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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Hates shiny charizards (Btw alpha I love the cold XD)
  2. What in the world?... That guy has had to many happy pills 0_0 But whatever that forum weapon is doing here it's dead, it's Christmas! No fighting, just giving everyone the gifts they don't want, I MEAN do want...
  3. What you want pants for Christmas from me instead? XD or did you want the barrel role song maybe? There noivy, ame and magikarp get epic sax guy and you get barrel role song
  4. I even personally messaged it to Ame! XD I expect death in a few days
  5. Hehe... Well I'll tell you a story, you're right about having wisdom to offer. I brought a guy from suicide and almost got him a girlfriend through some words I put together from my heart (something that's hard to crack) and even then people don't like me. Not sure why though. I've been called mean and I've been called the darkest 13 year old anybody has ever met for my views on life. Which are pretty dark views. And from your description of your personality you sound like you need somebody down to Earth. If you ever need any help send me a message by clicking on my name and send me one, I'll get it and respond to it.
  6. I hope you all have a wonderful new year and even Ame, the super thunder stealer should have one two! Merry Christmas and stuff! ...

  7. Thanks for the respect! I cam tell by your type that you're free and independent, slightly misunderstood at times but very funny! I'm a dark type so I'm all that quiet stuff and such
  8. ^ She's right and we're both pure dark types... You can trust us!
  9. No, it's just me, everybody's favorite animal who hates whimiscotts, Absol here! I say magikrap I mean magikarpkiller
  10. ^ I've sent my desktop after you and ame
  11. I'd love to contribute and all but where should I be making these things?
  12. Hi, don't expect any long posts from me, Its not that I'm new or absent often and such, just quiet
  13. Now this! Is your Christmas gift from ol' absol! READY?!???? ITS THE SERPERIOR YOU ALWAYS WANTED!!!!!!!!! Hah psych here you go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Cya! Also check out my member title
  14. Hohoho! Yeah whatever, you can all go and die...especially Ame... Just kidding! I've brought my Christmas gift for everybody in Reborn Place! READY??!!?? YOU SURE YOU'RE READY???!!! ALRIGHT KIDDIES!!!!! ITS HERE!!!! ALMOST THERE!!! HERE IT IS!!! Absol's Christmas gift that can't be compared to! Cya!
  15. I just look for some mischeif and fun, never get it though...
  16. I figured, I'm too serious for this anyways. It's a howling dog...
  17. He's gone it seems, he celebrates Christmas with his folks early remember? It's all in his posts. Santa oughta tell him a thing or two about opening his gifts early, I just hope he doesn't get left with you for Christmas! He'd die from the quirkiness! If the matey was left with me he wouldn't be able to tell if I was ever joking with him or not, I've got German blood, the personality moves with me you see, German people have these dark stares even when they tell jokes, you can never tell what they're thinking...
  18. That big present under the tree for me best be a new high caliber rifle, easier to use poke princess and grass's item request dresses for target practice in the woods with my new sniper!
  19. That's fair game easy stuff though. You need to learn about rpg maker. That's where the scripting schooling is at mate!
  20. Iron pendant Raises the both the holders defensive stats 15 percent and reduces super effective damage 10 percent
  21. Why don't you just learn how to code scripts to remove bugs? it takes time. Just let getting your arms detached from me after a glomp...
  22. Grapple Type:fight Power:40 Pp:20 The user grabs the opponent and grips tightly, crushing them. (Works the same as wrap pretty much)
  23. Magneton is the most reliable, best sp attack and defense plus it's fast in general
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