A few are questionable, but... holy shit. Your Existing Situation
"In a very inactive and stationary condition, yet conflict and disagreements keep the wheels in the head constantly turning. Looking for fulfilling relationships which are affectionate and understanding, yet settles for less." Your Stress Sources"Response well to the world around him and wants to experience everything there is out there. Finds his existing situation frustrating and keeping him from learning new things. Needs patience, understanding, and a sense of security. Feels momentarily powerless to achieve his goals." Your Restrained Characteristics
Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
Is bothered when his needs and desires are misunderstood and he feels there is no one to turn to or rely on. His self-centered attitude can cause him to be easily offended.
Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.
Current situations force him into compromise and placing his own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
Your Desired ObjectiveSearching for ways to relieve stress. Longs for a peace and happiness. Your Actual ProblemLack of energy leaves him unnoticed to pursue further activities or demands placed on him. He feels powerless which leaves him agitated and depressed. Tries to escape from his struggles by searching for peaceful and restful conditions in which to relax and recover in an atmosphere full of security. Your Actual Problem #2"Tends to be too trusting, so he must protect himself from this or he runs the risk of being misunderstood or used by others. Searching for a relationship which provides a safe and understanding environment, one where he knows exactly where he stands with his partner at all times."
- See more at: http://www.colorquiz.com/results.php?code=m,1,0,2,7,6,4,3,5,5,1,0,7,2,6,3,5,4,4&p=full#sthash.ZMEYBk4U.dpuf