As he trudged through the forest, he let his mind wander a bit. It didn't get far, however. Gallant abruptly stopped and stiffened momentarily. Sarcus tensed, waiting for the Pokemon to go dashing off. He didn't, however, and Sarcus continued his leisurely pace through the forest. He came to a small, sandy clearing with a log occupying one edge. His legs aching, he thumped down heavily on the fallen tree, his team taking similar positions around him.
Suddenly, there was a loud clang and a yelp of pain. He whipped his head around to see Blues with a large pair of jaws clamped about his foot. "Uh, Low Sweep!" The Pawniard swept his unoccupied leg, connecting solidly with his attacker and forcing it out of the previously unobserved hole. The offending Pokemon was revealed to be nothing other than the target of his search. The Gible was dislodged by the attack, and seemed off balance. He prepared to catch it using typical techniques, but noticed that it seemed to be in pain. It had bit a Pokemon made of blades, after all, and he recalled that Gible often hurt themselves when biting.
He quickly dug a Sitrus Berry out from his bag, and held it out for the small Dragon-type. It quickly jumped toward the morsel, and Sarcus deftly removed his hand a split second before the powerful jaws clamped downward. "There's more where that came from. Feel like coming with me?" He wasn't sure if the Gible understood him, but it understood the second berry that he held out. He noted the lack of notching on the Gible's fin. A female? "Welcome to the team, Chomp." He headed back to his house as the sun fell from the sky.