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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Yeah, and they're evil little beasts... To me anyways. That flabebe's purpose is to come forth and reap my dark type soul.
  2. Well at least while I'm stuck here watching this until I die tied in a chair with fleshy bows I can just be happy that Garra's rum isn't gone, then shikaku would surely be unleashed! (Garra to Rocklee) why is the rum gone? (Rocklee) I left your rum, it's bad for you! That day shikaku had a very good meal of Rocklee. Don't mess with garra's rum kids...
  3. ROB, always rely on him to shoot you with a oversized beyblade of death.
  4. They are my worst enemy, the thing I feared since I found my place. They are my opposite and they are my nightmares. They are fucking light fairies. Sylveon had come to tie me to a chair with fleshy bows and force me to watch lucky star until I die of stupidity.
  5. It has pierced my cold steel soul. It will take time to heal. But at least for now I can watch animes that won't hurt my brain, like toradora or bleach.
  6. Like they say, you can burn my food (beat up my pokemon) lose my rum (beat me badly using fucking fairies) and... Wait... Where has the rum gone?
  7. Not a bad team, I could give some pointers to delete all weaknesses like I have. But no matter how I deny it fairy types fuck my world. And gengar out speeds gardevoir so I can hypnosis and then continue. But I am very cautious of it no matter how much it looks like its on wedding day. It's dangerous to my team and it, so far has been one true threat.
  8. Floating lillipup was the weirdest glitch I'd seen in reborn yet... And reborn is meant to be hard at times and the doctor is just another example.
  9. Not amused, get out from under my tree random person who appeared overnight. Take your issues over to the troubleshooting and I'll snipe your problems for you! Once I get over the hellish anime I have seen called "lucky star"
  10. No, no, no. I'm seriously reconsidering anime. That was horrible. I feel terrible, all these anime years leads to that? What has happened to anime?! I am officially never going to use any words like lucky or star anymore. It will remind me of that hell...
  11. Mega gardevoir? Oh sh*t I'm actually afraid of something you've got to fight with now! Yeah screw gtg night I'm not actually gone, I just don't want to admit defeat to a girl in a wedding dress. (mega gardevoir) i'd need my gengar!
  12. Lucky star is an anime so derpy that you'd die upon watching it for 5 minutes. I'm dead now, FML!
  13. Nope, no android and I can't use my damn laptop for that because my dad says I can only get things he approves of. Now quiet it's fun to see her every weakness through debate.
  14. No duh, the only way you can beat me is with either an amazing florges or a decent mega gardevoir. Amazing florges would hurt, badly. But then it would die from gengar. Mega gardevoir would fuck me hard. I would be crushed by every moonblast. Then Gengar would be my only hope. And musharna is simple, it's all in the gengar. It had no chance against me in the first place.
  15. ((Fixed like a boss)) Jake grabbed his Deino and went to lunch quickly, his stomach growling loudly. He reached the lunchroom despite Deino struggling fiercely as it wished to taste a loose carpet rag. Jake got to lunch and got as much food as possible for himself and his pokemon, especially Deino, who despite size, had a greater appetite than Jake.
  16. Congrats you used thoughts! Try my outspeeding Gengar to use hypnosis, toxic, and venoshock STAB combo. To destroy it. If somehow that fails then I'll take it out with one night slash from absol, or an attack from any other pokemon.
  17. Tisk, musharna is weak in speed and normal defense. Night slash absol kills. And I'm ready for a hypnosis because all my psychic counters are dark or ghost. Have fun... You don't understand how much planning I have taken...
  18. Kindra? Hah! It's dragon! Dragonite destroys with out speeding outrage and goodra has low defensive ends and speed meaning I could easily destroy it with an outrage from my hydreigon with attack stat balanced with sp attack! Sorry for the afk, but come on! Consider the differences! I really have planned this well. You don't realize I have a move set for each type! I am ready for anything! I've spent hard time perfecting the mold of each and every one of these pokemon to be invincible in their weakness. And I'm not afraid of a whirlwind, I have many fire users. And I have any fire issue covered with hydro pump salamence! Try... Again... You've come to the wrong baseball game here... Lucky star is the derpiest anime ever...
  19. Hydreigon can easily destroy serperior and take any hit due to high def and superior sp attack. Heatran would be broken horribly by my tyranitar. Come back later, when you've planned for hours on end.
  20. Try to out speed my salamence or my blaziken, speed boost blaziken. Knock out a pokemon and then I'll be faster already. But if you send out serperior first then I'll fire blast with salamence or flare blitz with blaziken. Skarmory is too slow for salamence but could outspeed blaziken on turn one. You've come to the wrong playing field. This is what I'm good at. But dark types just can't survive, it's that simple. So I use the toughest dark types instead of absol immediately. Sylveon kills everything no matter what, and although florges is better than sylveon, I specifically made my sylveon a modded florges. I ev and get natured very specifically and prepare for everything. And your florges can't survive my hydreigon, dis flash cannon...
  21. I have every single one of those countered And murdoc, I use blaziken which is statistically better than lucario and lucario makes me feel badass. Sylveon is a sp def and sp attack demon that I've created. And I've trained a goodra, they're amazing and all but the defensive stat is no good, so I use my salamence on your goodra and handle your crobat. And a blissey and skarmory is simple, throw in my mega blaziken and say bye.
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