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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Just go with the flow, maybe team shadow will totally ruin us or something. Or maybe we end up as a trio and epically do stuff together no matter how much Jake and Sarcus yell and try to kill each other XD
  2. Maybe she is looking for the one she was waiting for at such a place
  3. I know, believe me. The levels it takes for pokemon is ridiculous. 20 for gyrados but 52 for a bisharp...
  4. At least in the end I'll be able to use an amulet! I'll fight manually but she should really move on in the rp, nothing else to do really but go to lunch and eat, talk some there, continue etc. I'm dry on ideas. Jake is just taking notes to death XD
  5. I guess it's just strong XD And it takes till level 50 just to evolve once Then to 64 to evolve again long wait
  6. Dat means in 6 levels my houndour evolves! Also if a pokemon evolves by friendship like Riolu does then how will I do that? Also can we move to 3rd period (lunch) I have nothing left to say besides jake was taking notes XD
  7. No... Y U NO POST MAEL?! I think mael lets agree on mael yep it's Mael POST DARN YOU!
  8. I still don't know what I'm waiting for. Something but what? What is death? And if this endless pointlessness we follow to die someday after a while of fun then why should it end? It's torture. We are having a great time and then someone we love's or our own lives are taken from us and for what? Was it really worth it to have to take our lives if we just have fun forever? Life...dreams...and such... What is their point and where do they even come from if we are just going to lose them all one day to something as stupid as death. So why? The endless question that I have no damn clue of XD
  9. That feel when I'm staring into undying Phoenix's soul with my evil eye (which is creepy) until she literally explodes from fear... And then comes back because she's an undying Phoenix... Damn dem burds
  10. Set 2, less risk but still has a huge kick in power
  11. Set 1 I have a large amount of experience with ghost and dark types. More than you can think just by this post. Believe me here set 1 is the way to go
  12. That feeling when people wonder why you think things as though it were unexpected or strange
  13. Jake heard very loud noises coming from downstairs. It sounded like... Laughing? Or was it screaming? It was too hard to tell from where he was. It just sounded like a bunch of slapped together yells. So he ignored it and just continued taking notes. ((Short posts yes I know))
  14. It specifically said she's listening to the elevator, but you make a point. Perhaps it's two girls working together to capture or get revenge on somebody. Who knows
  15. I favor dragonite, lucario, and obviously *points towards my avatar picture* yeah absol.
  16. In platinum the ghosts are simply the remnants of the homes history. These ghosts are put simply... Ghosts haunting a house. Nobody knows why. And x and y... Well this is hard because nobody is quite sure of it. But my theory is that she is clearly searching for somebody and in the richismee hotel I think on the second floor you can find a girl in a room by herself saying "No please go away, if you talk to me I won't hear the elevator..." Ok... She is a stalker that can apparently teleport and is hunting somebody down and you're apparently not the one she's searching for.
  17. What isn't a lie? If we're all gonna die its pointless to run about and be pointless Which apparently is what people consider "normal" xP
  18. That feeling when I read undying Phoenix's post and think WTF and that feeling when I read cobra kills last post and I see the grammar issue and turn into a grammar nazi
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