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Absol-lutelty awesome!

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Everything posted by Absol-lutelty awesome!

  1. Hey, the story will reveal different parts of my history and you'll understand things better Speaking of stories... Where the heck is grass?
  2. Yeah but I'm in my more confident personality, I even came to the point of cookie throwing... And it's not magically dodging each thing, it's that I just came prepared. Riolu is able to hide aura location too, meaning you simply reading my mind would work, even gallant could trace my exact location if I did manage to escape it. but aura tracing like Alina can do won't work. But of course she has dem psychic powahs... Which I can't do crap about...
  3. "I told you I'm unpredictable! Emerald you'll never truly understand me and my devotion to win! If you ever tried to you would never have your answer... You really think I'm so easy to predict and then you were wrong, because I am always ready to fight for myself and what I believe in! My passion is something that can't be torn from me no matter what is brought to the Battle! You can rip apart my limbs, torture me to the point of breaking, or even kill my friends in front of My face but I will continue to feel my passion surging throughout every last bloody little cell in my body! Even though my emotions always change, one moment I'll be using a kunai and the next a huge sword, I use my surroundings too but this time... You'll never see me coming...I always have something up my sleeve... And I will not lose today! You're either killing me or I'm leaving unbeaten!" Jake pulled off his backpack and opened it up, revealing huge amounts of gunpowder, kunai, a set of hidden blades, throwing knives and more. Which he mashed his homework on top of... "Now lets see here... Aha yes this will do!" but of all things Jake removed a box of cookies! Jake opened the lid, ate one, and began throwing them at Emerald's eyes!
  4. Maybe not, but if so there's always a good solution somewhere out there.
  5. But this is an rp, it's more like the anime than the game. Pokemon can dodge about or be way to slow to move. Btw to catch you up, Alina and Emerald finally got me and I'm trapped in a sealed off alleyway, I had a sudden courageous mood swing and now Jake is planning something absolutely ridiculous.
  6. Try to get a sheer force Mawile and pass its ability with ditto, ice fang however would be a chain method by first getting a sheer force and breeding it with ditto, then using that sheer force child to breed with a floatzal, exploud, snubbull, granbull, glaceon, etc
  7. Jake and his pokemon were infuriated and the pokemon began raging around thrashing and banging on walls, it even woke up the knocked out Deino who fired dragon rage everywhere, while crashing into walls vigorously. Jake called for his pokemon to stop, all of them did except Deino who continued to rage around for a while longer before stopping in place grunting idiotically. "Grrrr... Well it finally looks like the cat caught the mouse..." Jake smirked suddenly after some thought, but all was lost after a sudden mood swing. "If you're so smart then tell me, do I have any weapons to fight you with? You're powers aren't so useful now huh?! You will never be able to tell my next move or what I'll use! Because, I've changed into a completely different person!" Jake stood triumphantly smiling like an absolute fool, his pokemon were very confused about the new Jake.
  8. LOLZ I changed it I after I'd realized I'd used all 5 of my bombs the first on you, and 4 on Alina total. And I haven't even tried making a sleep gas bomb yet...
  9. Jake ran by Sarcus immediately noticing him and his pokemon preparing an attack. However with Alina on his tail... He didn't exactly have time for that... "Sorry Sarcus! We'll battle later!!!" His pokemon dodged the attacks, except for Deino being blinded by his hair in the way of his eyes, and houndour being simply to aggressive attempted an attack at absolution and was sucker punched causing it to be very dazed and it ran after Jake as he called. Jake grabbed up his unconscious Deino and continued running, however the attacks that the other pokemon dodged hit something apparently judging by the very loud noises following. Beldum however chased Jake going for Riolu. Sneasel was to fast for Blue's attack and Riolu was about to be hit by the move! Jake jumped in the way taking the massive painful blow for Riolu. Jake continued running until he reached an alleyway and Riolu disguised their auras from Alina's detection. Sarcus however was a different story and Jake would have to deal with him, better him than Alina...
  10. "Now's your chance Riolu knock her out!" Riolu losing aura focus meant that Jake's aura was returned to a normally flowing stage, the needle in his pressure point caused a huge weakness wave and he tore it out of his chest in anger. Deino however crashed into Alina causing her to fall and the ice freezing her limbs shattered, Riolu then crashed into a wall. "DEINO!!!!! SHE'S GONNA GET ME NOW! Well only one more thing left I can do!" Jake turned off the light switch in the room, threw a smoke bomb at Alina's feet and jumped out the window with his pokemon closely behind. Jake was so lucky his parents had went on vacation the day after he joined the academy and told him to get a dorm. "Almost to a safe place..." Jake hid in a dark alley and had Riolu block out his and his pokemon's aura trace. "Now to just wait it out until she kills me tomorrow..."
  11. I escaped Alina. Alina teleported me to my house and attempted to knock me out Riolu is using aura manipulation to keep me from fainting. However this will eventually run out once Riolu tires Sneasel froze Alina and houndour burned the ice to freeze dry it, Riolu is going to knock her out with feint and Deino has her covered otherwise. This is bad though because as soon as Riolu tires the needle in my pressure point will severely weaken me and since he's going for feint to knock Alina out then he'll lose focus making me vurnerable Is anyone going to post?!
  12. ((Sarcus how da fuq where YOU IN MY HOUSE???)) "Alina you're so predictable... It's called a thick undershirt... Hehehehehe....." Riolu however was manipulating Jake's aura force to be able to sustain the needles blows however it wouldn't work forever. Riolu would get tired. "Alina... Tell me how you will stop me now? When you can't knock me out?" Sneasel now's the time! Ice beam her arms and legs! Houndour! Burn the ice to make it freeze dry!" Now Riolu! Use a feint attack and knock her out! Deino! Stay for security if she doesn't get knocked out! Riolu check her aura to make sure she is knocked out once you hit her!"
  13. "Dies"... Yeah good luck killing sasuke bitches And I know where sasuke got all his power from too! his TRUE source of power! OLD SPICE 16 HOUR POWER!!!
  14. "Yes it worked! Riolu you did it! The small pokemon stepped out from under Jake's bed. You transferred the energy from her blow with your aura powers! Hehehe she needs help on her knockout blows anyways......" Jake stood up and shook himself off. He snuck up to Alina and stopped her "Wow wow wow... Hold it Alina, you actually didn't expect that from ME?! Mr.tricky The guy who blew up sarcus The guy who blew you up too? You need some tips on your spinal hit knockouts... They don't work... I tricked you just like everyone else. And beleive me... My one weakness is something I absolutely cannot stand. I'll tell you that much..."
  15. I forgot to say it earlier but congrats on 300+ posts on ooc and almost 200 on rp! We have more rp posts than even assualt on eterna! XD
  16. Jake was suddenly inside his house and was struck by a sudden pain and simply turned around to see his attacker. He stared Alina in the eyes with a glare of pure evil. "Alina... Is that it?..." "I thought yo-" his body couldn't take it anymore and he fell to the ground knocked out.
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