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Everything posted by SJMistery

  1. It's hard to rate this team, but I can already say that manual weather is extremely unreliable. You want to use Mega Steelix for some reason, so you will have to go with Torkoal or Ninetales if you want sun. But I'd recommend you to simply make a hybrid rain team capable of working well outside of rain (granted that's how about 95% of the modern rain teams work anyway, so it's not very original), since "no weather conditions" is already "clear skies". And speaking of Steelix, both him, and pretty much everybody else is really not worth using at all. The frist two are completely outclassed by Aggron and Pelliper respectively, and I'd argue if you aren't using something like Kingdra, Greninja or Mega Swampert, it's not worth really using Pelliper either. I'd recommend bringing at least Swampert on the place of Steelix, since they both offer similar defensive utility but Swampert comes with excellent damage output in and out of rain. Infernape CAN work in modern times as a sucide Stealth Rock lead, but he doesn't offer anything else, especially considering here in Reborn we allow Blaziken to be used freely. As for Wigglytuff, Clefable is a much better option to use overall. Finnally, Mantine as mentioned above does not have Hurricane and even if it had, it's special attack is too low to work with. Mantine has some niche use as a Haze-spamming specially defensive wall, but nothing else. Volcarona and Dragonite are much better users of Hurricane, especially the former if you want a dual sun-rain team. I know despite wanting it to be somewhat competitive, it's mostly for an in-game run, but even then I'd recommend using some better pokemon. However, let's assume you ignore all of this above and you insist on using the 6 mentioned pokemon and nobody else: For starters, the ONLY thing Politoed has over Pelliper is Perish Song and Encore. Use the latter instead of Protect, the last thing you want is waste rain turns with it. Mantine as mentioned must be reworked as an utility pokemon. The problem is it will then be completely redundant to Politoed, so again I ask you to seriously reconsider him. Only Hurricane+Swift Swim pokemon available in Gen 7 is Swanna, wich is just about as bad. Again, I recommend running Volcarona instead, but you CAN use a Haze+Defog+Scald+Roost set with Water Absorb that will at least provide some good utility. Now on Magnezone, the FIRST thing you ABSOLUTELY MUST do is remove that Quick Claw IMMEDIATELY. If you want speed on him use a Choice Scarf instead. And of course replace Sunny day and Zap Cannon with Flash Cannon and Hidden Power Ice or Fire. Next Infernape, as said his only thing is Focus Sash+Fake Out/Endeavour+Stealth Rock+Fire Blast+Close Combat/Mach Punch. Maybe give him Sunny day over Stealth Rock if you REALLY want to keep the dual weather thing, even if it won't be useful for anyone. Steelix, run a Curse set with Rest, Earthquake and Stone Edge. Not good, but the best this thing can do, I'm working with small pickings here. Wigglytuff, swap him with someone capable of using sun in some capacity, for example Venusaur, or alternatively put Volcarona in this place, you got Defog on Mantine to support him, and he can run a Quiver Dance+Hurricane+Feiry Dance/Hidden Power Ground+Giga Drain set that can have good utility as a late game cleaner. I restored my faith in humanity. PD remind me to update my signature, this team I have down there is long obsolete.
  2. If they do it, I'll keep posting it with anonymous profiles in random places of the Internet. Troll FrEAk deserves no respect from us anymore. They are on a crusade to destroy everything we love about this game and emphasize everything we hate about it (case in point, they released a new ability that is essentially Quick Claw).
  3. Flight of the First Dragon (Z-move, base Outrage and/or Fly, Dragonite-exclusive) BP:180, Dragon*, physical Special effect: Applies Flying type damage if target is a Fairy Type. Floral Field (Z-move, base Aromatherapy, Meganium-exclusive) BP:N/A, Grass, status Special effect: heals status and HP of the whole team including the user, activates a 10 turn Safeguard and Grassy Terrain, and grants +1 to all stats to the user and allies in double battles. Crushing Fangs (Z-move, base Liquidation, Feraligator-exclusive) BP:190, Water, physical Special effect: sets the enemy's def stat to -1, and his evasion stat to -6 before attacking ( this effect can't be negated by Sheer Force, but you get the damage boost). Volcanic storm (Z-move, base Eruption, Typlosion-exclusive) BP: 220, Fire, special Special effect: Activates a 10 turn sun, 50% of the damage dealt is returned as health. Tidal Wave (Z-move, base Water Sprout, Wailord-exclusive) BP: 220, Water, special Special effect: Activates a 10 turn rain, fully heals the user. Soul of the Desert (Z-move, base Earthquake, Flygon-exclusive) BP:160, Ground, physical Special effect: Activates a 10 turn sandstorm, applies a Smack Down effect. Lights of the South (Z-move, base Blizzard, Aurorus-exclusive) BP: 200, Ice, special Special effect: Activates a 10 turn hailstorm, super effective on Water-type pokemon. (hail change: doubled damage, +50% defense on ice type pokemon.) Time Dilation (Z-move, base Trick Room, Azelf-exclusive) BP: N/A, psychic, status Special effect: Activates a 10 turn Trick Room and dual screens, and switches out automatically Future Vision (Z-move, base Trick Room, Mesprit-exclusive) BP: N/A, psychic, status Special effect: Activates Protect, switches to friendly pokemon, and then fully heals HP, PP and status of a the target pokemon (entry hazard damage never triggers). Past World (Z-move, base Trick Room, Uxie-exclusive) BP: N/A, psychic, status Special effect: All enemy pokemon receive a -2 stat drop on every stat as well as the Tormented and Taunt status, and switches out automatically. Genesis Supernova change: Psychic Terrain lasts 10 turns, applies a Miracle Eye effect on target before attacking.
  4. Sheer paranoia of some day a special clone of Foul Play being created, when I breed my mons in-game. In the simulator, I put it solely to be consistent with the actual team. Right now it's mostly an artifact because I no longer play in-game after my 3DS got broken. If there still existed a semi-competitive Reborn community, I'd considering to take the Reborn MMO and restart my breedings there.
  5. Redesigned for Gen 7 Battle Spot Singles, the only tier I enjoy these days: Remember, the main gimmick of this team is that, as the name says, when you face it, you have to outplay my coin flip. Two near-identical looking teams, but with completely opposite counterplay: First, we will take a look at the defensive variant, with my good old SubDDnite as it's ace: Belgabad (Dragonite) (M) @ Flyinium Z Ability: Multiscale Shiny: Yes EVs: 156 HP / 144 Atk / 36 SpD / 172 Spe Adamant Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Fly - Dragon Dance - Roost - Substitute For the new blood that doesn't remember (and rage at the first sight of) this set, the idea is to basically be an unkillable pain in the ass that will set up to +6 in your face, and you won't be able to do much about it. The speed investment offers enough speed to get the jump on Serperior at +1, and enough atk to annihilate Salamence with a +1 Z-Fly. The rest is meant to survive a Choice Band Outrage from Garchomp, or a boosted Double Edge from Mega Salamence, as well as a Choice Specs Draco Meteor from Latios and Naganadel, and lets me substitute stall Aegislash reliably. Revenge! (Ditto) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Imposter EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 1 SpA / 0 Spe - Transform Self explanatory, really. HP Ice for little to no reason. Clefail (Clefable) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Unaware EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Moonblast - Wish - Heal Bell - Protect To ensure Dragonite stays alive for longer Tempestad (Empoleon) (M) @ Aguav Berry Ability: Torrent EVs: 228 HP / 84 Def / 196 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Scald - Icy Wind - Whirlpool - Yawn Traps and sleeps dangerous pokemon, especially fairy types Sniper (Dugtrio) (F) @ Focus Sash Ability: Arena Trap EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Earthquake - Sucker Punch - Reversal - Fissure Helps Empoleon with the trapping role Albitr (Aegislash) (F) @ Spell Tag Ability: Stance Change EVs: 192 HP / 60 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 SpD Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Shadow Ball - Shadow Sneak - Sacred Sword - King's Shield Breaks through defensive cores and lures and cleans up Tyranitar on a pinch. And here is the heavy-offense variant, remade from the previous "stall" variant after reconsidering how little offense the original team had: Belgabad (Dragonite) (M) @ Dragonium Z Ability: Multiscale Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Outrage - Fire Punch - Extreme Speed - Dragon Dance Redesigned to be able to come early and get some damage in before Clef or Aegi come to clean up Revenge! (Ditto) @ Focus Sash Ability: Imposter EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 1 Atk / 1 SpA / 0 Spe - Transform Meant to be used as a lead more than a revenge killer, as well as improve sweep capabilities with some additional support Clefail (Clefable) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Magic Guard EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 SpA Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Moonblast - Moonlight - Thunderbolt - Calm Mind The only thing that really worked on the "stall" variant, the EVs are intended to ensure Thunderbolt breaks Gengar's Substitutes Tempestad (Empoleon) (M) @ Choice Specs Ability: Torrent EVs: 216 HP / 228 Def / 64 SpA Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Hydro Pump - Grass Knot - Ice Beam - Sleep Talk Without a cleric, I need a solid answer to sleep spam teams. Sniper (Dugtrio) (F) @ Groundium Z Ability: Arena Trap EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Earthquake - Stealth Rock - Memento - Stone Edge Suicide rocks user, still able to trap some things and capable of luring flying types that expect the sash variant wich is easy fodder for them. Albitr (Aegislash) (F) @ Life Orb Ability: Stance Change EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Brave Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Swords Dance - Shadow Claw - Shadow Sneak - Gyro Ball Designed as an all-out cleaner
  6. Welp, I can say for sure that nobody had a square saying "Game Freak breaking the record of most blatantly awful excuse for a terrible game design in gaming history, over the lootbox fiasco of Battlefront II"
  7. Then my friend let me ask you, why it wasn't like that in previous generations, why it does not happen when someone uses Mentronome while Encored, and why Transform never has had and never will have this problem? This is a glitch, through and through. End of story
  8. If I ran EQ, it wouldn't be my SubDDnite. This team was excelently viable when Duggy was allowed, but heh, I'll stick to it for the memes. And Volcarona is NOT a good counter to Scizor, between hazards and chip damage he will fall fast. The only thing that is makes him a "counter" is the chance of hax with Flame Body
  9. I never updated the signature, mostly because even when I made it, it was already incorrect, as Latios was not selectable (in place of him I left Greninja), and neither was Jirachi when I updated it the first time. If you want the most recent version, it is there.
  10. Nah, it does not, it cannot. Any other "call other move" attack in any other generation to date that executes multi-turn moves has made it work perfectly, regardless of item equipped. It's silly to think GF would intentionally do such a specific and dumb thing.
  11. That has to be the most stupid glitch in recent years. Why GF never even bothers to patch them? Seriously.
  12. There has been ages since I switched to Fly as the attacking move, man. And I know th Fightium Z is not for Scizor, those two things arr completely unrelated.
  13. Oh Arceus, take away the pain... If you are going to use Chimecho, why don't just make a PU team and play there? Playing anywhere above that is just... Not a good idea. Believe me. I tried. My team with Ditto, SubDDnite, Empoleon, Clefable, Scizor and Alolan Marowak works with two RU and one PU pokemon, but that's because I stick to their unique niches and try to exploit something only them can do. Otherwise, it's a really, really bad idea to even attempt to use them. But because I know you won't listen to that advice and try to run this team anyway: Sableye is stantard annoyer piece of (CENSORED). Nothing to see there Use Hypnosis on Ninetales. You are already weak enough to Scizor to give him an easy set-up bait. It will also allow you to do something when Heatran inevitably comes to blow you to smitherens. Choice Specs support Clefable is the worst idea you could ever have with him. You are ALREADY a huge Scizor bait, you really want to give him a set that forces you to spam a move that will leave you locked doing nothing? Mantine, use Haze instead of Toxic. Thank me later whenever you face someone with a Substitute sweeper and it prevents him from 6-0ing that team instantly, and by someone I mean me. My Substitute Dragonite is legendary among the veterans of the server. Volcarona... what is he even doing there? Especially with that fightium-Z. It won't do anything against Scizor if that's what you are thinking. No recovery means easy to wear down with rocks. And no, Mantine won't keep them out forever. He can be easily poisoned and Ninetales iis too frail and has a typing too terrible defensively to use Heal Bell.
  14. I'll point out that in-game teams are meant to be on the "Team Showcase" subforum. This section is for teams intended to compete against other players at supposedly high level play. Since you mention the Episode 18, I deduce that is for in-game. Please ask the thread to be moved there. Thank you for your attention.
  15. This is for competitively-built teams, I hope you know. The in-game section is "Team Showcase" If this is indeed intented for PvP, start up by listing the EV counts, then we will be able to analyze/correct/laugh at/rebuild that team more accurately. If it is intended for in-game or a roleplay-style league, put it on the appropiate section. Thank you.
  16. Ditto administers some karma: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7battlespotsingles-755990722 My best hard reads since a long time https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7battlespotsingles-755985409
  17. It would be hard to say. It would most likely be Dragonite, but the problem is, my team relies on all six pokemon equally, him being the ace sweeper does not mean he is automatically the most important of them.
  18. Please use the importables to detail moves, natures, IVs and EVs, or I won't be able to help at all
  19. Updated to the undeserved, unnecessary and scrubby Arena Trap ban.
  20. There was a time on BW where a Dragonite stroke fear on the hearts of all Reborn Players. Substitute+Dragon Dance Dragonite was so broken that even on a metagame with Kingdra and Blaziken allowed to freely go around, people even started discussing to ban it. The arrival of the fairy type was extremely unkind to that set, but the lack of good fairies not named Clefable allowed him to still work sometimes. Eventually, Fly would be tested, but the tremendous amount of pokémon capable of taking advantage of the charge turn meant it wouldn't fare that much better in the long run. The arrival of the Tapus and the first ever viable Haze pokemon seemed like the end of his era... it seemed: Belgabad is sorrounding itself with it's Z-Power! +6 Dragonite used SuperSonicSkystrike! Heracross received a critical hit! Belgabad (Dragonite) (M) @ Flyinium Z Ability: Multiscale Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 52 SpD / 136 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Fly - Dragon Dance - Substitute - Roost The Flynium Z allows dragonite murder Toxapex and Zygarde at +2, and the speed allows Dragonite to outspeed Weavile after a single Dragon Dance, outspeed Scarf Garchomp at +2, and stantard Landorus as well as maximum speed Tyranitar and Celesteela at +0, giving Dragonite ample setup oportunities. The defensive EVs prevent attacks like Scald, Rotom-W Volt Switch and Magma Storm from breaking the Subtitute and allow Dragonite to take less than 50% damage from Gyro Ball and Heavy Slam, allowing Dragonite to stall Ferrothorn and Celesteela in the long run. Sadly, lacking Leftovers means U-turn and Sandstorm can break Multiscale, and it negates any possibility of stalling out Clefable's Moonblast. As said, sand is a terrible condition for Dragonite, but Hippowdon can be stalled out as it generally lacks any meagniful way to damage Dragonite. However, Tyranitar will straight up murder Dragonite, something that will also happen if we have to face Magearna with Ice Beam (Fleur Cannon can be stalled) as it will freeze sooner or later, or if playing on Pokemon Online, immediately -.- In addition, having to waste the Z-Fly on Toxapex may be detrimental, and if he successfully baits it out, Dragonite will loose. Chansey with Toxic can also force a Z-Fly, and Unaware Clefable will completely stop Dragonite no matter what. Of course, this cannot be tolerated: Jawbreaker (Marowak-Alola) (F) @ Thick Club Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Adamant Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Fire Punch - Shadow Bone - Swords Dance - Bonemerang I needeed a replacement anti-electric and in particular anti-Zapdos, a replacement wallbreaker for the Dragonite switch ins, a lure for Tyranitar and a replacement Magearna counter. A-Marowak fulfills all those roles at the cost of leaving the team VERY slow. It also comes in handy for those damn Scizors and Celesteelas crazy enough to lack Knock Off and Earthquake respectively. They must enjoy getting thorougly owned by Heatran or something... When Zygarde tries to use Dragon Dance Clefail (Clefable) @ Leftovers Ability: Unaware EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Wish - Heal Bell - Protect - Moonblast And we need a way to solve that, right? In addition, it prevents pokemon like Gyarados from trying to take advantage of Dugtrio to sweep. Why not complete a Fairy-Dragon-Steel core? On his natural job: Tempestad (Empoleon) (M) @ Shuca Berry Ability: Torrent EVs: 248 HP / 100 SpA / 160 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Scald - Ice Beam - Defog - Toxic This variant of Empoleon is a nasty surprise to many Landorus that think they can scare Empoleon away to set Stealth Rock. Lacking recovery is not as important as we have Wish support. As weird as it seems, if a Zapdos is spotted, Empoleon must try to switch and Toxic him, if possible on a double switch, especially on Pokemon Online, to have two chances to see Toxic miss and ruin your day... To wrap this up, I wanted to include a pivot and a revenge killer, if possible a Steel type capable of dealing with Tapus. I have a ditaste for this pokemon, but I have to admit, Magnezone sucks on this gen, or it did until poor Duggy got banned, so I have little choice but to use: Basic Scizor strategy guide: Spambot (Scizor) @ Scizorite Ability: Light Metal EVs: 250 HP / 200 Def / 60 Spe Impish Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Roost - U-turn - Bullet Punch - Knock Off Updated spread to outspeed stantard Magnezone. And making a return from my first team on Reborn, my favourite scout on the game, that on this new gen seems to be much more viable than in any previous gen: Gyarados used Dragon Dance 3 times! Gyarados mega evolved and used Waterfall X fainted: Revenge! (Ditto) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Imposter EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 1 Atk / 1 SpA / 0 Spe - Transform U-turn from Scizor means easy scouting to see if the opponent has trash sets you can capitalize on like non-EQ Landorus or Pursuit SD Scizor, easy revenge killing, and easy sweeps, and most importantly, DOZENS OF LAUGHS AND SALT for all those (CENSORED) (CENSORED) (CENSORED) (CENSORED) that keep using trash like Shell Smash Cloyster and Dragon Dance Salamence and full offensive Dragon Dance Charizard X. TIPS FOR TEAM ORDER: Scizor must be put in lead position. From that: If playing on a simulator that does not allow you to shuffle the team right before playing, Dugtrio and Dragonite must ocuppy the 5th and 6th slots in the team, as that will make them much less likely to be called by Dragon Tail, ruining Multiscale and Focus Noobsash when hazards are up. Clefable must be put 2nd for the same reason, as he is the main answer to Garchomp, Dragonite and Zygarde, the three pokemon in OU with access to Dragon Tail you will see most commonly. Empoleon will go in 3rd place so you can Defog the rocks or poison the dragon type, relying on the Shuca Berry to survive the ground attack of choice. Ditto goes 4th because despite being less crippled by hazards, he also dislikes switching in on them, especially Toxic Spikes. From that, choose the lead most useful depending on the team matchup. Ditto, Scizor and to a lesser extent Dragonite will usually be your leads, but if you spot a Magnezone and a Scizor-weak pokemon, and the opponent does not have another 100% reliable Scizor answer, try to lead with Dugtrio, as nine times out of ten, they will find the possibility of trapping Scizor on the first turn too tempting to resist. If playing on console, put the rest of the team in a random order, Ditto is on 3rd or 4th place, as enemy players have a proved lack of attention to what lies on those spots. From there, shuffle the entire team considering: a) As before, depending on if you see Dragon Tail and Storm Throw users, order the team into the best configuration to deal with them. Marowak and Dragonite ALWAYS last against those teams. 8) If the enemy has a team chock full of answers to certain pokemon, and multiple probable users of Dragon Tail/Roar, seriously consider going only with 5 pokemon, as every time the useless pokemon is sent out, you WILL loose a lot of momentum and possibly the game. Plus, the less pokemon you have, easier will be to left Dragonite alone so he cannot be phazed anymore and can get yet another last-pokemon-sweep. And no, I am not joking. When I used a variant with Aegislash on Wi-Fi, I usually went 5-6 if the opponent had no Uber pokemon, and never felt any detrimental effects. One big thing of this team, is that you CAN keep on after loosing one or two team members. c) If the enemy team lacks any Flying resist but has Hippowdon and other pokemon likely to use Roar, try to go for the style and go ONLY with Dragonite. That'll show them! GENERAL USE In general: Zapdos is a MAXIMUM priority target as it is by far the best Dragonite counter. Defeat or poison him no matter the cost. Against offensive teams, Landorus is an easy Ditto bait, and it means free SR! Make use of that. Ferrothorn's Leech Seed can be stalled by U-turning constantly on Ditto after removing Ferro's item. But try to first find out if he carries Gyro Ball and either Thunder Wave or Toxic. If he does not, Dragonite can easily set up on him, and switch out if you mispredict a Leech Seed. Also, burned Ferrothorn is set up bait regardless of what he has. Landorus can be set up on freely if he lacks Smack Down as HP Ice won't even come close to KOing, not even with a critical hit; and Stone Miss is easy to stall out and will need a very timely crit to deal with Dragonite. The Double Dance variant with Z-Stone Edge can be dangerous, but Ditto can take a +1 Stone Edge and Landorus cannot take a +2 one, so you know what to do if he dares to boost even once. The one with Fly can be easily dealth with via Substitute and Fly to dodge the incoming strikes. Dragonite must be sent to sweep the moment the enemy checks are dealth with. Ice Beam from non-specs-Protean Greninja will fail to KO, don't hesitate to boost right on it to win the 1 vs 1. Remember that getting a second and sometimes even a third Dragon Dance is top priority to deal with certain pokemon, so if you get even the smallest opening to get them, take it. Also, Z-Fly must be saved up for either a pokemon capable of surviving/blocking a Fly and being able to retaliate afterwards (Tapu Koko, Mew, Zygarde) or a against Volcarona if nothing can truly deal with Dragonite, as Z-Fly will not trigger the inevitable Flame Body burn. Also remember that Haze, Curse and Perish Song go through Substitute and that some can even hit mid-fly. So don't hesitate so use Z-Fly on whoever happens to be carrying them if you know they will stay in. If facing a stall team, preserve Ditto at all costs, and ALWAYS send him on Sableye mega. Getting hit by Knock Off is the best thing that can happen there, if you catch the Knock Off, you essentially win as Ditto will become impossible to PP stall, and limiting the Sableye switches will ease Empoleon's time setting up Stealth Rock, and spamming Scald and Toxic. Spam Knock Off to remove as many Leftovers and Rocky Helmets as possible, and try to save up Marowak for Chansey, who will be the priority target. You can Defog by copying Skarmory anyway so don't let Empoleon get too worn down. Save up the Z-Fly until either Skarmory or Toxapex falls, and NEVEr be reckless about using it as your opponent normally has more than two functional brain cells and s/he WILL try to bait it out. And you will NEVER sweep with either pokemon around and Z-Fly wasted, unless by some miracle Marowak gets some Defense drops on the Unaware pokemon. Ice Beam users in general: They have a nasty tendency to freeze half of the team, and Clefable ALWAYS ends up frozen if you dare try using Heal Bell near the Ice Beam spammer of choice. The known broken OU attack spammers: Zygarde Band, Mega Medicham, Specs Tapu Lele, Hoopa Unbound, Mega Loppuny and Specs Magearna. They will all probably take something out every time they attack if not played horribily bad, or at least deal heavy damage to anything that comes in, regardless of wether he resists the attack or not. Fortunately, Clefable can take two Thousand Arrows from Zygarde after Stealth Rock if he uses Protect in the middle, and Ditto will give all of them a taste of their own medicine. Chansey: This annoying blob can take virtually any attack of the team, and will only fall to a perfectly played Dugtrio and Scizor. If Dugtrio is not present, tough, Ditto can freely copy Heal Bell and Wish for all eternity and turn the match right around. Quick VolTurn teams. Dugtrio is not exactly the bulkiest Ground Type, Taunt Tapu Koko can stop Dragonite even at +1, and multiple Intimidate users will wall him and will probably win in the long run. Suicune with Protect: For some reason, Pressure fails to work on Fly sometimes, not sure if it is a glitch on the simulators or Fly ignores Pressure due to being a two-turn move, but regardless, this pokemon must be treated with extreme care, as only Dragonite and Clefable combined and with careful use of Heal Bell will be able to stall him out and sweep past him. If you count and he runs out of Scald, tough, you can get a laugh off with Ditto and Scizor. And the biggest threat to the team: Inexperience. This is a SJMistery quality team, and that means, by definition, only somebody with a LOT of experience, precision and prediction capability can run it efectively, and only a top-notch player can run close to flawlessly. Essentially, this can be considered as one big Aegislash. Epically hard to use, but fantastic potential and results. Importable
  21. If I was a gym leader, I would go for a Water team... With Empoleon, Dragonite and Ditto. Because relying on a single type, is just suicidal. I would have 3-4 water types, but not a full team. Of course my prefered Defogger, my signature Stallbreaker-Sweeper and my LOL Revenge Killer must be there.
  22. New gen, new team: Greninja @ Life Orb Ability: Protean EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hydro Pump - U-turn - Dark Pulse - Ice Beam Belgabad (Dragonite) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Multiscale Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 72 Def / 52 SpD / 132 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 0 SpA - Fly - Dragon Dance - Substitute - Body Slam Dugtrio (M) @ Focus Sash Ability: Arena Trap EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Earthquake - Hone Claws - Stone Edge - Sucker Punch Albitr (Aegislash) (M) @ Spell Tag Ability: Stance Change EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Sacred Sword - Shadow Ball - Shadow Sneak - King's Shield Empoleon (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Torrent EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Stealth Rock - Scald - Defog - Toxic Clefable @ Leftovers Ability: Unaware EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Wish - Protect - Heal Bell - Moonblast I would like to have a Juan-styled avatar, but i dont really care about it In case Aegi and Ninja get banned, respectively: Magneto (Magnezone) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Magnet Pull EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Volt Switch - Hidden Power [Fire] - Flash Cannon - Discharge Weavile @ Life Orb Ability: Pickpocket EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Knock Off - Ice Shard - Icicle Crash - Low Kick
  23. If anything, I would go for a ban on King's Shield. That move is the main reason Aegislash is so hard to contest. But i vote NO BAN. The prediction mindgames are fun, and you can always simply NOT USE A CONTACT MOVE or a move that otherwise bypasses KS. Earthquake, Thousand Arrows, HyperSpace Fury, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Sucker Punch, the Z moves, WoW, Taunt... And you can easily wall him once you learn his coverage move (Iron Head->go for normal/dark types, Sacred Sword->go for fairy types) PLus, being monotype, it's easy to narrow down who will try to come in and cover Aegislash. Greninja is overrated. Hard to send in, even harder to kill anything against a competent opponent unless you got mono-type disadvantage in which case you are generally completely screwed anyway... PD: LOL. Greninja has EXACTLY the same number of votes for the three options with 12 each at this moment...
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