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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Jake quickly wrote down notes rather annoyed by the idea of Alina's quick speaking and giving everyone extra time, it was hard to keep up at times and left students with nothing to do but either play with pokemon or read. Jake had the urge to make trouble with the spirit bind he'd practiced but then Alina would just give him more things to do like more janitor duty or something. So he just wrote down more notes, magic... Just wasn't his main interest. He didn't know what he wanted to do, he hated fights, didn't like taking tons of notes, but liked making trouble despite all that. He definently was good at making trouble, but he knew it was wrong anyways. And mood swings only made it worse. Although he was unsure of what he desired to do at the time magic was still pretty cool despite not liking it a whole lot. So he just excepted the fact that however he thought of it, Magic was awesome. He continued taking notes from the speech of the vigorously speaking Alina as fast as he could.
  2. As Jake returned his attention to Alina too, he thought about those wheel of time books. Sounded like a epic adventure type thing. He hoped he would be paired with anyone to battle but Grace. That flabebe would be his death, like a rainbow apocalypse... He hadn't been paying much attention since he'd been reading though and hoped to god his karma wouldn't get him paired to Grace and that evil demon, disguising itself as flabebe... Being a flower didn't trick Jake, that fairy was evil.
  3. ((I KNEW I would screw that up! Lemme try again, I deleted the fail post)) Jake heard Alina say opponents and immediately sighed and put his head on his desk. He didn't really want to fight very badly but it had to be done anyways... He awaited the utter doom of having to battle somebody and just grabbed his favorite book and began to read "20,000 leagues under the sea" By Jules Vern As he read through his favorite book he imagined how captain Nemo's childhood could've been like. He was a genius after all. He closed up his book on page 5 remembering the fact that this was Alina that was the teacher here. The only person he feared besides Emerald. She had outsmarted him, a great feat. He put the book down and payed very close attention to what she was saying.
  4. 600?!?!? HOLY CRAP!!!!! Yeah! I finally did something correctly that's in an rp! *pathetic failure music* Anyways you wanna post? I feel like I'm not ready to fail again
  5. Yeah, I attempted to fix it again. For some reason I always mess this up, feel free to stab me to death.
  6. (Current team) Houndour level 20 Sneasel level 30 Riolu level 17 Deino level 21 Spells mastered: spirit bind Aura beam Healing abilities: very weak Special type boost: dark Skill: accuracy 4 Jake noticed Sarcus to his side and turned to greet him happily but saw he was chuckling. He felt slightly embaressed but he didn't even know exactly what he was laughing about. He expelled it from his mind and imagined how his parents and brother were doing. He was the only poke person in his family because his genetic father was a poke person but his mother divorced him meaning his brother was completely different from him. They were on vacation back in mossdeep, Jake's hometown. Jake had practiced magic a lot since the 7 months had been in place up to this moment. He had mastered offensive skills, mostly aura attacks and his healing was terrible which he wasn't proud of. But he was good at aura attacks. He slashed and blasted about on days he practiced, hitting a dummy who was now rotting in his backyard slashed to bits and missing an entire arm from a blast. Jake took his pokemon to class, houndour was especially energetic for some reason and seemed just a bit stronger than his other pokemon for some reason. Jake couldn't figure why though. So he continued down the hall leaving behind the chuckling Sarcus to get to first period as fast as possible.
  7. Sorry about the time, I got carried away and went to a fancy restraunt! XD Btw didn't you say to add 10 levels twice before? Once a while back and once in the new rp. My pokemon are like level 30 XD
  8. Jake thought it over and decided it was time he had practiced magic much harder. He needed it anyways. He had never really been very good at magic, for he had never really understood the focusing concept of it. So he had then decided the right thing to do was to take up magic and begin working on it much harder than usual.
  9. Jake walked out the door with his pokemon looking in excitement as Jake made very small sparks in his hands that he concentrated on to no avail, and they nearly fizzled out after a little while. Jake wasn't angered though. He had only learned it less than an hour ago and he went home. ((Final post of chapter 1 for Jake))
  10. Jake lowered his hand quickly after Sarcus answered and noticed Grace slap herself on the forehead. He would've done the same if he had been called on instead of Sarcus. He took notes on the ability and awaited a later opportunity
  11. Oh god... Yeah if we waited on her it would be a long... Long... Long time. Longer than pokelord's time to post...
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