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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. In all honesty, and to contribute to the conversation, is it not true that Hillary Clinton had ordered her maid to print classified material approximately 6 times? Not only does this mean that she was enabling someone who did not have a security clearance to obtain national secrets, but that fits mishandling of classified material to a "T". She is so careless with classified information, to be fair, that I am honestly applauding her at being able to maintain a security clearance at all.
  2. The hell's a "reward"? Well. It's always nice to keep all of my fingers when playing balisong. Taking guns apart and putting them back together feels pretty nice. I get to live in my parent's home until I turn 18... I would say that's a reward! Not really rewarding myself however. (God why is this so difficult for me ._.) When I examine the world around me and see something amazing I always get a strange tingling feeling in my head. It is extremely unique, and the world is still rather beautiful. I'll call that a reward I suppose. Being privileged enough to view it. Nothing else... comes to mind really. Man girls have all the fun.
  3. it is 4 am. I should be sleeping. But I would rather write about how tired I am. I'll probably read this in the morning, and realize how many grammar mistakes there are.

  4. Tonight I was so tired that I fell asleep, woke up at 1, immediately walked around my house for no reason with my contacts so blurry I could not see, and so happened to walk back into my room and crash into my bed. I fell back asleep after that utter (wtf) moment, woke up at 3, realized my damned dry contacts were still in, and do you know what I did? That's right. I came on reborn. You know what guys can we all just agree that we are some stupid motherf*ckers at 1? It's not even alcohol I swear, it's just the hour strikes and the stupid hits us like a truck. Tonight's little gem: I think there must be a Stupidity Fairy. She comes at 1, and hits you with her "magic" baseball bat. She's in therapy.
  5. Debating at 1:00-2:30 am is the worst mistake I have made in my life. Don't ask. Just understand.
  6. You see my friend, you know you are making a difference somewhere when there are multiple people doing either the same thing on the other side, those who manage to flip my views upside down somehow, and my own enemy. Myself, for my inexperience does not allow me to directly advocate in the most perfect connotation my statement. However, this experience has actually been highly educative, as I have found a way that seems to best convey an idea to an audience. It has been worth every moment Now, what I still chuckle at is the whole spinning craziness, I spin something, you spin something, we all spin something! However, most definitely, this election must be rigged! I have proof. None of the candidates are good! Soros! Cheeki breeki from the sky, сука!- but in all seriousness, I found this thread to be a wonderful learning experience to myself. My critics have actual better informed me of people's reactions to specific types of views when conveyed in less, as well as more detail. Evi, if you happen to be reading this post, it is the next one up in which I address you
  7. Ma'am you are mistaken, I am too young to vote, your rights have never been opposed by myself! I am a libertarian with some discrepancy at heart, your freedom is safe. I shall not seek to disregard you with a personal attack, there be no reason. I said as long as you may refrain from further attacks, then i will not be forced to counter in any way However, might you not forget the "when they go low, you go high" comment, for you have attacked first! I assure you, I am polite enough to listen to reason. Reason, as I stated have you, just must have enough of a reasonable fact to it to be considered. Absolute proof is my goal, to clear that up, reason however can aid in changing the side in which I seek absolute proof on. Your opinion is more than openly accepted If that means that you can reason me to stand beside you on an issue, I will, but I will still shoot to get that truth on the topic I seek, if that makes sense. You will find that sarcasm is only an element of myself, I can be friendly, no honest! The scariness is just for looks. Have not a worry in your heart, I am and always will be a freedom advocate. I worry honestly, what has happened to all of the heroic candidates with excellent morals for president? We stand with a businessman who has a somewhat arguable case of sexual assault against him and trouble staying dead on message, and of all women to run as a first female president, a Clinton!! Jill stein endorces trump, and poor Gary barely can read a war map. God might this be a joke and Teddy Rosevelt will win the election?
  8. It's less about conspiring, and more about how these things are perceived. The snippet was small, yes, but what we don't know is what was said before or after. Hopefully something comes around about that, I would readily read it. The islamaphobia comment can be taken two different ways. It could be stated that his name just "sounded Muslim" which would resonate badly with the public after he is found to be inspired by terror, or that it could be taken as a way of him hoping that his name was different for the sake of how the attack is perceived. Remember, this snippet is so short that you are guilty of the same crime. We do not ultimately know his intent fully in stating this as there is a lack of further context. Until the O'keefe video is confirmed or denied, I don't know exactly why they had lost their jobs as there is no proof of either conspiracy and lies, or truth and just raw recording. What we do know in conjunction is O'keefe evidently has a bad history, seeing as he has lawsuits to his name concerning the videos. Remember, until this is confirmed or denied it can only be speculated. Please stop spreading conspiracies about these topics on this thread. Let us research it and put our heads together over private message. We are not learning much by taking opposite sides based on what is directly at hand. This is more than simple Eviora. We must interpret it based on what facts we have. I will change any position I have if someone can provide a reasonable merit and proof, as turtle has concerning one particular example of the sexual assault cases. You could learn a thing or two from him, couldn't you we can easily be friends, it's just a matter of if you are willing to make an attempt instead of a personal attack, for my specialty is unfortunately those. I suggest not attempting more, burns last for long periods of time How about we actually all put our heads together on these issues. We should note every time something is taken out of context in the O'keefe videos, and report back to each other on what we find, compare, and draw a merit of our own until the video is either proven or disproven.
  9. What even was this debate. Was Hillary reading a novel the entire time or something?

  10. Then debate it we shall.. despite the many claims concerning me being one to spin things, it is perception over intent. In podesta's exchange, he stated that it was unfortunate that the name of the shooter "sounded" Muslim. This is what we know, as well as that there was the comment of "damn" when this was learned. He pledged to Islamic terror, and made his shooting massacre history. This actually leads me to find it odd, as they say his name "sounds Muslim", and wish it was different so it would be interpreted in a different way. They state Islamic profiling is bad, and yet they state his name sounds too Muslim, and wish it different. This is what I am referring to. They are more concerned about how it will be perceived, over his actual intent. He was there to kill. It is then perceived in so many different ways until the detail of terrorist links are exposed. Podesta in his emails wishes it to be that he would be interpreted differently so that people would not perceive him as a terrorist, but in doing so, he knew exactly how it would be thought of by many people. Instead of speaking of the actions, the only thing he seemed to be concerned about was his name and race. This implies that evidently, he seemed to have his priorities a tad mixed up, if you can understand what I am saying. The key is to research this o'keefe video. If what we know from the video is found to be true, we have issues. Paying mentally ill people to incite violence, as well as people who are JUST there specifically to cause anger, and yet what we are seeing is trump supporters seeing violence against them instead of becoming violent. This is where a line is drawn. If this O'keefe video is not disproven, I would enjoy a talk on it. If it is false, then might we put it behind us. I have read the Vox report. What strikes me as strange is Melania's roll, as not only was she stating she would sue, but as if she does not know of these happenings. Recommendation: pay attention to Melania. If she comes forward to say anything, drop any bombshells, or make any remarks, we must analyze them. I would not doubt that a large number of the claims are false, but this one has more reasonable merit than all others. This is what research is for however! I will look deeper into it and compare certain qualities, and find a conclusion. What I am seeing as a key factor in this O'Keefe video are the people losing their jobs. We need to watch them very closely and track where and what they are doing because of this.
  11. 1. Because O'keefe has a videotape, and there has been no mass report of witness or elevating footage of the claim. In fact many of the people there during the time called the sexual assault claims false. If one becomes reasonable, I will readily research it, as to the same with O'keefe's video. If it is proven false, I will say it is false, but until there is proof, I can speculate on two sides of the same coin. On the story regarding the girl you linked, I will research it. If I find inconsistency, I will report it to you. 2. Aha, I will try to fish up that link you speak of. My link however was referring to those illegally crossing from the southern border, or those attempting to get to the border. 3. H and C are not exactly linked. Believe me, if there is a video that has Donald saying "yes I in fact did touch (insert name here)", I'll play pin the tail on the donkey with you and we can both laugh afterwards. 4. I'm not attempting to conspire about the Podesta emails. It is obvious that they were more concerned about his race than condemning his actions by their context. They were hoping he would be white.
  12. I cannot believe the amount of misunderstanding I'm facing. I could write a novel and somehow still have people saying I believe it's some kind of conspiracy. The whole point of my opinion on Islamic terror is that we are supposed to be fighting ISIS, and identify them that way, or else we will be facing this political corectness internal conflict until the end of time. Blue. You missed the coyote note so badly that I cringed a bit. Go look up what a coyote is to an illegal immigrant. It's not an animal that I'm referring to. I cannot believe how ridiculous this is getting. Apparently I do need to write a novel to be understood. I made no claim anybody was an alien, or any stupid conspiracy theory. So I'm not sure where the hell that came from. The fact checker has the subpoena date and email deletion date TurtleCat. Go look at polítifact. A. I stated we need to identify "who" we are fighting. Never said we were fighting a religion. B. I never even said the Qur'an says "so bad things", I said the exact opposite. I said the terrorist organizations are twisting the Qur'an. C. There is no logical fallacy in saying that I will believe in the video investigation until I find proof it is faked. That's pretty easy to read. I am currently doing so extensively by the way. D. Never said rape was exclusively Mexican, I said that illegals do rape people however. Christ, and you guys say I spin things. E. never said to nuke Arab states or do anything involving the destruction of lives, I said that it is wrong for Podesta to focus on his race instead of his actions which were done in the name of Islamic terror. I AM the one pushing for what you just said. For people to IDENTIFY that this world is a place where bad things happen instead of trying to be so correct about these subjects. F. I said I was sitting on the fence and wasn't defending trump on the tape. Blue, I'm so sorry but if your analysis of the things I say was any more spun in circles. I think you might just miss the point all together. I'll pin a devil tail dead on trump in my mind when they confirm these women were indeed assaulted. G. Turtle. My friend. It is not so hard to draw a conclusion of what is going on with this email server. It goes beyond Clinton, whoever hired the IT members is in trouble. I have said this more than enough times, and a politifact checker confirms it. Subpoena- deletion in same month after subpoena is issued. Problem. Bad. Once again, I said we need to identify the enemy, ISIS. Stop thinking I'm against Islam if I never said it. The claim wasn't that more sexual assault is done by immigrants either, Jesus are you attacking a second version of me? Am I missing something? H. Sexual assault claims. When I see a video or a full account from multiple people that all add up to the same conclusion, I'll be more than willing to pin that spikey tail on trump. I. Did extensive research into the reputation of this guy on the undercover investigation. I see where this distrust is stemming from, I'll be highly analytical of the videos and conclude based on what is found of it, or what I can find to be a lie myself. If this video is not altered, then it is that simple. If there is a very reasonable lead however, all ears. J. Not defending trump once again. I said I'm sitting on the fence. I already don't trust Clinton with a multi thousand word long research paper on why. K. I would love to talk to you if you could stop demeaning my way of thinking and format of study, your personal attacks make me wish to perform acts other than calm debate. I have a temper *this* long, and take it as no threat, but it will never have to be a problem if you could refrain from personal attacks. I cannot disprove trump was a reptilian, research will be performed extensively into the matter. I will conclude based on the findings and assemble a research paper of my analysis. L. Thanks for the feedback FairFamily M. I'm asssembling an extensive list of online polls and plan to showcase as many as possible. There is no personal choice involved, I have selected the largest polls from many different sites and wish to form a type of average based upon them. Expect it eventually after the polls close. N. you see, my claims do have a large level of merit. It is the repeated failed interpretation that I must explain that irritates me most however, I guess a novel is due. Of course even those have misunderstandings. I have analyzed every answer involving any link, and I am seeing a very specific narrative. I am modifying my style of writing for this particular thread to avoid further spins that have somehow been taken to the literal opposite of my own words. And seriously Blue, go look up what a coyote is. That's embarrassing on your part frankly. I am still highly confused as to how this idea I'm attempting to form conspiracy has arised. I am only taking analysis based on quotes and context. O. I don't believe I had messed up the Podesta email at all. They seemed very frustrated, even cursing at the fact that Omar was a Muslim instead of a white. Of course, there is only mention of how unfortunate his race was instead of the people who will never be seeing the light of day ever again. Truly disgusting in my book. P. Is my analysis this hard to understand? I can make the neccessary modifications I can tell need to be made, but I find it ridiculous I'm having claims against me of taking things out of context, as others somehow attempt to say I am identifying the religion as the enemy, when my entire argument was specifically about identifying our enemy (people, Isis, notice how I said the people who are shooting at us, not the religion who is shooting at us. I don't even... ok. A religion shooting people is a fallacy in logic. (Amirite blue?) Q. Remember, these things I have presented are essentially rough drafts. I plan to have these opinions face serious constructive criticism. Please attempt not to somehow manage to spin it backwards from what was stated, I require the assistance in better getting others to understand what I am trying to say. R. Jesus Christ what was that debate? On one side we have Trump, who... Actually did better than I expected. However a number of his facts can be declared mostly false to an extent. I do not believe any blatant lies were told however, just a good deal of misinformation. On the other side. We had that old Clinton. Wait, did she actually answer any of the questions besides the economic policy? I shall watch it again and take notes from a hindsight. One thing I would enjoy seeing an argument on is this wage gap... in the large majority of my research I actually see women being preferred on the job, and in fact the pay gap is related to work and hours. If you do not do the same number of hours of the exact same job, you will not be paid the same. I would enjoy to see a few other opinions and maybe some citations for me to look into. I have plenty of data on the wage gap, as I've been analyzing it for some time now. A big factor in this wage gap, is if the female is a mother. There is almost always a correlation with less working hours if the female has children to tend to. Men and women also prefer different fields etc. Some jobs pay more than others, and men appear to be drawn to certain jobs while women are drawn to different ones. There are also a good few stats that show that this wage gap idea all started from a massive cluster average that didn't define field of work our hours, just age and pay rate with different color for different gender. Many stats actually show women with no children have an advantage in pay grade over some men in specific fields of work. Interesting... http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7017628 This is quite interesting as well. Forbes is a site I often visit when in need of fact confirmation. https://www.google.com/amp/www.forbes.com/sites/karinagness/2016/04/12/dont-buy-into-the-gender-pay-gap-myth/amp/?client=safari Here are specific locations and stats of places in the US where women are actually found to make more than men do. Women aren't the only ones with problems ya know : P But that doesn't mean they won't be listened to.
  13. Sorry, but my sugar coat is gone now. Prepare yourself. Apparently, according to you, holding my decisions that are completely my own to hold until they are proven incorrect is now something negative. Let me ask you something honestly, is flip flopping because someone just so happened to bash your opinion something that leads to you being not worth speaking with? Shows plenty of your character there, because unlike you, I'll stick to my guns until someone can provide proof that I am without a doubt incorrect. Now, concerning my dearest "swarm of assumptions", is it so illogical to draw a conclusion based directly on what I'm observing? Oh, I suppose I was taught incorrectly in school wasn't I? At least, unlike you, I'm evidently willing to find out what is the absolute truth and what is not, because I have a sense of what matters in this world. I am quick to respond because this /is/ my opportunity for myself to see my opinions and ideas tested. Practical reason is based on facts, didn't you know? Practical reason, just so happens to be defined by those who seek to define it by giving someone a reasonable arguement, and when I provide stats that just do happen to be real world as well as recommended fact checkers, is my reasoning not in fact well based? Is it so deeply wrong to actually stick by what you believe? I am worth arguing with, especially if you can provide me some evidence. Go on, I am waiting. That is, unless, you would prefer to stop attempting to belittle me for my thought process and beliefs and step away from your fantasy world. I don't live in a land of unicorns and unstable arguments, I prefer a hard cold talk with someone who is ready to give me a reason why I'm so out of touch. Let's put your character to the test and see if you so happen to be willing to come to me, and reason with me using evidence instead of allegations. Shows a lot when you critic people's character and format, and then discredit them as somehow unworthy due to themselves being rational. You are the exact reason that I am the way I am, because facts speak louder than anything else. Come on. Let's see you put down the glass and uncross your legs, come over here, and provide me a cold hard base instead of just stating that I live in an alternate reality, where facts so happen to be what arguments are based on. Now, that the personal attacks are out of the way, my millimeter thick sugar coat is back up. Who wishes to watch the debate tonight? I would love to hear you guys analyze it and compare it with my notes. It's always beautiful to be exposed to another way of thinking. Isn't that right, Eviora? ----- FairFamily, I find it amazing that you are willing to be on both sides at the same time. That's a very very interesting point of view... in fact, I might call it well informed due to how you tend to pursue what is seen in your own eyes of what a president should be. In fact, I 100% agree. If someone cannot handle their job, why give them a higher position? However, a question. If someone proves over time their incompetence is something they have tended to and fixed, do you believe they should be more seriously considered, or criticized and allow their reactions to determine if they are competent, as well as their intentions? Just wondering a bit about who I'm with here
  14. So what's the consensus on the undercover study video of the DNC? Fake, real, somewhere in between? What is thought of it so far with you guys?

  15. Alright, if your eyes are so perfectly clear and your obvious superiority is so very evident, tell me exactly why and how I am wrong, on each so obviously misinformed point. I will defend my every position until there is absolute proof that they are all incorrect. Can't wait to hear how you defend the fact, and I will restate, fact that the emails were deleted after a subpoena was issued to turn over all of them. Even the glorious fact checkers agree. Check out politifact, they deny Clinton had intent specifically, due to a lack of evidence, but it is FACTUAL that the emails were deleted after the subpoena was issued. Whoever it might have been who ordered this mass deletion, they are in very very deep trouble regardless.
  16. Tfw you get quoted in the yearbook for saying: "I hope you buy a Samsung phone" next to my sarcastic smile. Everybody has a love hate with me now, you feel?
  17. Ok wow, that is a lot of misunderstanding in such a small space. I guess this is what politics feels like. 1. Never claimed a GOP fact check was more reliable than politifact, I just stated that I can find fact checkers too. I did the research on my own, and the emails and the reddit post are all correlating in a bit of a fishy way. There was the bleachbit email, 2014, in July, concerning "VERY VIP" email. This question was asked after there were requests made for Clinton to turn over all her records. The email scandal at this point can't be defended in my eyes, I can read dates 20/20. The subpoena was issued on march 5th 2015, there was then action taken on march 25-31st by the IT crew, including deletion and smashing devices that were requested. If you need a politifact check, here. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/oct/09/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-hillary-clinton-deleted-33000-em/ They STILL state the emails were deleted march 25-31st AFTER the subpoena was issued. If this is investigated, whoever ordered this deletion is going away for a very long time. What we do know is that it is impossible that all deleted emails are just yoga and work related. Such a small number of confidential emails were still found in what WAS turned over (which means someone should still be in trouble, but, ya know! Carelessness.. and all) I would not be surprised if there were confidential emails amongst the deleted. It is still illegal that these were removed after the subpoena to begin with! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/how-hillary-clinton-aide-destroyed-phones-2016-9?client=safari This was posted in September, after the Wikileaks dumps that showed the IT workers doing such suspicious work. Now, you might wonder, why oh why would someone who destroyed something under subpoena request gain immunity? http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/09/us/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-investigation.html Who knows? 2. About Islamic terror, I'm sorry, but if you won't name the enemy you shouldn't be fighting. Whether it causes profiling, or escalation, I doubt. He is just using a politically correct name to "kinda" indentify those who are KILLING people, let me remind you. After 9/11 and the various other mass scale attacks, islamaphobia is guaranteed. We cannot stop it from occurring when people are being murdered by a terror group. What we can do is educate them. By actually naming who we are fighting, perhaps? Food for thought. Calling nazis "extreme germans" would be the same. We have a regime, led by leaders who use idealism to incite reasons for combat, and we have to be so careful not to profile them! (Sarcasm) There is a difference between someone who is actively trying to shoot you, and those who aren't. It is their communities' responsibility to provide unity in the Islamic world, not us. Abu Bakr, why must you be gone? Inspiring hate is not always why they attack. Many are raised into believing it is the true way of Allah, and misunderstanding and blatant lies is the way of a terror regime. They blank out what's really in the Qur'an and scribble what they say is true everywhere. 3. Fairfamily, it apparently is a big deal, because there are very serious charges. Think on that a second and we can poke a bush until something pops out together some more. 4. TurtleCat, I am so sorry, but please think of it this way. If you were using an unsecured, unmonitored server to send information THAT ONLY EQUAL OR SUPERIOR EYES are allowed to see across this unsecured server, you have made more than a small screw up. It's called secret for a reason, not a "everyone come find out!!" You can't just set up an unmonitored server and send classified info around. 5. On the undercover investigation, wonderful. If it is NOT proved to be wrong, what then? Don't discredit someone's secretly recorded words until they are proven to be edited or false. That video is not something that can be so easily discredited when there are attacks on trump supporters all the time, and now we have people saying there are mentally ill people being paid to physically attack a group of political supporters? And that wasn't even the worst part. I agree on the voter fraud part however, but just because one party won doesn't mean it didn't happen on one side or the other. Don't forget that. When people lose their jobs, the comments don't seem so false, especially when the investigation was a year long. I'll pay attention and we can see who is correct. 6. Tacos, good friend, I read your post and I do understand it. I will not discredit the idea, because I had thought it over a while and came to the conclusion that possibly a group of women had assembled to come forward at the same time as a "final push" idea. However, when witnesses present, and their family call them liars, I won't be so quick to accept them and pat them on the head with a "we believe you", especially with the octopus comment that was ripped as if by script from another case a few years before in another country. 7. Murdoc, look here, I never said "illegals are raping our women" (which illegals so happen to do to citizens of the United States) I stated that women on their way to cross the border (more than often illegally) are at a very very high risk of being physically attacked. Have you heard of a "coyote" before? Sometimes they take things other than payment by force... now, ask yourself this, if we would completely lock down our border, would these happenings decrease? And would the women who actually are citizens as you somehow managed to think I was referring to, are raped by an illegal, would it have happened if we would have done our job and established a border long ago? Think. 8. Nope, not a spin. Podesta was hoping for this to be a white man, so much in fact, that he was frustrated. He wanted to use it as a political attack and scream "homophobia" obviously. We already know that gays are murdered overseas, the fact that this threat is here and he was more disappointed by his race than his actions is extremely deplorable of him. The fact that they would not call them Islamic terrorists despite stating allegiance before blowing so many people away says more than his race. Think on that too. Podesta should be ashamed that he was more concerned with his race than his actions. Those people aren't coming back. Ever. 9. Trump's claim on the tape was that it was just locker room talk, not that he didn't do it. Get that straight. He wasn't "bragging", he was being an idiot and speaking out of his ass. This tape to me is less of a "words speak louder than actions" and more of a "Trump why would you even say this?" Until I have confirmation that Trump treats women like dogs and pigs, I'll continue to say actions speak louder than words. 10. Of course it reveals his character. It shows that he is a very proud man with some crude talk. If he didn't do any of the things in the tape, as there was no confirmation that any of these things he said were actually done, then I can honestly think of it as disgusting, but not defining. Actions speak louder than words, especially ones from 10 years before, with zero proof of anything being done to anybody. I'm not defending him in the slightest, but don't say it defines him 10 years later with, still, zero proof that any of this actually happened. I actually find it almost sad someone would try to make such disgusting false claims. What is even more characterizing is that more than half of all allegations of rape are false! Those actions against people speak pretty loudly about certain portions of the female community. Another ten percent cannot even be proved true or false. When a woman brings forward real proof, and a person who was there doesn't come forward a very short time later and call them a blatant liar, I'll be all ears. Until them, I'm on the fence. Policy and economic reform is more important than something someone said ten years previous to their life changing political campaign that will be what everyone remembers them for, especially when none of the claims can be proven true or false at this point at all. http://www.mediaradar.org/research_on_false_rape_allegations.php Here is a fun multi study. Now. We have a set of candidates tonight. We have 3 options. 1. Hillary is crushed into tiny pieces and cannot even speak after being shut down like the last debate after throwing the first blow. So much for the "when they go low, you go high" bull. 2. Trump gets baited and babbles on camera, looks like an idiot, loses by a landslide. 3. A dead heat occurs where the last stretch will be the roughest. Any commentary? I'm not trying to be mean, I promise, I just get really tired of all this political bull sometimes and wish it could all just be less sugar coated. I hope this (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-campaign-used-benghazi-as-distraction-from-email-scandal/article/2604251) is brought up at some point. I can't believe they would take this so lightly too. Thanks Podesta.
  18. So there is this kid in my math class who won't stop yelling that we are stupid any time we talk. I would say "shootup +1" but that's really bad a- oh sh-

  19. Sorry to post two updates on one board, but this must be shared.

  20. A clean AR-15 and it's sidekick, a tacforce assisted. Speaking of which, Kalash or Armalite?
  21. I'm feeling deplorable Ice cream ma- I mean lady witch thing
  22. I believe they continue to vote Dem because of their "they're racist, we aren't!" Rhetoric, and also due to support of groups such as BLM etc etc... Concerning trump, he is not wrong concerning his comments on illegal immigrants being a serious issue. Over 70% of women who cross the border are raped by an illegal immigrant, or while they are on their way to cross illegally, that is fact. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5806972 Illegals are far too much of a concern to be ignored. Concerning the pulse night club, did anybody here about this? http://m.townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2016/10/17/wikileaks-podesta-laments-it-wasnt-a-white-man-who-committed-san-bernardino-terror-attack-n2233236 Pretty deplorable from Podesta and aides and they call trump an islamophobe. In my opinion, social justice should not be as much of a strife in a presidency than issues like combat and economy, but that is just me. I just had to edit my post. Everyone, watch these videos. Now. I mean it. And This was an undercover investigation. I cannot believe what I am hearing guys... this is very wrong.
  23. But when there are internal emails exposed that show the dates of the deletions to be POST subpoena, as well as the dates the IT works came to perform the work, I refuse to believe that. Especially after they caught that move to reduce the email classification to unclassified by a bribe from the Clinton camp.https://www.gop.com/fact-check-clinton-lies-on-email-deletion-timeline/ Luckily, I have my little fact checkers too. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/world/national-security/i-need-a-favor-fbi-official-at-center-of-alleged-clinton-email-quid-pro-quo-speaks-out/2016/10/18/dd872948-9538-11e6-9b7c-57290af48a49_story.html?client=safari This concerns the obvious "this for that" play. When you delete emails after receiving a subpoena to return ALL of them, then you just earned yourself a jail ticket. They were KNOWN to be deleted on March 25-31st without confirmation from the campaign due to what was analyzed by the FBI and leaked from Wikileaks. She is in very big trouble if this is further investigated, you can't play these games with a subpoena. If you don't care about how this sexual assault "thing" happened, you are in clear denial. These women all so perfectly happened to come forward at the SAME TIME, on the same day, against the same person, and stole lines DIRECTLY from other sexual assault cases. WITNESSES say they are a bunch of liars! Yes, the people that were there, as well as the "victim' " families! And concerning Obama, sure, ignore everything else I said. I can redact the girliness comment, and the impact is the same. His political correctness is so pathetic that every time I witness it, i feel I might need to stab myself to be sure I'm still sure of what the real world is. We have an enemy, and if this is how he treats our enemies, I don't want Clinton, his successor in her own words, to be anywhere near ANY of our center of command. Our troops don't need their lives wasted. Regardless of Cyanna's (noted in my book) warning, I don't feel my opinion on him changing. He is a president that should never be modeled, and Hilary does just that in her own words, however her actions show she is exactly like him. Say one thing, do another. After the FBI is up in arms against the director, I don't know if I should trust the whole case file too much just yet. Especially when there is reason to believe bribery is involved. Did I miss anything? I hope you see my view here. Let me note, once again, I'm no college student or certified reliable theorist or analyst, but I feel as though my voice should not be discredited. Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. To you Bluewolf, I agree with what you are stating! It all is sensible, and still adds in well. I agreed in my post that trump has been playing in the dirt for WAY too long, but there is so much more to address in this thread. Wikileaks shows a bit of deplorability in that little campaign that Clinton has there. There is evidence in Wikileaks of media colusion, and coverage on Wikileaks is almost 30 seconds to nonexistent. There is media bias. They will cover Trump almost exclusively on every channel I visit save Fox and its branches, and yet, we know why. Trump resonates more than she does, ergo more coverage. (Save his latest messages, come on man this is sad) however, while Wikileaks was literally dumping Podesta emails by the THOUSANDS, the media was STILL covering the Locker Room Talk junk. In regards to the portion referring to the subpoena and taking responsibility, if she took responsibility she would face jail time for obstruction, and perjury. She said she neither sent or received classified information, and they DID find that there was classified information sent. Then the deletion AFTER a subpoena was issued (she made a major goof) Too much dirt to ignore on her. The podesta and aide emails are bad enough "We already know she hates everyday Americans" "Needy latinos" It just goes on and on with the Clintons. Her aides and service all call her a liar and hate her, but she has money. Look at the books her agents have wrote about her. And back to you Blue, let me get you there. The message is #maga (That is if he could focus on it sometime like now!)
  24. Sorry to take a big step into this, but I just wanted to provide my opinion. Warning, I'm not a college student or a qualified conspiracy theorist, so don't take my word as a prophet's word. Regarding the email scandal, I believe absolutely that there should have been a major consequence. She was issued a subpoena in the beginning of the month, and suddenly, by the end of the month, 33,000 emails just so happened to be bleached from existence, those who did the act of destroying the evidence would answer no questions, and just so happened to be granted a complete immunity. I AM 15 AND I CAN SMELL SOMETHING FISHY!! Subpoena issued March 5th, 2015! Emails deleted and BLEACHED March 25th-31st 2015! That is illegal guys. When you get a subpoena, you can't play that game. I won't be able to believe my eyes if she doesn't get in trouble for this sooner or later big time. I believe it's 3 years for every confidential email, oh boy Hillary, talk about rotting in jail. As for trump, Jesus Christ man focus on the message!! While he is absolutely correct about media bias, (if you don't see it, you haven't been paying much attention) he keeps saying that it will be rigged instead of fighting to win. He is playing in the dirt while Hillary barely takes up that lead that she needs to form a win. If he does not smack her down hard at this debate, it won't be pretty. Regarding the sexual assaults, once again, I am no professional, but hear me out. When these women all suddenly come forward at the same time, all with stories of sexual assault, and just so happen to be coming out shortly before the debates, I sense some major bull. Not only that, but in fact, I found it a bit strange when I did some research and found out that lady who claimed that Trump "was all over her like an octopus", had ripped the line WORD FOR WORD FROM ANOTHER SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE IN THE UK!! https://conservativedailypost.com/trump-accuser-on-airplane-proven-guilty-airplane-details-show-blatant-lie/ When all of the these women come forward in the same day, around the same time, against the same person, with some pretty damn sketchy stories... I think I'll rely on my own thoughts and research over what the media rants about. You know it's bad when their families and witnesses are coming forward and calling their crap on it. I can't believe some women could do such a thing. Why? What do you seek to gain other than ridicule when you're exposed? Besides the fact records show more than 50% of rape allegations are proven false... And.. 35 years, ok? You can't be ok with it for so many years, never coming forward, and then sudddnly along with a perfect half dozen other women all come forward at the same time. It just doesn't add up in the slightest. This election, is honestly and without a doubt, deplorable. The media is blatantly caught in Wikileaks to be lying to us all and doing select cut style reporting from certain outlets, (Washington post etc etc) and now they expect us to trust them? I cannot believe my eyes, I may not know policy down to a T, but even I can tell this is ridiculous. Thanks for reading! Any feedback is appreciated as long as it's not personal attacks (please guys, I get all trump style pissed!) If I had to vote right now, it would certainly be for Trump. At least he can name our enemy and not use Benghazi as a political distraction. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-campaign-used-benghazi-as-distraction-from-email-scandal/article/2604251 As well as the fact that he will actually advocate change instead of continuing obama'a FAILURES as he has doubled our debt, left us with the time bomb of Obamacare, and has quite literally been the single most girly president I have ever seen. His political correctness makes me want to stab myself just to remind myself what the real world feels like... I just hope it won't be a repeat of what wasted my father's life in Iraq by pulling the troops out after all of their hard fought efforts just to allow another regime to rise (and Hillary and Obama decided to feed the beast) http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/wikileaks-confirms-hillary-sold-weapons-isis-drops-another-bombshell-breaking-news/ But I'll just go ahead and leaves the politics to the grown ups now, I suppose. Sure hope that subpoena case comes to bite Hillary. Idea to discuss of my own, what should come first in society, law or liberty? I put my money on liberty without a second thought, but I wonder what others might say.
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