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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. I swear to god if it was Ame I will automatically resort to the assumption of stalker XD
  2. What about a froslass? Just like the tangrowth PULSE except replace all the vines with ice seems most likely. After all it says in the pokedex "froslass freezes people and pokemon to be her personal trophies" I DONT WANNA BE A TROPHY!
  4. Banned for banning somebody for discrimination of their opinion on a pokemon type
  5. Hook up a psyduck The entire world just got thrown by an idiot duck...
  6. (Totally epically not failing at all imitates grass) Too bad! Mael~
  7. I got hit in the ribs by a fastball pitched baseball by a great pitcher... the pain, IT BURNZZZZ
  8. That feel when your life long dream has been crushed before your eyes. IT BURNS!!!!
  9. Jake awaited his History class to end so he could go to lunch, he was beginning to receive stomach growls while he took notes on the history of poke-people and Emerald herself. He was ready to get some physical activity, P.E. Was his 4th period, the one right after his lunch so he was in luck. However he had no idea what to expect. Running, lifting weights, maybe even simply jogging. He couldn't get a good guess at it. As he jogged notes he thought, maybe he should definently stay out of Alina, and especially Emerald's anger zone. Although Jake was very serious and tricky he held a deep secret... He was rather timid... He was easy to frighten, not by a ghost or monster but by a threat by someone larger and stronger. Emerald for example especially made Jake skittish. She was loud and mean and scary all at once. But maybe if he just kept on her good side he wouldn't have her scaring him so badly. As Jake continued to write notes he grew hungrier and hungrier, craving something to eat and something to eat soon.
  10. In BW2 a very reliable theory was made that the ghost girl in the strange house died of fear while inside a Darkrai nightmare... She looks for the lunar wing and once you take it she remains trapped in death forever. Also in BW the ghost girl teleports away. In the anime there is a girl with an abra who teleported off bridges. The ghost girl in BW did this but she was dead. meaning she was remembering her past life. In BW 2 she says "mommy? Daddy? Abra? Where are you?!" The ghost girl in BW was dead and teleported using abra then. And her death was by a darkrai nightmare. Case solved
  11. Yo mama is so fat she tripped over Walmart and landed on Target!
  12. Electrode PULSE project Creates explosions XD
  13. Yeah thing is, I'm still waiting to get a computer... But besides that I'd be spriting all kinds of stuff. Like gen 6 pokemon but more 8 bit is possible. I just need that computer tho... I'm saving to get one and I need suggestions on what I should be spriting once I get a computer some time
  14. Espurr, it looks like the most messed up cat ever... But it still stays cute...
  15. Lets all donate 1,000 dollars and demand it xP That'll do the trick! (Not)
  16. Banned for not doing a barrel role
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