normal organism makes sense for most of them.
  13. so when we fight them it's not gonna be like "oh SHIT SUN BEAMS RUN ASD" from them?
  14. By the way, if you're concerned about party balance, Silef can fight at range and in melee, but lacks in the ability to simply eat attacks.
  15. "Set my vendetta aside? You people do not seem to understand. This is not something so simple as an insult. An insult could wait." Her eyes flared a bright golden color for a moment as she spoke. "Do you not wonder why you haven't met more of my kin? The house of Asterlux was not the largest, but we were strong, and we would have been among the first to mount a defense against the horrors in this endless night. Instead, we were annihilated in the night, most of us slain in our beds, dead without a blade in hand or even knowledge that there was danger." She took a deep breath to clam herself, and her eyes faded to their normal color. She did not continue, instead casting a defiant look about at those that had challenged her, forcing back the tears that had nearly welled up as she spoke. A proper noblewoman must command; anger is the only emotion she may show. Anything else is a sign of weakness, and apparent weakness becomes real.
  16. Silef stood immediately, her decision already made. "The team assaulting Aillios will be benefiting from my power. The beasts have sullied my honor, it is only right that I destroy them." She looked around at those in the room. "Which of you lot will be joining me?" The noblewoman carried herself with every inch of the pride and arrogance that she was entitled to and more, and this showed in her voice as well.
  17. Make sure to use the solar version in Crucible, arc version doesn't seem to one-shot consistently.
  18. getting shrekt over and over in Vault of Glass

  19. breaks like these are for reading fate/apocrypha
  20. i'm feeling slightly writer's-blocked so feel free to bunny Kage a bit if you wanna move on
  21. Sony and Bungie, get your shit together, this is ridiculous.

    1. Felicity


      wazz happened with these two?

    2. Simon


      I think people can't get onto the servers for Destiny?

    3. Sparky


      blame Lizard Squad

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