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Everything posted by Chevaleresse

  1. So, can I have my servant, yknow, do his thing? Also, if I want to use magic, how complicated will it be? (And is my magic focus okay? Electricity with a lesser focus on raw energy in general? I want to throw some lightning bolts.)
  2. Braius called to his companions as he scrambled for cover. "I need that thing distracted or dazed somehow before I go in, because once I do, I'm not leaving until one of us is dead!" The berserker was using every ounce of his control to not charge at the great beast, though very little showed through his voice.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Arkhi


      Jesus, they're both RTS games. This is worse than the CoD vs. BF vs. Arma debate.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It can be yea, funnily enough there was a third, HoN, but nobody cares about HoN.

    4. Chevaleresse


      Riot could easily afford to give you every champion and just sell cosmetics because DotA 2 is making Valve a metric shitload of cash.

  3. This took long enough to prepare. Here's hoping I'm doing this correctly and don't end up scorching myself to a crisp. Finding a place to do this was tough. The location he had finally settled on spoke volumes about society; it was a library. The place was deserted during many times of the day, and he simply had to wait for the staff to leave. I hate to make a mess here, but this is more important than a few scattered books. "Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let black be the color I pay tribute to. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate. Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth. An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell. Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos. For you would be one caged in madness. I shall wield your chains. From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!" As the ritual finished, the light faded to reveal a lean, severe-looking man. He didn't look like the brutish type, but there was something. . . off. . . about his gaze. "You called to me. Are you my master?"
  4. The Wheel of Time saga; it's too long to simply be called a series.
  5. Diantha's team is terrible though. Aegislash can annihilate the entire thing by itself.
  6. Lemme make another point here: Playing against prankswag is probably the least fun thing in the game, currently. You basically hope that you break confusion and nuke that stupid key ring before you get Foul Played to death. Baton Pass is similar, though it's more of just watching your opponent play without being able to do anything affecting them.
  7. . . .so I'm going to do a monotype run of the League. No, I don't expect to get to the top, and no, I don't think I'm all that good. Oh look, a poll.
  8. But to use a stall team, for example, you still need to know what matchups are good and which aren't, and when to switch, when to status, etc. Baton Pass, as stated, is super formulaic, and basically amounts to spamming setup moves until you OHKO everything, while occasionally baton passing to Espeon to block status.
  9. wat Huge Power is way, WAY better than Sap Sipper.
  10. If Groudon gets a type change, what about Kyogre? Ice/Water mb?
  11. Megazard (both forms) is balanced, IMO. Both have given me trouble, but only because I've built teams that are vulnerable to Grass / sweepers that can't be WoW'd.
  12. I'm sorry, but even with a Lum Berry, you're still getting swaggered or thunder waved on the next turn. And please explain how pasting a BP team into PO or clicking Swagger until someone beats themselves to death takes skill.
  13. lol I totally got confused on the server, I went to "Under the Hill" for some reason
  14. Sooooo. . . the guards don't give a shit about a guy wrestling with a flaming lizard?
  15. What about Mega Mawile? It's not nearly as broken as Mega Kangaskhan, but it is in a similar position. Sure, if you WoW it, it's basically done, and it melts to Earthquakes, but it has an ability that takes Azumarill from horrible to OU material AND 105 BASE ATTACK (along with access to Sucker Punch and Play Rough.)
  16. Whee, a new monotype. Net is kind of bad right now, don't mind the lack of sprites.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      na, i meant the Rock Tomb thing, but yea, I know what a Mono is about lol.

    3. Notus


      Oh sure Hukuna, it all depends on the trainer preference in the end.

    4. Chevaleresse


      I made it pretty and filled out all of the sprites.

  17. I'm thinking of eventually making a monotype of every type, but for now, here's a surprisingly successful monobug team. Forretress @ Leftovers Sturdy / Bold 252 HP / 4 Sp.A / 252 Sp.D -Stealth Rock -Spikes -Rapid Spin -Volt Switch One of the more effective leads that I've used. I try to set up rocks against other hazard setters, then spin away their hazards before Volt Switching out. If their lead is a threat, I just get out with Volt Switch. This has worked very well for me, though having my spinner at risk of being knocked to 1 so quickly has been somewhat of an issue. Sp.D investment keeps it from being absolutely murdered by special attackers, but Bold boosts stats more than Calm. Scizor @ Choice Band Technician / Adamant 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe -Bullet Punch -Bug Bite -U-turn -Pursuit Pretty simple. Makes for a good pivot or simply a late game cleaner, as well as dealing with a lot of threats by virtue of being Steel-type and hitting Rock-types super effectively. Pursuit has seen limited use, though. Bug Bite gets up to 90 base power with Technician; after STAB it becomes a potent nuke. Volcarona @ Chesto Berry Swarm / Modest 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe -Quiver Dance -Fiery Dance -Bug Buzz -Rest This is my favorite Gen V pokemon for a number of reasons, not the least of which is it's ability to rip entire teams to shreds after one Quiver Dance. Bug Buzz and Fiery Dance are an excellent coverage combo, and Volcarona's movepool is rather shallow, so I went with a ChestoRest set. Having the ability to clear status and recover to full health is invaluable, since you can set up in the face of common special walls after being hit with Toxic, then maul them at +4 or even higher after clearing your status. Even if they survive the first hit and Toxic you again, you've still got the ability to annihilate the next 3 pokemon provided one of them isn't ESpeed Dragonite, Talonflame, or Mega Pinsir. Shuckle @ Leftovers Sturdy / Impish 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp.D -Sticky Web -Infestation -Toxic -Protect This thing is evil. Set up Infestation so they can't switch out, Toxic them, and laugh as they try to batter past defensive stats exceeding 540. Infestation by itself is enough to kill a lot of Steel-types, so they are less of a problem than I originally thought. Sticky Web is good to set up between Protects as you stall something to death, and it helps the team avoid getting revenge killed. Crustle @ Leftovers Sturdy / Adamant 80 HP/ 252 Atk / 176 Spe -Shell Smash -X-Scissor -Rock Tomb -Earthquake A physical setup sweeper. This team desperately needs a Talonflame counter, and this works splendidly. X-Scissor and Rock Tomb are a potent STAB combination, and EQ mauls Steel types. I went with Rock Tomb over Stone Edge or another more powerful move because it's reliable, and can open up an opportunity for the next guy to safely kill something. This was an excellent addition to the team; it can eviscerate teams with one turn to set up - and it always gets that turn. 80 HP puts this at 301 HP, enough to survive getting seismic tossed 3 times. Yanmega @ Focus Sash Speed Boost / Modest 204 HP / 252 Sp.A / 52 Spe -Air Slash -Bug Buzz -Protect -Hidden Power Fighting I've had a moderate amount of success with this. Sash lets it take a hit and not die instantly from badtypingitis, Protect lets it not die again, allowing it to get to +2 Speed every time. It usually needs more than one turn to kill something, and it unfortunately lacks a way to boost stats other than Speed outside of Psych Up. Air Slash is reliable yet haxy, but is good STAB coverage. Bug Buzz is self-explanatory. HP Fighting kills Steels not named Aegislash (I have Shuckle and Volcarona for that), and Rocks that might come up, though honestly I don't think I've used it at all. Limited Speed investment because it has solid Speed already, and it will almost always be at +2 or more.
  18. "So Allen, what can you do?" Might as well be straightforward with them; they've been so with me. "I can warp the spacetime immediately around myself. Basically, it lets me run really fast and teleport short distances. I would demonstrate, but most people aren't fans of being irradiated." He thought for a moment. "Well, I'm not precisely running fast, I'm just compressing space in front of me. . ." Allen trailed off into a ramble about the physics of what he did, not directed at anyone in particular.
  19. Xavier - Frontliners "So you fight to protect the ones you love? If that is the truth, then you are a worthy warrior. The fact that you fight despite your reluctance only proves your worthiness further. I wouldn't concern yourself with this particular question anymore; you fight for a reason far nobler than I."
  20. Please gather into a group so I can move this forward a bit; you're about to get to the finale of Chapter 1.
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