Offensive Lead/Pivot
Jolteon (M/F) @ Life Orb/Choice Specs
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Timid
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam/Thunderbolt/Thunder Wave/Discharge
- Hidden Power Ice/Hidden Power Grass
Basically, you send Jolteon out as your lead. Volt Switch can put a huge dent in most common leads, as well as allowing you to scout for switches. I prefer Signal Beam and Shadow Ball over Thunderbolt, but Thunderbolt can be used if you expect to stay in, especially if you're running Life Orb. Discharge is a good option for Doubles and Triples, or if you would prefer the increased paralysis chance. Thunder Wave also works to cripple incoming sweepers, though Jolteon is often OHKO'd by them. Shadow Ball and Signal Beam offer excellent coverage, and Hidden Power Ice will always OHKO enemy Noivern, Landorus, Garchomp, Gliscor, and a slew of other threats that would usually put a halt to Jolteon. This set can be Choice Specced to give it some extra power over a Life Orb, but LO is preferred due to versatility, since Jolteon has perfect coverage, especially when running Thunder Wave. Hidden Power Grass is another option to deal with the ever-annoying Rotom-W and a few other threats, but HP Ice gets better overall coverage.