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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. That's not a lie though princess... I am a jerk that's called mean all the time but I'm still cool and not a bully at the same time. Now about you? You're getting your dress used for my target practice with my rifle tomorrow morning!
  2. A ten pound box of twenties and a 50 caliber sniper rifle to shoot grass and princess's dresses for my targets as practice, thank you sir.
  3. Dark aura/huge power zoroark would be great because it would double the STAB and if it had huge power it would help its attack stat keep up with its huge special attack
  4. Lolwut a Christmas absol sounds terrifying, just slap a hat and some lights dangling from the hat on the Scythe and there you go
  5. Is anybody else Literally wanting to close this video as they watch it? There's something wrong with me, I hate cuteness
  6. If there's anything that we need for the roster, if it could be done would be to have a universal roster, allowing the player to flip through pages of characters, each from a specific video game universe. Now this could postpone the game a full year in order to do so but man would it be awesome...
  7. Jake eventually got pretty bored of the history lecture and lied back in his chair taking notes slower and slower as he went in boredom. He squinted his eyes and continued taking notes while slouching eventually awaiting lunchtime as his belly grumbled angrily at him, his pokemon the same, scratching their stomachs at the growls awaiting food.
  8. Jake listened to his social studies teacher lecture about events occurring shortly after the creation of the crystal amulet, while listening Jake drifted to the thoughts of what his Deino would be like after it reached full potential... Would it be obedient and friendly or would it get worse as it aged? He could only hope and discipline it so it would behave... When he returned to listening to the lecture he found that things were quite brutal during the time period.
  9. I'm back! I didn't see a thing, it was horribly cold too. Plus a full moon, animals never show up during a full moon. Too bad! At least I got to shoot a six shooter, a 12 gauge shotgun, and my reliable 22 rifle. Then I had a pellet gun fight with my brother. I have great aim with just about every gun I've used yet, and luckily, I'm good at using pistols. So the pellet pistol I ended up using worked well. I only missed about twice out of 15 shots or so at a range so I feel pretty good. My brother managed to shoot me on the top of my hood and I ran out of ammo, so I was kinda screwed at that point because I couldn't fight back, so I grabbed a small berry, cleaned it, molded it, shoved it in the clip and shot him with it XD, lots of fun
  10. Those eyes tho... The cuteness... (Lemme just say I hate cuteness) it's strong...
  11. Omg... Normally there's 4 or 5 posts waiting for me... But now?! There are none!!! Wait a second... Omg I knew it! It's flabebe!!! That thing is an anti-Christ! It must've caused a rainbow apocalypse in my absence and killed of my friends! ???: look who figured it out... Jake: HUH!? WAZAT!? *turns* Flabebe: *it opens it's mouth revealing huge fangs* Well, hello Jake! Jake: *gasp* I knew it was you! Flabebe: and now, nobody but you will! *lunges* Jake: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RAINBOW FANGS AND MOONBLASTS AND HORRIBLY DECEPTIVE MISTY TERRAIN FAIRY BACKGROUND!!!! THEY BURN!!!!!!!!!!! *flabebe throws Jake into a cage* Jake: *breaks fourth wall* and this kids is why fairies are evil, everybody told me I was wrong and crazy!!! But their little giggles of joy are hiding their hellish origin, come to take my dark type soul! ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm going on a two day boar hunt. I return in well, two days.
  12. Most schools have a mascot, what's your's? My schools mascot is a timberwolf!
  13. If you haven't played Zelda then you have no clue who this is, if you had played Zelda and doesn't know Morshu then here's the rundown. Ever seen that guy in the shop? That's Morshu. In Zelda CDI his major appearance was made and the famous quote was then made. "Sorry link! I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little... MMMMMMMMM... Richer!" The point of the game is to make your own Morshu quote using the perimeters of "sorry (person) I can't give (what you can't give) Come back when you're a little... MMMMMM... (Thing they need to be a little more of) Example: Sorry Grasssnake, I can't give you serperior! Come back when you have a Little more... MMMMM... Room in your team!
  14. Come back when you're a little, mmmm... More accurate. I chose banana with a person Or is it person with a banana? Either way I think you know
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