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Everything posted by Chevaleresse

  1. ~Oh, by the strange path of destiny . . .~

  2. Don't worry, all will be revealed in due time, young Padawan. and by due time i mean whenever the fuck i feel like it

    1. James-Sensei


      I want to mess with space and time...I'm not too good at sharing or playing nice with others...but I'll make an exception this time! DX

  4. A mountain flickered because it was temporarily replaced with a rift.
  5. You know what? Screw reality.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fezzdog


      Not literally though

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Well, at least now I know I'm not the only one who thinks that reality sucks.

    4. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      ikr? Reality TV sucks sh- oooh you're having problems. Cheer up man.

  6. You think I'm solemn? Out of curiosity, what makes me seem so? Most people I know in real life wouldn't consider me as such.
  7. Amethyst, for making the community and providing general hilarity and good bad puns. Everyone who's active in the RP section. Reborn in general for being a great community and teaching me to think before I speak.
  8. 1. please format this correctly 2. EVs please 3. pick up something with Swift Swim or Hydration; both are rain staples for a reason 4. Ninetales needs WoW over attract. Salamence should have EQ over steel wing, and hydro pump should be replaced with stone edge or aqua tail. Zard's Fire Blast is redundant; drop it for pretty much anything else. Substitute > Phantom Force on Trevanant.
  9. you have a LOT of ground weaknesses in this team; that is going to hurt you severely, especially in doubles/triples Gallade is also very slow for what it does and lacks multi-target moves to round out your doubles/triples; consider replacing him or adding a tailwind/baton passer to speed him up you have pretty much nothing defensive; while dedicated walls are bad in doubles and triples, your lack of effective walls makes you susceptible to set-up sweepers, since Armaldo doesn't have Sturdy. You need something that can effectively tank and either phaze or KO enemy attackers. Cloyster needs setup to do so, making it a poor choice for this task. Typically, you scarf your revenge killer, since Hydreigon has decent but not great speed. That 98 speed leaves it slower than most offensive threats, so you'll need at least a Timid nature if not a scarf for the role you intend.
  10. rotom-w isn't OP but i still want it gone so badly

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joker


      It's much more reliable to use Rotom W to counter Talomflame than Rocks. A solid team will have a way to get rid of hazards, via Rapid Spin or Defog. Especially a team with Talonflame. And even with rocks up Talonflame can put in work. Getting rid of Rotom W would hurt OU more than it would help.

    3. Chevaleresse


      talonflame also happens to be squishy as hell, and relies on brave bird and flare blitz for damage; lots of things counter it. Rotom-W, on the other hand, is only countered by powerful Grass moves due to excellent coverage, and even then it can just volt switch out or trick a scarf onto them.

    4. Garnet.


      electric and water is a great typing man

      it's a check to heatran too I think.

      Rotom-w is so goooood

  11. Metagross needs HP and probably an assault vest. Brightpowder is pointless and needs to go. In fact, Froslass is rather out of place on this team. Recommending Eviolite Chansey; it's tanky enough on both sides to be useful in doubles for Aromatherapy and status moves. Drought Ninetales over Megazard. Your team has no status absorber, cleric, or spinner/defogger; this may be an issue in singles. Sitrus berry is questionable on Azumarill, but I don't run it, so idk. Otherwise, looks good to me, though Rotom-W will be a pain in the ass if Venusaur is knocked out.
  12. Well, uh, that list was for Acqui, but OK. I'm perfectly willing to discuss things in private with you.
  13. 1. Angel food cake. 2. Depends, how much power do I get?
  14. ame stop losing the threads you already made
  15. Complete honesty, please. Reason for thread, if you care:
  16. Look, I'm sorry I offended you, but your response wasn't exactly polite, especially since you knew I meant no harm.

  17. (23:05:35) +Ikaru: she can't even fix toast without catching the toaster on f- (23:05:37) +Ikaru: ...well. (23:05:40) +Kairi: You should talk about your harem next. (23:05:46) Sarcus: #ameop (23:05:46) [/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\]Kyuubey: wait the item or the post? (23:05:50) Sarcus: the post (23:05:51) flappy: i am on my android and my keybord is realky sensitive so makes frequent spelling errors (23:05:51) +Ikaru: she made me look bad again (23:05:54) +Ikaru: I WARNED HER (23:05:54) +Amethyst: <3 (23:05:54) ~~~ Ikaru is blasting off again! ~~~
  18. Still haven't played Gen V, though I'm buying them with my first or second paycheck.
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