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Everything posted by Chevaleresse

  1. would an mp5 be like, a video with smell?
  2. "Sanity is not statistical."

  3. Sarcus shrugged. "Could be better, could be a lot worse," he said in response to Alina. "Let's just say I'm not a fan of the cold and leave it there. I'm sure you feel similarly." He adjusted the fit of his jacket again. This thing's getting so ragged. I really should get a new one, he thought for probably the thousandth time. It hadn't fit well to begin with, and time was taking its toll.
  4. Poison fang is no bueno. It's power is quite pathetic; your neutral STAB in Waterfall will hit everything bar Whimsicott harder even after the Strong Jaw boost. I wouldn't use Destiny Bond, but that's personal preference. Ice Fang is good coverage, though what you choose really depends on the rest of your team. You could forgo Protect if you had an effective way of bringing Sharpedo in safely, such as a Forretress using Volt Switch. The EV should go wherever minimizes hazard damage. The difference in bulk is insignificant otherwise.
  5. Kage moved over to Celebi's hiding spot. "I don't know why you came back to warn me, but thanks." He chuckled once. "I guess I don't know what else to say."
  6. Haru nodded. He looked back at one of the hospital staff members with an apologetic look, then stood up to follow the man.
  7. There was an event that came by Fargo, ND, so I don't think the distribution is as limited as you think.
  8. "You go ahead, I want to see if Celebi is alright first. Could you tell one of the professors about this for me?" Kage turned to move backward in the cave. He wasn't sure Celebi would show itself with anyone else around.
  9. "That's probably it, yeah." When Raiza asked the second question, he felt another pang of worry. He shifted his shoulder just enough to get Lucas's attention focused on the notebook, and only replied when he received a positive feeling from the Ralts. "That looks good, I think. Um, should we get back now? I'm sure the teachers are wondering where we ran off to."
  10. Siegfried is asleep, so unless Lancer wants to bug Saber or something then I'm done for this day.
  11. I looked up tuition fees for some universities I'm looking at and I feel like I'm gonna be sick

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      Aerospace is a pretty healthy industry, and the skillset an engineering degree gives you is transferable to pretty much anything.

    3. Chevaleresse


      also I'm applying for approximately a bajillion scholarships as soon as i can

    4. Sevonic


      I'd certainly love to go to Harvard, but then I'd be in some serious debt.

  12. Sarcus heard Michael's question. "I can't remember the distance off the top of my head, but it's one of the longest routes in Sinnoh." He felt the chill generated by the Snorlax and hugged his jacket closer to him, even though the room wasn't anywhere near what one would call cold. "Would you mind stopping that?"
  13. You can be extremely competent without being a Sue. There's a huge difference.
  14. Just fyi, you know that Sarcus's entire family is dead, right? Or, at least, that he knows of. If the host wants to play with that then w/e.
  15. Dragons need more weaknesses anyway, but we could probably give them a few things to be SE against to compensate. (also, make them neutral to each other imo. There's no real reason for them to be SE on one another.)
  16. I actually had a few thoughts on Dragons. Being reptiles, most of the type chart makes sense already. Reptiles are found in every biome and climate, from the hottest desert to the rainforest to the ocean. The only places you don't really run into them are areas where it is inhospitably cold. As for why Electric types don't hit them effectively, I don't know. Perhaps their natural ability to absorb energy extends to electricity? Fairy being immune is just nonsensical, but I could see a resistance being justified somehow. On the offensive side, the energy a Fairy-type emits could just be incompatible with their biological systems, causing a sort of "energy poisoning."
  17. Sarcus nodded. "I get it. Do what you have to do, right?" He didn't think the other Trainer was the type to do that sort of thing unless he had to, but he also didn't think he was willing to treat him as an equal, which irked him. He took a few steps away from the little group that had formed and idly petted Absolution, wondering who else was going to decide to treat him like some sort of ignorant child.
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